Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2055: .Fleeing with huge sums of money? !

"I...I was not so thoughtful." Ye Zhixia was scared to take two steps back by his aura.

"Not thoughtful? So you are really so poor? You can ask me for a package, but I am embarrassed.

Ask me if I want money? "Feng Liting's words were too stinging.

Especially for a young lady like Ye Zhixia, she was also a person with tens of millions of assets before.

What a contempt.

"No, I've never been short of money, nor have I ever thought about asking you for a package, this time my investment failed

I need to change the money so I can’t sell my bags, you think I’m very rare for your bags, very rare for you

The money? I am not without. "Even if she didn't Feng Li Ting, she could still live well by herself.

Ye Zhixia was angry and annoyed, and didn't know why she was so annoyed, so she simply turned her face aside and didn't look at him.

Feng Liting never thought that Ye Zhixia would be short of money to this point, so she never thought that she would be short of money to sell bags without bowing her head

Ask yourself for money, but choose to sell your own things.

"Investment? What kind of investment made you lose all your money?" Feng Liting grasped the fundamental question.

"Why should I tell you, I don't need you to pay it back." Ye Zhixia took out the last stubbornness.

"Then someone has to buy your things." Feng Liting took out his mobile phone and swiped the pages one by one: "Look.

There are quite a few people, and many people say that they have long experience, but no one buys it. "

Ye Zhixia stepped on and grabbed the phone and closed the page.

Looking up, Feng Liting raised an eyebrow and looked at her: "That's my phone."

"Give it back to you." Ye Zhixia gave him the phone and turned to leave.

Feng Liting grabbed her arm: "I haven't told me what happened."

"I said nothing about you."

"You are Feng Jia’s young lady now, my wife, do you think it’s none of my business?" Feng Liting pulled her over and told her

Facing myself, his voice was lighter than before: "Tell me what's going on, so I can help you solve it."

Maybe his voice is too seductive, or maybe he really wants to help her solve the problem, Ye Zhi

Xia He explained: "It's just a warm thing."


"Last time I went to your company to block your star." Ye Zhixia knows how she knows warmth, and how does it combine with warmth,

How come I took 10 million and took out warmth and borrowed more than 1 million to the director.

In the end, she was really wronged in her heart, leaning in Feng Liting's arms: "Why am I so unlucky, originally thought

Selling bags and jewelry back to the blood, but no one even asks. "

"It's really stupid." Feng Liting said over her head indifferently.

Ye Zhixia immediately withdrew from his arms: "I know you don’t have any kind words in your mouth. I don’t need your help.

Will find a way. "

"Okay, originally I wanted to help you, since you have said so yourself, then you can figure out your own way, anyway

I'm not idle, I have to help you. "

"You!" Under Ye Zhixia's angry eyes, Feng Li Ting passed by.

"I still have to go to work. I'm very busy." After saying that, I turned and went downstairs, not forgetting to leave a sentence: "Put the second-hand platform on that

These bags and jewelry are all off the shelves. If I see that there are still after get off work, you are ready to be punished. "

Ye Zhixia's mind was a little confused. He rushed back from the company and told herself that he was so old for a long time.

To sarcasm yourself a few words, and then left?

Is he really her husband? It is in theory, but not in fact!

He is an old man with a vicious tongue.


The first thing Feng Liting did when he returned to the company was to call Liu Chengyang: "Go, ask someone to check it out.

There was a director who ran out of the country after owing a lot of money and ran with a huge sum of money. "

Liu Chengyang was taken aback: "Feng, can you be more specific?"

"I have been in contact with an actress named Warmth, who is abroad." Feng Liting filtered the nonsense that Ye Zhixia said to him.

Dropped and picked the key point.

Liu Chengyang noted: "After I found it."

He really hadn’t thought about this. Feng Liting sat on the office chair and thought for a while: “Find someone to clean up and let him

Give the money back to the warmth. "

The more Liu Chengyang listened, the more he felt something was wrong: "Feng President, did you fall in love with that warm actress? You need me to come.

Arrangement? "

"You really have more and more nonsense recently." Feng Liting knocked **** the table.

Liu Chengyang shrank his neck in fright: "Actually, I want to say that it hasn’t been long since you and your wife were newly married. It’s not good to find someone right now.

External influence is not good. "

Liu Chengyang is still very considerate of him.

Feng Liting took a deep breath before suppressing his anger: "It's the lady in your mouth, stupid enough to cooperate with others

I was scammed of money, I don’t want her to know that I helped her, understand? "

It was then that Liu Chengyang suddenly realized, and nodded again and again: "I understand, I will do it now."

After taking two steps, he withdrew again, looking at Feng Liting seriously and said: "Feng President, I think you should still follow up

What the madam said, in case madam is very grateful to you, it can also make your relationship closer. "

"Well, there is a project in the field these past two days, and one person needs to watch it. It will not last long, two or three months."

"President, I have something to do, I will go out first." Liu Chengyang immediately left the president's office as if oiling the soles of his feet.

Liu Chengyang said it was his assistant, but the relationship between the two is relatively good. More than half of his subordinates, so Liu Chengyang sometimes

Will tell him what he thinks of.

Further relationship with Ye Zhixia? She wished to divorce herself every day, and she was completely alone with Feng Jia, she would want to get along

Further relationship with yourself?

Thinking of her leaning in his arms when she was wronged at noon today, a subtle feeling came to my heart.

But I also thought that she was talking about divorce, even if it was really difficult, even if she sold bags and jewelry, she would not open it with herself.

Mouth, his heart sank inch by inch, and her? It's impossible in this life.


It has been several days since Su Xiangya called last time.

Seeing that the young couple hadn’t come to eat, Su Xiangya called twice, wondering if Ye Zhixia was still angry with Ye Renguo.

I didn't get through, and I felt a little uncomfortable.

Ye Renguo, who was reading the newspaper behind her, interrupted: "Don't fight, if she wants to see it again, she will reply.

I saw you and didn't answer it. "

With that said, Su Xiangya was angry and spread Ye Zhixia's anger for not answering the phone: "You are not to blame.

Last time you beat our girl indiscriminately, you know where Xia has been wronged since she was a child, you are also true

Is cruel. "

"You said me, did she just lose the face of our Ye family last time? If she doesn't slap her, she will never

Far from being able to remember the fact that he is already Fengjia's mistress. "

Su Xiangya still retorted, the phone rang.

She glanced at Ye Zhixia’s number, and hurriedly picked it up, her tone became loving: "Zhixia, I just called

Why didn't you answer the call? "

"Something happened just now, what's the matter?" Ye Zhixia just ran two **** shops and sold two bags.

I was bargaining with the **** shop just now, so I didn't hear it.

"Last time I called Li Ting and asked him to take you back for a meal. He is probably busy. He hasn't come. Today

It happens to be Friday, so why not let Li Ting bring you over to have a meal with your father and me. "

"He may not be free, or I will go back by myself." She happened to sell two bags and she was in a good mood.

Su Xiangya was unhappy when she heard it: "You and Li Ting are husband and wife, what is the matter if you go back to your natal house? No matter how busy Li Ting is

There is still time to have a meal when you come back. Go and talk to Li Ting and let him drive you over after get off work. My dad and I

Waiting for you at home. "

Before Ye Zhixia could refute, Su Xiangya hung up.

Ye Zhixia looked at her phone speechless, so did she mean to go to Fengshi to find Feng Liting?

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