Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2061: A dead end

"Since Zexi wants to see it, show it to him, why be stingy? So that he will know what to do when he has a girlfriend in the future.

Why coax your girlfriend to be happy. "

Feng Liting had spoken, and she couldn't help but went upstairs slowly and took the necklace down.

The necklace is dazzling, and it sparkles when you open it in the light.

But Feng Liting only stared at Feng Zexi from beginning to end.

It is the first time for Feng Zexi to see such a big main diamond set off so many small diamonds, and the small diamonds also have two carats.

It was so big, and it was a whole string of two-carat setback diamonds, his uncle was really willing.

"This necklace." Feng Zexi looked closer: "I seem to have only seen it in magazines. I heard that the whole Asia is only sold.

One, I didn't expect to be bought by my uncle to give it to my aunt. Sure enough... it was just right for my aunt. "Feng Zexi laughed, two

A white tiger's teeth appeared, and it looked particularly beautiful.

Feng Liting was a little confused, could it be that he made a mistake? That diamond necklace has nothing to do with Feng Zexi?

"I think so too, is this necklace particularly beautiful? I want to put it on and appreciate it." Feng Zexi said

What a boast, Ye Zhixia looked at the necklace the better.

"Auntie, the one you gave me is also very beautiful. It has been cherished by me in the bedside table." After that, Feng Zexi was right.

She blinked.

Ye Zhixia thought of the necklace he was talking about, a little shy: "I didn't expect you to like it so much. I just picked it up."

Although she thought that she must be a good match for him when she picked it.

Feng Liting stood up suddenly, the dining chair moved on the ground, making a harsh sound.

The two looked at him at the same time, Feng Liting stood up calmly, walked to the two of them to stop, and said to Feng Zexi: "You bed

Don’t there still be a few private photos of young models in the closet? "

Feng Zexi scratched his head embarrassedly: "I was pierced by my uncle."

Feng Liting looked at Ye Zhixia again: "Just put it away after reading it, don't you know if it's expensive." After speaking, he turned around and walked upstairs.

Ye Zhixia couldn't laugh or cry in the same place, he had to take it down, okay, it was her fault now.


Within two days of peace, Ye Zhixia, who had money, began to ponder a new plan again.

Don’t miss the warmth of being popular. Warmth called me two days ago and told the gossip that there is a good urban idol.

The TV series is being prepared for filming, because the investors who had previously agreed to withdraw their funds suddenly, and now there is a shortage of funds, and the lack of funds

The mouth is almost ten million.

This is a great opportunity.

But Ye Zhixia was afraid that Warmth was deceived like the last time. After thinking and thinking about it, Ye Zhixia decided to go with Warmth to the crew to explore the virtual reality.

In fact, first look at how the crew is, don’t be fake again, and then decide whether to let the warmth bring money into the crew.

Because the warmth has always been at home, I quickly freed up time. Although there are classes in school, the warmth here

Warm, just ask for leave.

The two made an appointment and went to the venue where the filming crew was located. They are still trying out actors.

Warm arrived at the shooting team's venue early, and Ye Zhixia drove over.

From a distance, I saw the warmth in a red suit beckoning to her and running towards her: "Zhi Xia."

"Warm, you came early."

A trace of embarrassment flashed across the warm face: "No way, I signed a contract with a brokerage company, Zhixia, I also brought

Don't mind if you come alone. "

"Who? Is it your friend?" Ye Zhixia looked behind her and saw a fat woman standing there.

Look here.

"No, it's my agent. She happens to have an artist who came to the crew to try out today." The warm face was a little heavy, like


Ye Zhixia nodded. It's normal for an agent to bring several artists at the same time, but the warm reaction seems not so great.

What like the look of her agent.

"Zhixia, don't talk for a while, I'll take care of it." Warm squeezed a smile.

Ye Zhixia nodded, she'd better not trouble the warmth.

"Sister Zhao, this is what I told you, my friend." Warmly pulled Ye Zhixia to the agent, smiling.

Sister Zhao is the fat woman just now. After taking a look at Ye Zhixia with her eyelids, she said, "I

I also brought artists from the same company to try out the show. They were all arranged above, so wait for the last one. "The tone is contemptuous.

Warm but also greeted: "Okay, then I will find a place to sit with my friend, and when I get to it, I can trouble Sister Zhao to call me."

"Still running? Where are you going? Even if you try the play is a female, three females and four, you don’t have to be honest.

Stay here and wait. "

On weekdays, if she is the only one, she will endure it, but today Ye Zhixia is with her, she can’t let Ye Zhixia join her.

Qu: "It's just going to sit there, Sister Zhao, if you don't want me to wait, I'll come over by myself."

"Someone is backing up and the wings are stiff? If you have this kind of consciousness, find a big boss, and you now let me help you

You can wait, but you don't want to find a yellow-haired girl as a backer. What can you two do? "

Sister Zhao obviously looks down on the two of them. Indeed, Ye Zhixia is still studying at her age, neither warm nor out.

After social experience, she has a childish look on her face, but she has a good temper.

Looking at the warmth and daring to speak, I know that this sister Zhao bullies her on weekdays.

Although it is not uncommon for powerful agents to bully unpopular artists, Ye Zhixia just doesn’t

Used to it, especially her bullying is still warm.

"It’s not up to you whether we can get things done. Similarly, it’s not up to you whether you can play a supporting role in the crew.

Have the final say. "Ye Zhixia retorted.

Warm pulled her.

Sister Zhao was choked for the first time, her eyes circled round: "Little girl, you are wrong, can she play a supporting role?

It’s really a matter of just one word of mine. I thought she’s getting a better idea, but I can say something to make her a supporting role, but

When you say this, I am not happy. Do you know how many artists are waiting for this opportunity? Who i give

I won't give it to her anymore. "

"Sister Zhao..." When I heard that I could have had a chance, my heart was warm and shaken.

"Don't ask her." Ye Zhixia held back the warmth of wanting to say soft words: "If you compromise this time, she will be more

Take an inch, are you really going to rely on being fired by unspoken rules? "

"She can rely on unspoken rules to fire even if her ancestors burned high incense, but she still wants to pretend to be high when she enters the entertainment circle, and she doesn't know who to give it to

Look. "Sister Zhao rolled her eyes at the warmth.

Thoroughly annoyed Ye Zhixia: "So you have never brought a big star, so you deserve to be a supporting agent.

People, because your thoughts are dirty, there is never a way to cleanse your soul, because an agent like you,

How many nice little girls have been taken badly and ruined, and in the end they can only quit the entertainment circle without name or stay for a lifetime

The female two female three. "

"You!" Maybe it was Ye Zhixia's words that were too sharp, and the angry sister Zhao couldn't speak for a while.

"Wait and see, the warmth will be hot, and it will overshadow the light of all the female stars you have held in your hand, and I will also

Let her enter the crew and become a heavyweight role. "Ye Zhixia pointed to the photography location in front of her,


"Okay, then I'll wait and see." Sister Zhao put her arms around her chest, glanced at the two of them as if she was neurotic, and then left.

Two little girls, still want to shake the sky in the entertainment industry? Without unspoken rules, without resources, they have only a dead end.

Watching Ye Zhixia offend people so warmly for herself, her heart was moved, tears filled her eyes: "Zhixia, you

I don’t know what to say for maintaining me like this. "

"What can I say, we are friends, I can’t watch you jumping into the fire pit, you just love acting, for

What must be the unspoken rules to realize the dream? Warmth, I will definitely send you to this crew. "leaf

Zhixia said firmly.

Nodding warmly.

Both were extremely moved.

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