Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1945: . Very good man

It’s said that this Fu Tingye is not close to women. For so many years, the window has been empty, and even lace news is scarce.

It seems...isn’t that the same thing?

The agent quickly pulled Zhao Xiaoxiao to the front and pushed him in front of Fu Tingye.

Zhao Xiaoxiao's face flushed lightly.

No one can resist Fu Tingye’s charm. This man just sits here quietly, without any movement.

Yes, it is as good-looking as a painting, which makes people unable to look away.

The agent was busy pushing sales to Fu Tingye, "Mr. Fu, we Xiaoxiao are so versatile, we can sing and dance...

Of course, if you have a need in that area, it is also negotiable... This is the first time for us, Xiaoxiao.

Mr. Fu, you..."

"No need." Fu Tingye interrupted the agent directly.

The agent's face froze.

Haven't reacted yet.

Was it just rejected?

Zhao Xiaoxiao couldn't help but lowered his head.

The agent was about to say something to save, Fu Tingye spoke again: "I have no need for her, singing and dancing.

No need, you are an actor, should you be able to act? "

Fu Tingye gently curled his lips while talking.

Zhao Xiaoxiao's little head: "Yes, I will. My acting skills are okay..."

"Yeah, yeah." The agent ignited hope again. "We Xiaoxiao's acting skills are among the actors at this age.

It’s one of the best, Mr. Fu..."

"I understand what you mean, let her stay, and play a play with me. After it's done, I promise she will be popular.

Great rivers north and south. "

"Hey, good, good."

The manager Le's mouth couldn't close.


Tang Moran led a pension-like life in the house.

After the panic of the previous few days, the closer the day Fu Tingye came back, the calmer her mood, even

When she woke up this morning, she saw a thick pile of house rules copied on the desk, and she suddenly felt a sense of relief.

Forget it, this matter is that she is sorry Fu Tingye.

Just endure what he wants to do.

Thinking of this, Tang Moran also relaxed a lot, and ran to the yard to bask in the sun.

Fu Jingting was fishing next to the pond with a fishing rod. When Tang Moran's lips curled, he sneered, "Meet again."

Tang Moran frowned. She didn't want to pay attention to Fu Jingting, who was a lunatic. Fu Tingye was already so angry that she would fight again.

What does Fu Jingting have? There is a possibility that she really has no place to bury her.

Tang Moran was about to leave, and Fu Jingting lazily raised her voice, "Finally escaped successfully, why did you

I ran to Nancheng on my own, and I have never seen a fool like you who throws into the net. "

Tang Moran's nerves have been in a state of high tension these days. After being so stimulated by Fu Jingting, he immediately became angry.

"What's the matter with you, I'm an idiot, what wise man is you who dropped the koi here with a fishing rod?"

It's weird if you can catch it!

Fu Jingting seldom saw this little thing get angry, and it was a little fresh for a while, smiling: "You and I lose your temper.

For what? If you have the skills, wait until my brother comes back and send it to my brother? "

Tang Moran's face turned pale.

This Fu Jingting is really the one who doesn't open the pot and picks which pot.


Tang Moran raised his foot to leave again.

"Little things, my brother will be back at noon tomorrow, you should...make your preparations early."

Tang Moran gritted his teeth: "What do I have to prepare."

"Tomorrow is your coming-of-age gift, and tomorrow you will formally become an adult. You won’t really simply think that my brother raised you

By your side, you want to pay off the debt, right? "

Fu Jingting slowly moved over holding his fishing rod, and with a hippie smile, he bent down in front of Tang Moran and said: "I

Brother, that's a wolf. You were underage in the past. He endured for two or three years. You will be an adult tomorrow. You think he can still

To bear it? "

After Fu Jingting finished speaking, he shook his hair and left.

Tang Moran stood in place, with cold hands and feet, and a heavy heart.

Yes, Fu Tingye's thoughts about her are so obvious.

What Fu Jingting said, didn't she understand it all morning?

