Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 1018 Extra of Jue Zhan and his wife (26)

"You think too much, kid." Thea said with a funny smile, "As for the gift, you can open it yourself tonight. I guarantee you will like it."

Zhan Mingyan's curiosity was aroused, "What is it, please reveal it."

Jian Qing shook her head, "You will be surprised if you open it yourself."

"Okay." Zhan Mingyan sighed lightly.

The sky is clear and the breeze is gentle,

On the day of the wedding, God is doing everything to make it beautiful.

Soothing and sweet piano music flowed in everyone's ears. Zhan Mingyan took Zhan Ze's arm and slowly walked towards the man at the end of the red carpet.

"Take good care of my baby girl, or I won't let you go." This sentence is naturally the same threat from every father-in-law.

Bai Jue nodded firmly, "I will protect and love her for the rest of my life."

Zhan Ze reluctantly put his daughter's hand into Bai Jue's, and then retreated to the audience, not wanting his daughter to see his reddish eyes.

Next comes the time when the priest reads the oath.

Bai Jue looked at the woman in front of him, wearing a pure white wedding dress, with a charming little face, and his eyes gradually softened.

She finally became his bride!

Quan Yifei and Quan Mingxuan came up with wedding rings. Bai Jue took the rings and put them on Zhan Mingyan, then stretched out his hand.

"Bai Jue, you will never escape my clutches in this life." Zhan Mingyan said with a smile, holding his hand and slowly putting the ring on his finger.

Bai Jue and she looked at each other and smiled, "Honey, I'll give you some advice for the rest of my life!"

"It's easy to talk about." Zhan Mingyan said smoothly.

In the audience, everyone couldn't help but laugh after hearing the conversation between the two.

Jian Luo bumped Black Jack's shoulder and couldn't stop laughing, "Why do I feel like the two of them are becoming sworn friends, not getting married."

Black Jack held his hand, a smile forming on his lips.

When it came time to throw the bouquets, married people such as Jian Qing and Thea stepped aside, while the wealthy ladies who came to the wedding squeezed forward.

"Axuan, Ayue, you two should go and watch it too." Jian Luo teased.

"Roll rough."

This time the two of them had a rare tacit understanding.

On the stage, Bai Jue held Zhan Mingyan in his arms and whispered a few words in her ear.

Zhan Mingyan narrowed her eyes with a smile and nodded knowingly.

"Throw it away, everyone, pick it up."

Before he finished speaking, the bouquet in his hand was thrown out, drawing a beautiful arc in the air, and then fell down in a straight line.

In an instant, the scene fell into dead silence.

There was silence, and time seemed to have stopped.

Quan Mingxuan looked at the bouquet falling from the sky in his arms, silently embarrassed.

What's going on?

Han Yue suppressed his laughter and his shoulders couldn't stop shaking.

Quan Mingxuan raised his head and looked at the stage, where Zhan Mingyan and Bai Jue had triumphant smiles on their faces.

These two people deliberately wanted to embarrass him, but luckily he became their best man.

"Axuan, congratulations." Jian Qing joked.

Quan Mingxuan held the bouquet and said, "How about I give it to you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Quan Jingwu swung his eyes coldly.

The meaning of the person who gets the bouquet is self-evident. The meaning of giving the bouquet to his wife should be beaten.

"Ah Yue, here you go." Quan Mingxuan glanced at the man beside him who was laughing and gloating about his misfortune, and forced the bouquet to him.

"No, you should keep what you received." Han Yue backed away continuously, "The Chosen One, um, that's right."

Unable to bear it anymore, Quan Mingxuan took the bouquet and smashed it on his head.

"Keigo, save me."

Han Yue ran away quickly and hid behind Quan Jingwu.


The people around looked at it and burst into laughter.

The laughter of everyone made the wedding more lively and successful.

At night, Bai Jue naturally became the target of everyone's drinking.

Especially Jian Luo and Black Jack, it is simply terrifying to drink Bai Jue.

Bai Jue doesn't want to drink?

Okay, just grab it and drink it.

It was past ten o'clock before Jian Luo and others let Bai Jue go.

In the wedding room, Zhan Mingyan had already changed out of her dress and put on a silk nightgown. She was sitting on the sofa eating snacks and updating her Weibo.

Bai Jue opened the door and came in, his steps a little sloppy, obviously he had been drunk a lot.

"Xiao Yan'er!"

When Zhan Mingyan saw him coming back, she put her phone on and put on her slippers and walked over. As soon as she got closer, she smelled a strong smell of alcohol.

Looking at his drunken handsome face, Zhan Mingyan took a step back in disgust, "Let me go, how much wine have you drunk?"

"I'm going to settle the score with Jian Luo and the others. They got me drunk." Bai Jue stumbled and almost lost his balance after being drunk too much tonight.

Zhan Mingyan tugged on his collar in disgust, then raised her feet and kicked him into the bathroom, "Hurry up and take a shower, the smell of alcohol is killing me."

After closing the bathroom door, Zhan Mingyan turned around and went to find pajamas for him.

"Bai Jue, I left my pajamas at the door. You can take them yourself."

After saying that, she went to get some honey water for him.

Bai Jue was wearing the same nightgown as hers. The noble purple color on his body made him look even more like a walking monster.

He shook his semi-dry short hair, and the ties around his waist were loose, revealing his honey-colored skin and well-textured chest, which could easily arouse people's endless reverie.

Zhan Mingyan came over with honey water, "Drink it quickly to relieve the hangover."

Bai Jue reached out to take the cup, clasped her wrist with his other hand, and pulled her into his arms.

"Hey, be careful, the honey water will be spilled later."

She pressed against his chest and looked at the honey water in his hand.

Bai Jue smiled evilly, lowered his head and pecked her pink lips.

"Hurry up and drink your honey water. If you get a headache tomorrow, who cares?" Zhan Mingyan patted him and hummed softly.

Bai Jue raised his head and drank the honey water in one breath, then put down the cup and put his hands around her waist.

"Bai Jue, I haven't opened Jian Qing and Thea's gifts yet. I'll go get them." As she said that, she pulled away his hand and quickly got up from his arms.

Bai Jue watched her rummaging through Jian Qing's gift among the piles of gifts not far away, with a meaningful smile on her lips.

"Found it." Zhan Mingyan carried a small pink bag, then ran back to Bai Jue and sat down.

"They said it in a mysterious way, and they didn't know what it was."

Bai Jue held his head with one hand and watched her open the gift.

After opening the gift box, Zhan Mingyan froze immediately.


Is this a ghost?

"It seems that Jian Qing and Thea's gift was given in time." Bai Jue looked at the contents of the gift box and smiled with satisfaction.

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