Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2057: . Is the relationship so good? !

It's not that she insists on letting him go to dinner, it's her mother.

"Okay, then I really don’t have time. If my mother-in-law calls again, I’ll have to say, because her daughter is too uneasy

I was heartbroken. I sold all the bags I gave online, and I was angry. "Loosen the tight tie, Feng Liting sat back

On the office chair, Erlang raised his legs, leaned back on the chair, and looked at Ye Zhixia leisurely.

So this is forcing her to beg him?

Ye Zhixia took a deep breath. Sure enough, despicable and shameless is despicable and shameless. Now she seriously suspects that Liu Fuya is

I want to marry him if I am blind.

"I can beg you, but you can't tell my parents about the money I owe for selling the bag, otherwise I will turn my face with you."

"How are you going to turn it over?" Feng Liting moved the chair forward with interest.

"Divorce." She was the only one who could threaten Feng Liting.

"Okay, then you beg me." Feng Liting sat down, waiting for her to beg herself.

Ye Zhixia stood solemnly at his desk and bowed to him ninety degrees: "Please."

Feng Liting pulled down three black lines on his forehead and supported his forehead with one hand: "Ye Zhixia, are you acting stupid for me? This is

Are you sincere? "

"What about me then?" She already begged him.

"Before get off work today, let me send it. If I am still satisfied, I will go to your house for dinner."

"No, what if you ask me to do something bad?"

"You don't want a face, I want it. Within Fengshi, you will not be allowed to do excessive things." He really wanted to see what was in her mind

What kind of mess is pretending to be.

Ye Zhixia considered it for a while, and nodded reluctantly: "Okay, but only within my ability." She was scared.

He deliberately embarrassed her.

"Don't worry, you can do whatever you can." He got up, walked to the sofa, bent over to pick up the suit jacket, and threw it on top of her:

"Put it on for me, will you do what you can?"

This is simple, she will, Ye Zhixia shook his suit and stood on the side of his arm, carrying the suit: "This is fine."

Feng Liting hooked her lips, put on a suit, and turned to face her: "Just straighten my tie."


"Can't wear a tie, nor can a regular tie?" Feng Liting curled his eyebrows slightly.

"We will meet." Ye Zhixia stood in front of him, stretched out her hand to help him straighten his tie, and she stared at his collar earnestly.

Take it, adjust the position a little bit.

Feng Liting lowered her head, just in time to see her gentle brows looking at her chest intently.

A kind of warmth that has never been seen slowly grows in my heart.

Is this just like having a wife?

Ye Zhixia thought his bow tie was very good-looking, so she raised her head and asked him, "Can you let me tie this bow tie?"

As if the person in his dream had been awakened, he pulled out his tie from her hand: "I'll talk about it next time when I have time."

"Oh." Ye Zhixia stood aside with her hands behind her back.

Feng Liting walked out of the office without any orders.

Ye Zhixia is left alone. It seems that today is not very sad.

She glanced at the time. It was only three hours before Feng Liting’s normal off-duty time. She only had to sit in his office.

Just wait three hours in the room.

As everyone knows...

Feng Liting was sitting in the living room, and Liu Fuya was sitting opposite.

Feng Liting beckoned Liu Chengyang to come over: "Go to the office and ask Madam to bring two cups of coffee."

Liu Chengyang was stunned, and glanced at Liu Fuya, who was just as stunned as himself: "General Feng..."

"Didn't you hear me?" Feng Li Ting gave Liu Chengyang a warning.

"Yes." Liu Chengyang nodded and walked out.

Liu Fuya looked like a fly-eaten expression: "Li Ting, we two talk about cooperation, let her be a person who knows nothing.

Is it appropriate? "

Feng Liting said indifferently: "Miss Liu is a bit inappropriate to call me this way.

Yes, she is my wife, and the entire Fengshi has half of hers. There is nothing inappropriate. "

Liu Fuya was so speechless that she could only turn over the files in her hand to vent her inner dissatisfaction.


In the office, Ye Zhixia found a novel to pass the time freely, Liu Chengyang came in and stood respectfully

In front of her, she said: "Madam, the president would like you to bring two cups of coffee to the meeting room."