Tang Moran sat down by the stone, frowning tightly.

Hey, he owed such a big favor to Fu Tingye, which almost killed him...

If he insists on asking her to pay back in this way...

She also recognized it.

Tang Moran thought about it, his ears turned red.


That night, Tang Moran called Fan Yingying.

Fan Yingying talked about her boyfriend in high school. It's been three or four years this year, and her boyfriend had mixed oil with her boyfriend.

Love, she must have more experience than herself.

"Tangtang, what are you looking for me at so late? Your Uncle Fu has sent me an invitation for tomorrow's birthday party

Oh, I will go there on time. "

Tang Moran's heart was heavy and he let out a casual "um".

Hearing that Tang Moran was not in a good mood, Fan Yingying hurriedly asked: "What's wrong, tomorrow is your coming-of-age ceremony, hello

Isn't it happy? "

Tang Moran hesitated again and again before speaking, "Yingying, I have something to ask you..."

"Say, what are you polite between us."

Tang Moran hesitated for a long time, plucking up his courage, "It's... girl... did it hurt the first time?

what? Should I prepare? "


Fan Yingying didn't expect Tang Moran to ask this question. She was stunned. It took a while for Fan Yingying to be excited on the phone.

Screaming: "Ah! Tangtang, are you and your Uncle Fu finally here?"

"No, no! I just want to ask..."

"Fart, just lie to you!" Fan Yingying smiled happily, "You girl, what kind of luck?

Good man. "

Tang Moran had a headache, "Yingying, do you really think Fu Tingye is good?"

"Of course." Fan Yingying kept saying okay to Fu Tingye: "Look, he is generous and nice to you, and he is good-looking.

Handsome, young and promising, and you have been by his side all these years, he hasn’t treated you like that, with his status and

Means, if you have any nasty thoughts about you, wouldn't it be a matter of minutes? But now you see, you still

It was a lady of Huanghua, which shows that Fu Tingye is a gentleman. "

Tang Moran listened in a daze.

Full of doubts.

Is it really?

"Tangtang, in fact, from my point of view, Fu Tingye is really a very good man, and he treats you very well."

"But he doesn't give me freedom."

"Freedom is relative. You always want to run and hide. Of course he won't give you freedom anymore." Fan Yingying sighed:

"Maybe, you can try and like him... When you are willing to stay with him, of course you will not be free

Not free to say so. "

Tang Moran frowned and murmured: "I like..."

"Yes, Tangtang, don't tell me, you don't like Fu Tingye at all, do you?"

Tang Moran didn't know how to answer for a moment, and it took a while before he spoke: "I don't know what like is."

"Oh, what's wrong with this? If you like someone, you just want to possess him. I worry about him getting hurt and worrying about his life.

Angry, worried that he will be sad, and jealous of him being with other women! You can see for yourself..." Fan Yingying said

For a long time, I remembered the question Tang Moran asked first.

"By the way, let me tell you, the first time it really hurts, my boyfriend is thin and small, and it made me the next day

If you can’t get out of bed, Fu Tingye kind of man with eight pack abs, you... better prepare mentally. Of course he wants

If you can be gentle, you won't suffer so much. "

Tang Moran was almost frightened by Fan Yingying.

I had a dream that night, in which a vague man pressed her heavily and gasped in his ears.

That voice was clearly Fu Tingye.

Tang Moran woke up the next day, her head hurt terribly, she ate breakfast indiscriminately, and then copied the house rules

Get ready, quietly wait in the living room for Fu Tingye to return.

At ten in the morning, a car drove into the courtyard.

Fu Tingye is back.

In order to make Fu Tingye feel better, Tang Moran ran out to greet him, but unexpectedly, when the car door opened, Fu Tingye hugged him.

With a girl, she got out of the car.

"Fu Xian... Mr. Fu."

The smile at the corner of Tang Moran's mouth froze slightly, and his eyes fell on the girl involuntarily.

