Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 1048 Mr. Jing’s family of five is very happy (6)

Jian Qing raised her lips and smiled, looking at him calmly, "I think you are the one who fell out of favor, right?"

Bai Jue is quite famous for how he is often so angry with Fei Zhan.

Zhan Mingyan chuckled, and Bai Jue became depressed.


At the door, the soft and waxy sound of little milk came.

Twinkle is back.

In an instant, Bai Feizhan dropped the puzzle and ran out as if he had been given a shot of blood.

"Hey, Fei Zhan!"

Bai Jue was so angry that he couldn't be more reserved. As soon as Xiao Guliang made a sound, he would rush over to him.

Zhan Mingyan covered her face and looked away.

At this time, Quan Jingwu walked in holding Shining in one hand and carrying a big cake in the other hand. Bai Fei and the children chased at Quan Jingwu's feet and were about to grab Shining.

"Bai Jue, take care of your son." Quan Jingwu looked at Bai Fei and the children's little hands that were about to catch Shining's little feet, and looked at Bai Jue with a frown.

Bai Jue spread his hands and showed a helpless expression, "I can't help it. Who made your house so charming?"

Quan Jingwu put down the cake, sat down with Twinkle in his arms, and glanced at Bai Feizhan with his purple eyes. Bai Feizhan's child was frightened for a few seconds.

You little brat, you still dare to covet his little public position.

Must be on guard.

"Brother Ah Zhan." Xingxing sat in Quan Jingwu's arms and waved her little hand towards Bai Feizhan.

"It's not my younger brother, I want to call him A Zhan." When he heard the word younger brother, Bai Feizhan became unhappy and quickly corrected him.

Ouch, this is called intimacy.

At such a young age, my emotional intelligence is quite high.

Jian Qing couldn't help laughing, "Bai Jue, your son really has the same demeanor as you did when you were a child."

"I think so too." Bai Jue said with a smile.

"You are so proud. It seems that you have flirted with Xiao Guliang like this before." Zhan Mingyan asked through gritted teeth.

Bai Jue smiled and said, "No way, you think too much."

"But Daddy said you are the younger brother." Shiny Xiaoguliang tilted her head, her long dark hair casually scattered on her shoulders.

Quan Jingwu curled his lips, feeling very pleased that his little cotton-padded jacket always remembered his words.

"You have to call me sister." Twinkle continued.

Bai Feizhan shook his head like a rattle. Because Quan Jingwu, a cold-faced god, was here, he wanted to get close to Shining but was a little scared.

"No, you want to call me Azhan, and I'll call you Flashing." He said clearly, "Daddy and I have agreed that I will marry you as my wife in the future."


Bai Jue choked before he could swallow a sip of water.


Son, don’t be such a cheater.

He raised his head, and Quan Jingwu swung the knife at him.

"Well, it's a misunderstanding, it's definitely a misunderstanding." Bai Jue said with a smile, "You can't believe a child's words. Children's words are unbridled."

Jian Qing and Zhan Mingyan smiled at each other and planned to watch the show.

Quan Jingwu hummed softly and hugged the little cotton-padded jacket tightly in his arms.

There is no way for Xiao Gongju to marry him.

"Daddy, you promised me and you can't go back on it. Didn't you say that as long as I treat Shining well, I can marry her as my wife?" Bai Feizhan looked at Bai Jue and asked.

Bai Jue faced the glare from Quan Jingwu and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Could it be that he did too many bad things in his previous life, so he let this bastard trick him in this life?

Quan Jingwu asked in a low voice, "Bai Jue, is this how you teach your son?"

Bai Jue said, "Well, I was wronged. Doesn't the fact that he likes your Twinkle just prove that Twinkle is very charming? You should be happy."

If you like this idiot son, you should keep it in your heart.

Quan Jingwu snorted.

There was a little wolf staring at his little cotton-padded jacket, and he was damned happy.

"Besides, my son is not bad either. Although he is a little younger than yours, love has nothing to do with age, right?" Bai Jue spoke for his son.

"Otherwise, why don't you hurry up and give birth to a daughter, and then marry her to my family of seventeen or nineteen?" Quan Jingwu suggested.

Bai Jue, "..."

If he had a daughter, he would be determined to protect the two little devils Seventeen and Nineteen. If his daughter was with one of them, wouldn't she be protected tightly?

It’s not cost-effective, it’s really not cost-effective.

"Daddy, cake." Twinkle was not interested in the conversation between their adults, so she took Quan Jingwu's hand and shook it.

"Okay, daddy will cut it for you."

The gentle voice can make water drop.

Shining climbed into Jian Qing's arms. As soon as Quan Jingwu opened the cake, Nineteen pulled Seventeen over and stared at the cake with bright eyes.

While Quan Jingwu was cutting the cake, Bai Fei and the children quietly moved to Jian Qing's side and held Shining's little hand with a smile.

"Twinkle, do you want to stay at my house? I bought a lot of toys at home. Can you go to my house and let's play together?"

The little guy is quite smart and speaks very quietly.

But it still couldn't escape Quan Jingwu's sensitive ears. He put the cut cake on the plate and put down the knife.

