Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 1030 Locke Extra (9)

Bai Jue held his cell phone and talked with Jian Qing on the phone, glancing at Jian Luo from time to time.

"Well, I understand. Don't worry, Black Jack and I will stay with him at night."

Perhaps because he was tired from crying, Jian Luo fell asleep in Black Jack's arms. In his sleep, he still held Black Jack's hand tightly with both hands, for fear that he would be left behind.

"What did Jian Qing say?" Black Jack pulled the quilt over Jian Luo, then looked at Bai Jue and asked in a low voice.

Bai Jue sighed softly, "The day Jian Qing and his mother was cremated was also a rainy day. There was a lot of thunder that night, so Jian Luo had a shadow about it. Every time it rained, Jian Qing would stay awake all night. Hold him."

Hearing this, Black Jack was silent and looked down at the person who held his hand.

Bai Jue sat down on the end of the bed, "I think we can stay here with him tonight." In this situation, they couldn't sleep peacefully even if they went back to the room.

Black Jack hummed.

The next day it cleared up.

When Jian Luo woke up, he found that his bed had become narrower.

Looking sideways, he saw that Black Jack and Bai Jue were asleep on his bed.

Without alerting them, he carefully got out of bed and walked out barefoot.

The sky after the rain is very blue, the sunshine is dazzling, the tender branches and leaves are so green, and even the air is filled with a faint fragrance of flowers and plants.

Jian Luo was wearing pajamas and walking barefoot on the green grass.

Suddenly, he stopped and sat cross-legged on the grass.

He raised his head and looked at the colorful rainbow light on the horizon. He was so quiet that it was hard to figure out what he was thinking.

the other side

Black Jack woke up slowly, stretched out his long arm, and the cold touch made him wake up instantly.

He sat up and saw that the person next to him had long disappeared, with a bit of panic on his face. He reached out and shook Bai Jue.

"Bai Jue, wake up."

"What's wrong?" Bai Jue yawned and responded lazily.

"Jian Luo is gone." Black Jack said while putting on his shoes.


Bai Jue bounced up instantly, no longer feeling sleepy.

He ran out of bed and searched every corner of the room, including the closet, but couldn't find anyone.

The two of them hurried downstairs and called the servant in the living room, "Have you seen Jian Luo?"

"Master Jian Luo is on the lawn outside..."

Before the servant could finish speaking, Black Jack and Bai Jue rushed out.

The sky is clear and the breeze is cool.

From a distance, Black Jack and Bai Jue saw the small figure sitting on the lawn.

The two breathed a sigh of relief and walked over quickly.

"Jian Luo!"

Bai Jue sat down panting, reached out and patted his shoulder, "Why did you come here? Do you know you scared us to death?"

Black Jack sat down, his eyes fell on his bare feet, and he frowned, "Why did you come out without wearing shoes?"

Jian Luo didn't answer their words. He raised his hand and pointed at the rainbow that was about to disappear in the distance, and said to himself, "Mommy likes to see rainbows the most."

Hearing this, Bai Jue and Black Jack were stunned.

"Black Jack, Bai Jue, thank you." Jian Luo looked at the two of them with a warm smile on his lips.

Bai Jue pulled his lips and smiled, "Thank you, do we need these two words for our friendship?"

Jian Luo was amused by him.

"Luo Xiaobai, smile more from now on." Black Jack looked at the smile on his face and blurted out.

"That's right, he looks like a little old man with a sad face." Bai Jue joked.

Under the sun, the teenagers looked at each other and smiled, and the crisp laughter lingered in the air for a long time.

After sitting on the lawn with Jian Luo for a while, the sunshine gradually became hot, and the grass on the ground felt hot even when sitting on it.

Black Jack pulled Jian Luo up, then turned his back, "Come up."

Jian Luo said reflexively, "My feet are not injured."

"Luo Xiaobai, you don't have any shoes on. The ground is a little hot and you could easily suffer from heat stroke." Bai Jue explained in a dumbfounded voice, "You should let Black Jack carry you."

Jian Luo groaned, then obediently climbed onto Black Jack's back and whispered, "Black Jack, next time you don't wear shoes, I will carry you."

My sister said that if others help him, he will repay them.

Black Jack couldn't help laughing, what kind of brain circuit did this idiot have?

With such a small body like his, he didn't want to be thrown upside down even if he was carrying someone on his back.

When she was ten years old, Jian Luo went from being the youngest student in the elementary school to being the youngest freshman in the junior high school. The biggest advantage of being a junior high school student is that she can freely sign up for an interest class that she likes, and she can also take interest classes with people from the high school. courses.

In order to make up for the German language that she was not good at, Jian Luo signed up for a German class. Black Jack and Bai Jue were also in that class. However, it was not that they were not good at German, but because it saved trouble. Although it was just an interest class, they still had to take the exam. Yes, they choose German just because they are good at it, so it doesn’t matter whether they take classes or not.

During lunch time, Jian Luo lay on the table without touching a morsel of food.

"Luo Xiaobai, what's wrong with you? Are you suffering from heatstroke due to the hot weather?" Bai Jue pulled out his chair and sat down.

Jian Luo said feebly, "I'm sleepy."

"Did you become a thief last night?" Black Jack joked.

"He drank a cup of black coffee last night and suffered from insomnia." The news came from her sister, Jian Qing took a glass of juice and put it in front of him.

Jian Luo took the juice, took a few sips, and looked at the scorching sunshine outside. She really didn't want to go out, so she just wanted to stay here and sleep with the air conditioner on.

"Jian Luo, there is a German class in the afternoon. I heard from the class next door that the old antique is not in a good mood today. Don't doze off in his class." Bai Jue teased.

Hearing this, Jian Luo looked sideways at Jian Qing, "Sister, can I take leave this afternoon?"

"No, I'll eat your food." Jian Qing refused cruelly.

Jian Luo sighed, really wanting to catch a cold or something.

On a midsummer afternoon, you can hear the chirping of cicadas while sitting in the classroom.

After class, Jian Qing went to take a photography class, while Jian Luo left the classroom with her schoolbag on her back to take a grueling German class.

After class, the classroom was in a mess and noisy.

Jian Luo shuffled in. Black Jack and Bai Jue were chatting. When they saw him coming, Jack waved to him.

Jian Luo walked over, took out the German book, stuffed the bag into the drawer, lay down on the table and fell asleep.

"This guy is really..." Bai Jue looked at the man who fell asleep immediately and couldn't find any words to describe him.

It seems that he should be asked to drink less coffee in the future.

The air conditioning was on in the classroom, and to avoid catching cold in Jian Luo's thin short-sleeved shirt, Black Jack took out his high school uniform jacket and put it on him.

"Hey, Black Jack, I've known you for so long, why don't I see you put on my clothes once?" Bai Jue crossed his legs and teased, "You're biased."

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