It seems that he is two or three years older than himself, and he looks really beautiful.

The exquisite slap face, the clean face of first love without powder, let alone a man, even a woman can't help it.

Two words of admiration.

Zhao Xiaoxiao also stared at Tang Moran, and then shrank into Fu Tingye's arms.

"Mr. Fu, who is this person?"

Fu Tingye petted Zhao Xiaoxiao's head with a soft voice, but the expressions in Tang Moran's eyes were full of irony.

Tang Moran heard him and Zhao Xiaoxiao say, "It's nothing more than a debt-paying gadget, it's not enough."

Tang Moran's face changed suddenly, as if he was struck by a thunderstorm, nailed in place, from his fingers to the hair, he froze.

Fu Tingye didn't care about Tang Moran after saying this, but gently and powerfully hugged Zhao Xiaoxiao, talking and laughing into the house.

When he reached the gate, Fu Tingye looked back at Tang Moran and frowned, "Tang Moran. You come in, I

There is something to be said. "

Tang Moran walked towards Fu Tingye with difficult steps.

Every step she took, she felt as uncomfortable as stepping on the tip of a knife.

She didn’t want to admit that she was uncomfortable at the moment, but the truth was that she saw the girl who was similar to herself snuggling

At that moment in Fu Tingye's arms, her heart couldn't help but hurt.

It's like... there is a very important thing, the panic that is about to be taken away.

She couldn't help but glanced at Zhao Xiaoxiao again, her fist on her side was also tightened a little bit.

Fu Tingye took Zhao Xiaoxiao into the door, and Tang Moran was at the door for more than half a minute before raising his heel to enter.

Fu Tingye was already sitting on the sofa, the girl was leaning against Fu Tingye, and Fu Tingye's hand was still holding her.

The hands of the two, how close two people think.

Tang Moran's heart tightened, and his nose was sour.

She remembered that Fu Tingye always stared at her before, and said to her in a deep voice, "Mo'er, sit next to me",

But now, there is another girl beside him.

She is so beautiful.

It is the type that Fu Tingye likes.

Well-behaved, sensible, and most importantly, not like her, always thinking about running away.

Tang Moran took a deep breath and forced himself to look away from the girl, "Mr. Fu, you have

What do you want to tell me? "

Fu Tingye said coldly, "I thought about it during my business trip. I want to know, when did you

Start paying me back? "

Zhao Xiaoxiao said "Oh," and looked at Fu Tingye in surprise and innocence: "Mr. Fu, does she owe you money?"

Fu Tingye stretched out his hand and rubbed Zhao Xiaoxiao's mouth, his actions were all love and petting: "Yes."

"Then why doesn't she pay you back? Isn't it justified to owe money?"

Tang Moran seemed to slap the person in front of him, his face flushed and his skin burning fiercely.

Fu Tingye looked at Tang Moran playfully, "Yes, but some people just don’t understand such a simple truth.

Pilai's face. "

Tang Moran bit his lip, his eyes flushed with humiliation.

"Mr. Fu..." She let go of her lips, her voice trembling: "I...I will go out looking for a job today, what I owe you...

Give it back to you. "

"look for a job??"

Fu Tingye disdain: "If you take the opportunity to run away, where can I find you? Didn't I have a big loss?"

"I won't run, please believe me. I may earn a little, but... but I will pay you back if I earn a little."

Even if it takes ten lifetimes to pay off, she doesn't want to be insulted.

If it's just Fu Tingye, that's fine, but...

She didn't want to be looked down upon by this woman.

"Mr. Fu, I will go out to find a job right away. I won't run, and I will come back to report at night.

Fu Tingye chuckled lightly and raised his hand to make an inviting gesture: "Okay, then let me see your ambition."

Tang Moran took a deep breath and ran upstairs, holding back the eyes that were about to fall.


Fu Tingye stopped her again.

Tang Moran stopped obediently.

"Does Mr. Fu have any more instructions?"

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