Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 1053 Twinkle Extra (5)

"Yes." Twinkle nodded and gave him a big bear hug, "Mu Chen, bye."

Mu Chen looked down at Xiao Guliang who was holding him, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly.

Finally, he reached out and ruffled her jet-black hair.

"Twinkle, we can't tell others our little secret."

Shining Little Mushroom Liang quickly agreed.

Watching Mu Chen and Del leave, Shining suddenly remembered something and shouted to Mu Chen, "Mu Chen, you didn't say goodbye to me."

Hearing the voice behind him, Mu Chen pursed his lips and smiled.

At night, the wind picked up.

The lights are brightly lit, and the warm yellow light exudes a sense of warmth.

"Twinkle, what are you looking at?"

Jane came downstairs after taking a shower, saw her little girl lying on the table, and walked over out of curiosity.

I looked down and saw Xiao Guliang holding the calendar and looking at it.


Twinkle raised her head and shouted softly.

Jian Qing sat on the sofa, reached out to pick her up, looked at the calendar in her hand, and asked, "Sparkling, why are you looking at the calendar?"

"Mommy, when can Twinkle celebrate her birthday?" Twinkle blinked, wishing that tomorrow was her birthday.

Jian Qing tapped her little face, "Want to eat cake?"

The little girl had just celebrated her birthday and soon thought about her birthday again.

Shining shook her head and Jian Qing was surprised.

"Then why does Twinkle want to celebrate her birthday, huh?"

Flashing thought of what Mu Chen said, he hesitated and said, "Because you can receive gifts on your birthday."

Jian Qing chuckled, took the calendar and pen, flipped through the calendar, and then circled the day of her birthday on it.

"The one circled by mommy with a red pen is Twinkle's birthday."

"Well, there are still many days." Shining raised her head and sighed, her tragic look amused Jian Qing.

"Okay, let's go up and play with my brother."


Twinkle held the calendar and jumped up the stairs.

Quan Jingwu came out of the kitchen and happened to see Shining go upstairs.

"What are you talking about with Twinkle?"

Jian Qing raised her lips and smiled, "Your little Gongju wants to celebrate his birthday."

Quan Jingwu walked over and reached out to pull her up, "Her birthday just passed not long ago."

"She said you can receive gifts for your birthday." Jian Qing said with a smile.

Hearing this, Quan Jingwu chuckled lightly.

"Let's go to the study with me."

Jian Qing raised her eyebrows, "Why do you want me to accompany you to read the documents?"

"Don't read the document." Quan Jingwu said.

"Then why are you going to the study?"

He said seriously, "I'll look at the documents, you look at me."

Jian Qing, "..."

"Let's go."

Quan Jingwu picked her up and walked straight upstairs.

The days passed by calmly, and Shining Xiaoguliang looked forward to the stars and the moon, and finally looked forward to her birthday.

On this day, Shining Little Mushroom woke up early.

When Quan Jingwu arrived in her room, Xiao Guliang was already awake.

"Twinkle, why did you get up so early today?" Quan Jingwu was holding a glass of milk in his hand and was slightly surprised to see that she had already changed her clothes.

"Daddy, I want to go for a run with you." Shiny Xiaoguliang was wearing a white sportswear, with a bright smile on her pink face.

Quan Jingwu smiled softly, then handed her the milk, "Drink the milk first."

Shining Gulu drank the milk in a few sips, then ran out of the room excitedly, "Brother, second brother, get up."

On weekdays, Quan Jingwu takes his two little treasures for a run. Twinkle and Jian Qing both like to sleep in, but today is very unusual.

Jian Qing was woken up by her, opened the door and leaned against the door frame, looking sleepily at the little girl running in the corridor.

"Why are you awake?" Quan Jingwu walked over and pulled her into his arms.

Jian Qing squinted her eyes and yawned, "I was woken up by your little Gongju."

"Would you like to go running with us?" Quan Jingwu lowered his head and kissed her forehead and asked with a smile.

Jian Qing refused directly, "I want to go to bed, goodbye."

After saying that, she hurried back to the room, fearing that if she was a step too late, Quan Jingwu would pull her to do morning exercises together.

After returning from morning exercise, a very interesting scene occurred.

Twinkle was sitting on Quan Jingwu's shoulder, smiling like a flower, like a little queen looking down on the world, while Seventeen and Nineteen were walking breathlessly behind.

This difference in treatment really makes Seventeen and Nineteen feel bad.

The moment the door was opened, a faint fragrance floated in the air.

Oops, kitchen.

Quan Jingwu and the three little guys looked at each other and then quickly ran to the kitchen.

Jian Qing came out with bowls and chopsticks. Hearing the rapid footsteps, he looked up and saw the four of them, father and son, running in in a hurry.

"Why are you four in such a hurry?" she asked with a half-smile.

Is this because she's afraid that she'll blow up the kitchen?

"Let's go wash our hands." Seeing that the situation was not good, Seventeen and Nineteen quickly pulled Shining away.

Quan Jingwu smiled as if nothing had happened, "Didn't you say you wanted to catch up on some sleep? Why are you up?"

"Are you running in such a hurry because you are afraid that I will blow up the kitchen?" Jian Qing put down the bowls and chopsticks and smiled.

Quan Jingwu glanced at the breakfast on the table, and with just one glance, he knew it was from Qianshizhai.

Sure enough, my daughter-in-law has never had anything to do with the kitchen in her life.

"Well, let me go see if they have washed their hands." After saying that, he left the dining room with a strong desire to survive.

Not long after breakfast, Quan Jingwu and Jian Qing took the three little guys back to the Quan family's old house. In the past, they would go back to the old house to celebrate the birthdays of the three little guys.

As soon as they entered the living room, Mr. Quan and Mrs. Quan were waiting.

Moreover, Mrs. Quan and Rui Yi have prepared many delicious snacks.

"Twinkle, happy birthday." Old Mrs. Quan hugged Twinkle and smiled happily, the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes squeezed into piles.

"Thank you, great-grandma." Shining's little mouth seemed to be covered with honey, "Great-grandma is the best."

Mrs. Quan smiled from ear to ear, took a pastry and handed it to her hand, "Try Grandma's new pastry."

"Twinkle, all the gifts are placed in your room, go up and take a look later." Rui Yi looked at his cute little granddaughter with a smile on his face.

Shining swallowed the pastry and said, "Well, thank you grandma."

"Jingwu, you can stay here for one night. Tomorrow happens to be Sunday, so we can have a meal together as a family." Mr. Quan said.

Quan Jingwu hummed.

"Second uncle, you lost again." Nineteenth said excitedly, almost giving him a tail to raise up to the sky.

Quan Mingxuan looked at the game console and his old face was completely ashamed.

It was a broken game, and he lost to two little brats.

It would be too embarrassing to spread the word.

"Second uncle, I am willing to admit defeat." Shi Qi said with a smile, climbed onto the sofa, twirled his fingers and breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, he aimed at Quan Mingxuan's forehead and flicked it hard.

That intensity showed no mercy.

"Seventeen, thanks to my second uncle being so kind to you, you are so unkind." Quan Mingxuan rubbed his forehead and said in a resentful tone.

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