Ye Zhixia put down the novel and did not see the coffee machine after looking around: "Is the coffee machine in the pantry?"


"Then you go and serve two glasses." Didn't you see that she was reading a novel?

Liu Chengyang was ashamed: "President Feng said that you should go."

Ye Zhixia put the novel down and looked at Liu Chengyang: "Why don't you let me go? Are there important guests in the living room?"

"Ms. Liu and Mr. Feng are discussing cooperation."

"Liu Fuya?" Ye Zhixia said in surprise.

Liu Chengyang nodded and was shocked in a cold sweat. The president really knows how to play, knowing that Miss Liu and his wife are in the living room.

After confrontation, he even asked his wife to meet with Miss Liu.

Ye Zhixia told herself not to be angry, and as expected, Feng Li Ting still had a black belly.

Get up, let Liu Chengyang take herself to the pantry, freshly grind two cups of coffee, after thinking about it, nothing added, just pure coffee

Brown took it over.

Liu Fuya was angry because of Feng Liting's rejection of her, and she saw Ye Zhixia smile and bring two cups of coffee in.

In order to disgust Liu Fuya, Ye Zhixia looked at Feng Li Tingjiao and shouted, "Husband."

Immediately holding the coffee in front of him: "Your coffee, drink it while it is hot."

Feng Liting glanced at her feeling something wrong.

Ye Zhixia smiled with crooked eyes, her face was completely different when she turned her head to look at Liu Fuya, and put the coffee on

On the coffee table: "You drink coffee."

Liu Fuya did not look like she had just seen her, but was politely smiling: "Miss Ye is wrong. Come

The guest is a guest, how can you not look good to me? "

"When did I show your face?" When she put the cup in, she became a bit heavier, and there was no expression on her face.

It's a real secretary, don't you need to greet her with a smile?

Liu Fuya passed her and looked directly at Feng Liting: "President Feng, is your wife usually like this?"

Ok. Feng Liting took a sip of the coffee. Although it was mellow, it was extremely bitter. He just took a sip and put it down.

Liu Fuya's eyes showed a contemptuous expression: "Fengjia's young lady, really opened my eyes."

Ye Zhixia heard it out, she was referring to Sang cursing Huai, she was talking about her, but even Feng Jia also cursed.

As soon as he was about to refute, he listened to Feng Li Ting's tepid voice: "No way, my wife should be spoiled no matter what."

"Come here." Feng Liting beckoned to her like a puppy.

The two had something to say beforehand, and Ye Zhixia had to walk over.

Feng Liting stretched out his hand, pulled her into his arms lightly, sat on his lap, hugged her tightly with one hand, and faced Liu.

Fu Ya: "Zhixia is my wife, so naturally you don’t have to be angry with outsiders. No one dares to give her even in Fengjia.

Feeling angry, after all, it's Fengjia's young lady, Miss Liu, what do you think? "

Liu Fuya looked at the affectionate appearance of the two, and couldn’t say how uncomfortable she was. What Feng Li Ting said just now was obviously for her.


She originally thought that a man like Feng Li Ting would not be reluctant to be bound by marriage at home.

Once you identify a woman, it doesn't matter how the woman came to you.

Liu Fuya put down the files in her hand and made the last struggle: "President Feng, I'm here to talk to you about cooperation. Are you sure you want to

Let Madam be here between you and me? "

This is already the most obvious temptation.

Ye Zhixia heard that she was in the way of business, not to mention that she was really uncomfortable sitting on Feng Liting's body: "Then

No, let me go out first. "

Ye Zhixia got up, the big palm around her waist suddenly exerted force, she sat down on his thigh again, her injured hip

Some pain, but she did not dare to move.

Turning his head and staring at Feng Liting: Are you sick? I am not afraid that she will break his leg.

Feng Liting also looked at her, with some frivolous eyes.

From Liu Fuya's perspective, we can only see two people looking at each other affectionately.

"Miss Liu, our cooperation is actually not important. What is important is that the relationship between my wife and I is so strong.

Mrs. Guo is unwilling to let me cooperate with this order, so I can't do it even if I try my best. "

Ye Zhixia's eyes widened, listening to his nonsense, when did his relationship with himself get so good?

If it's so good, why didn't he help himself after he knew he had lost money!

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