Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2088: .Borrow one place

The director agreed and talked to Ye Zhixia about the key points of borrowing. Soon, the crew was ready again.


Shooting again!

Ye Zhixia finished speaking, and then waited for the actor's actions.

According to the original plan, the actor only needs to stop in front of his face.

But the actor was holding Ye Zhixia's shoulder, and he really wanted to kiss her lips!

This is completely different from what I said before!

Ye Zhixia panicked and thought of the director's scolding just now, and she froze for a while.


At this moment, a condensing voice stopped the entire crew.

Everyone stopped.

The person who called the stop is not the director.


Feng Liting.

The director was shocked, and hurriedly ran to Feng Liting's side.

Although Feng Liting robbed the limelight, there was no trace of dissatisfaction on his face. Instead, he asked respectfully:

"President Feng, was there any dissatisfaction just now?"

Feng Liting sneered, "You just discussed it, this kiss scene is going to be filmed on loan?"

"Yes, yes." The director nodded repeatedly.

Feng Liting's slender and beautiful fingers gently pointed at the actor: "Which kind of loan is he?"


The actor and director were stunned.

The director wanted to say something nice to the actor: "I just borrowed..."

"Do you think I'm blind?" Feng Liting interrupted the director coldly and withdrew his hand. "Or do you think I am three years old?

Boy, so I was fooled by you? "

The director is really messed up now, and he panicked and explained: "This...this...the actors change temporarily according to the state of the field.

It's a common thing..."

Feng Liting sneered.

Slowly got up from the chair.

Glancing at the bewildered actor, covering his disgust: "What's his name?"

"Wang Ruofeng."

Feng Liting smiled, "Don't let me see him here again, have you heard?"

The director turned pale.

What Feng Liting's words meant was to kick Wang Ruofeng out of the crew?

This drama has been filmed for a little and a half. Wang Ruofeng still plays the second male role. There are many roles. At this time, he has to change actors.

Most of the scenes have to be filmed again, which means that all of their efforts for half a month have been lost.

Wang Ruofeng didn't dare to speak, he knew that Feng Liting couldn't afford it.

I just kept looking at the director with his eyes, hoping that the director could help himself with something nice.

The director bit the bullet: "President Feng, this is the person that Mr. Yang stuffed in..."

"Then tell the surname Yang, Wang Ruofeng will not let me see him in the entire entertainment circle in the future. If he has an opinion, just

Let him come to me. "

When Wang Ruofeng heard this, his face was pale for an instant, with no trace of blood.

Feng Liting is going to block him directly?

The director was helpless.

Everyone in the crew is breathing, and they are full of curiosity.

Feng could you have such a big temper for a woman, and let people kill Wang Ruofeng without saying a word?

What is the origin of Ye Zhixia?

Everyone was wondering when they saw Feng Liting, who had already reached the door, suddenly looked back at Ye Zhixia.

"Ye Zhixia, are you still going? Wait for me to invite you back?"

Ye Zhixia's face turned red.


The costume on her face was too late to change, so she hurried to Feng Liting's side.

"Feng Liting, I..."

"Shut up." Feng Liting's face was pale, "I will settle accounts with you when I go back."

Ye Zhixia's face changed, knowing that he did something wrong, so he lowered his head and apologized.

"I was pitted too, I really didn't want to kiss anyone..."

Feng Liting sneered: "So is it all right to borrow?"

Ye Zhixia mumbled: "I didn't know until I signed the contract!"

Feng Liting snorted: "If you want to kiss so much, why bother to find an actor outside? You man, I

Right here, go home and let you kiss. "

"Hey! Feng Liting, the more you talk, the more you go too far."

Feng Liting knocked on her head, "You dare to say that I am too much? Huh?"

"Then I am also a victim..."

All the people in the crew were dumbfounded, standing stupidly on the spot, waiting for their eyes to be rounded, and watching that one.

The frightening Young Master Feng Jiafeng and Ye Zhixia, who is usually silent in the crew, said they left in a noisy manner.

The director opened his mouth, "This...what the **** is going on?"

He turned his head and asked warmth: "Warm, Zhixia and Feng..."

Wang Ruofeng snorted, "Do you still need to ask? That woman must have been raised by General Feng."

Warm and unhappy, "Wang Ruofeng, seeing you as a senior, Zhixia and I have always respected you, our family Zhixia, then

But the wife Feng Zongming is getting married! You don’t want to think about it, the words you just insulted Feng and also insulted Feng.

His wife, if it is spread out and heard, it will be too late for you to regret. "

Although Wang Ruofeng was still a little unconvinced, he did not dare to say more.

The director walked to the warm side with a smile, his attitude has completely changed.

"Oh, warm, you are so true, Miss Ye is Feng's wife, this matter... why don't you tell us?"

The warmth in the entertainment industry has not been one month or two months. Those who worship high and step on low, see the wind and make the rudder have long been taken off

Weird, Xixiaorou answered without a smile: "Zhixia is relatively low-key."


Warmth interrupted the director's words, "Feng Zong always doesn't like someone discussing his private affairs behind his back, knowing Xia’s identity.

Please also think about it. "

How could the director not understand the meaning of warmth, and hurriedly said: "This is natural. We will definitely not disclose Ye Xiao outside.