"Sparkling, come to Daddy."

When the father-controlling Shining Little Guliang heard Quan Jingwu calling her, she withdrew her little hand and then threw herself into his arms.

There is nothing left but a person messing up in the air.

Looking at his empty little hand, he suddenly felt weak, pitiful and helpless.

He looked at Shining resentfully, but Shining's little mushroom was busy eating cake and completely forgot about him.

"Okay, son, the show is over, let's eat the cake quickly." Bai Jue looked at the mushroom cloud gathering above Quan Jingwu's head, and quickly reached out to pull his son over, then took a piece of cake and stuffed it into his hand.

"Daddy, eat." Shining Xiaoguliang ate the cake with satisfaction, licked her mouth covered with butter, then took a spoonful and handed it to Quan Jingwu's mouth.

They are fed by little cotton-padded jackets. Quan Jingwu certainly wants to give them face.

He glanced at his two sons who were eating happily, and then compared his little public behavior. Sure enough, it was better for his daughter.

"Mommy, eat cake." After feeding Daddy, Twinkle turned around and fed Jian Qing a bite as well.

"So good!" Jian Qing touched her little face and took a tissue to wipe her mouth.

"It seems that my daughter is really a considerate little cotton-padded jacket." Zhan Mingyan looked at Shining and suddenly sighed.

"You can have it too." Jian Qing said.

Zhan Mingyan shook her head quickly, "Farewell, one is enough for me. If the second one is a son, then I will have to find a piece of tofu to bump into."

Jian Qing said, "Haha."

After eating the cake, Bai Feizhan turned his attention to Shining again.

"Seventeen, nineteen, take Fei Zhan to the game room to play." Quan Jingwu glanced at Bai Fei Zhan, who had been looking at Shining, and winked at the two little treasures.

Seventeen and Nineteen were busy. Seeing Bai Feizhan staring at Twinkle, one of them pulled him and said, "Azhan, let's go upstairs to play."

"So, where's Twinkle?" Bai Fei looked at Twinkle reluctantly.

"Sparkling wants to accompany daddy." Shining's little mushroom said sweetly.

As soon as these words came out, Quan Jingwu was deeply moved. Even if Twinkle wants the stars in the sky now, Quan Jingwu can go up to the sky and pick them for her.

Now, Bai Jue could finally understand why Quan Jingwu had always wanted a little cotton-padded jacket from the beginning. It was so heartwarming.

If he had such a well-behaved and delicate daughter, he would not be willing to let other brats covet her.

"Well, I'll come down and play with you later." Bai Feizhan lowered his head in frustration, and then raised his head within a few seconds with a bright smile on his face.

Not long after the three little guys went upstairs, two more handsome guys came.


When Shining saw the person coming, she got out of Quan Jingwu's arms and ran over.

"My baby Twinkle, uncle, give me a kiss." Jian Luo knelt down and Twinkle fell into his arms like a cheerful elf.

"It's been a while, but Twinkle is beautiful again." He picked up Twinkle and praised her with a smile.

Shining Xiaoguliang imitated him and said, "I haven't seen you for many days, and my uncle is handsome again."

Hearing this, Jian Luo's heart felt as sweet as candy.

He curled up the corners of his lips, "Uncle, do you miss Twinkle? Does Twinkle miss uncle, eh?"

"Think." Twinkle said softly.

Looking at the "Niwai" two people, Jian Qing couldn't help but laugh.

"Luoluo, why don't I bring you back to stay with you for two days?"

"That couldn't be better." Jian Luo hugged Shining and ran over.

"Then it's settled. I'll take Twinkle away later and don't regret it."

It's rare that Quan Jingwu didn't object this time.

When Bai Jue heard this, he was unhappy.

"Hey, Jian Qing, if you don't want to be so partial, then Twinkle will stay at our house for two days. "This way, his brat won't compete with him for Ming Yan.

It's a pity that his wishful thinking can only be shattered by Quan Jingwu.


Two words of coldness, a clean rejection.

Bai Jue glared, "Why?"

"There is a wolf in your house." Quan Jingwu suddenly became humorous.

Bai Jue is embarrassed.

Son, look at your lack of reserve.

My father treats you like a wolf.

Black Jack chuckled lightly and glanced at Bai Jue with his pale eyes. It was rare for him to be on the same side as Quan Jingwu, "It is true that your home is not very safe."

Bai Jue, "Fuck you."

"Twinkle, come here, let your godfather hug you." Black Jack reached out and hugged Twinkle, "I'll go to my godfather and uncle's house later. My godfather will buy you delicious food, okay?"

Shining eyebrows bowed and nodded, "Okay."

Black Jack asked, "What do you want to eat?"

Twinkle said greedily, "Ice cream."

"I can only eat a little bit. Looking at the little guy's clear eyes, Black Jack indulged himself.

"Godfather is the best." Shining kissed Black Jack, making Black Jack shudder, and cast a provocative look at Quan Jingwu.

Quan Jingwu snorted, childish.

The title is wrong again. The previous chapter should be (5). I will change the title tomorrow. There is no problem with the content. Feel free to read it.

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