Sister's identity, don't worry, don't worry. "


Here Ye Zhixia followed Feng Liting in the car.

Ye Zhixia knew that she was going to be scolded by Feng Liting today. She sat in the car, quietly and drooping.

With his head.

The car did not go home directly, but came to the mall where he was shopping yesterday with Warmth.

"What are you doing here?"

Ye Zhixia was a little puzzled.

Feng Liting opened the car door, "Go down."

Ye Zhixia's eyes widened, in disbelief, "You...are you going to leave me here alone?"

Feng Liting gave her a blank look, drew a black card from his pocket and threw it into Ye Zhixia's arms.

Ye Zhixia was startled.

this is……

"Go and buy the skirt you were fancying yesterday." Feng Liting's voice was deep, "I think the woman who is Feng Liting likes

West, don’t need others to buy it. "

"Huh?" Ye Zhixia was taken aback for a moment, and immediately reacted, "You... peek at me and the warm text messages?!"

Feng Liting was speechless: "Who wants to peek? You just threw your phone on the bed. I don't want to see it."

"I..." Ye Zhixia was speechless, looking down at this card, hesitating.

"This card..."

"Take it."

"I don't want your money!" Ye Zhixia didn't want to embarrass the relationship between him and Feng Liting. "We are fake.

Yes... If I take your pocket money, it always feels weird, and I will be paid next month. "

"Isn't there only 500 yuan for the whole body? Next month... there are twenty-four days, and you plan to drink Northwest Wind?"

Feng Liting poured cold water on her: "Or do you plan to go back and ask your father-in-law and mother-in-law for money to let them know their good son-in-law

You can't even afford your daughter's life, or are you saying... continue to go back and sell bags to survive? "

"I..." Ye Zhixia was blocked again.

Feng Liting looked at her tangled face, and sighed softly, "Take it, and, it’s not me.

Your pocket money. That is my salary card. "

Ye Zhixia was taken aback: "Work... salary card?"

"Isn't it justified for my husband to hand in his salary card?"

Ye Zhixia frowned.

This... is true.

"Then I will keep it for you. I will buy the skirt myself when I send the money."

"If I ask you to buy it, you can buy it." Feng Liting felt that talking to this woman was a waste of time, and walked straight out of the car.

He came out, took Ye Zhixia's arm and led the person into the store.

"Which one?" Feng Liting looked at the rows of skirts in the shop.

Ye Zhixia didn't even react, and Feng Liting was already impatient: "Don't tell me? Then buy everything. Boss..."

"Hey!" Ye Zhixia panicked, and hurriedly pressed Feng Liting's hand, helplessly: "Are you prodigal?"

"Who makes me earn more?"

Ye Zhixia: "..." Okay.

Ye Zhixia went and took down the skirt she was fancying, asked the clerk to wrap it up, and then paid for it with Feng Liting's salary card.

Although she didn't want to use Feng Liting's money, the feeling of buying and buying was quite cool.

Ye Zhixia couldn't help being happy.

Feng Liting's mood became clear with inexplicably, "A skirt will make you such a fool, you

It is really easy to satisfy. "

"I don't have that big dream." Ye Zhixia took the bag from the clerk Ye and went out of the mall with Feng Liting.

"In the future, if you want to buy it directly, don't let others think that I can't afford even a woman to Feng Li Ting."

"I don't want you to raise it."

"That's at least the trick is in place." Feng Liting raised his eyebrows, "You can swipe the card at will, in return, just... every night

Squeeze my shoulders. "

Ye Zhixia nodded, "That's fine. Thank you, Feng Liting."

Feng Liting snorted coldly, "Don't be so eager to thank me, I haven't settled with you for the kiss scene."

Upon hearing this, Ye Zhixia quickly wilted like an eggplant beaten by frost.

On the way home, the whole person was gloomy.

Fortunately, as soon as he got home, Feng Liting answered the phone and went out.

Ye Zhixia breathed a sigh of relief. After dinner in the evening, before Feng Li Ting came back and settled the account with herself, she got into the bed

In the nest, fell asleep.

When it was not light the next day, Ye Zhixia got up from the bed and ran to the crew without giving Feng Li Ting a chance at all.

When Feng Liting got up, he realized that Ye Zhixia was missing.

When I asked the housekeeper, I knew what was going on.

Feng Liting smiled coldly.

"Hide me? Ye Zhixia, you are really good at it."

Ye Zhixia was pulled over by the director as soon as he arrived on the crew.

"Zhixia, come on, this is your new script, we have deleted all the kiss scenes."

Ye Zhixia flipped through it at will, and sure enough, the part of the kiss scene has become other plots, and her other scenes

It seems to have changed a lot.

Ye Zhixia was puzzled, "Director, did you add drama to me?"

"Yes, let you go abroad, you can be recognized by the audience sooner."

The director smiled like a flower.

"Also, your private dressing room and dressing room are all ready."

Ye Zhixia frowned, "I'll just be with everyone."

"How can this work, your status is precious..."

Ye Zhixia is helpless, knowing that this is all thanks to Feng Li Ting, can’t avoid it, and it’s not good for the director to embarrass you.

Nye nodded, "Then trouble the director."

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