Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 1057 Twinkle Extra (9)

"No, it's just a foreign man." The nurse thought for a while and said.

Foreign man?

Jian Qing was surprised, could it be Black Jack?

No, if Black Jack comes, he will definitely come to see Winky. Why would he ask the nurse to hand over the gift on his behalf?

Quan Jingwu walked over, reached for the bag, and looked at it carefully.

"Nothing, I'll go out first."

After saying that, the nurse nodded lightly and walked out.

"Xiao Jing, who do you think sent it?" Jian Qing looked at the exquisitely packaged bag with a trace of doubt on her face.

Quan Jingwu paused with pale eyes, "There is a card."

He reached out and pulled out a small card with only four words "Happy Birthday" written on it. The neat handwriting was a little childish, and it was obvious that the person who wrote the card must be a child.

Shining Little Guliang came back to her senses, suddenly remembered something, and asked with bright eyes, "Mommy, is this for me?"

"Well, do you know who it is?" Jian Qing caught the joy in her daughter's eyes and asked tentatively.

"Daddy, I want to see it." Twinkle grinned and said excitedly.

"Sit tight, you'll fall down later." Quan Jingwu watched her fluttering to stand up, fearing that she would pull the infusion tube, so he said quickly.

After getting the gift, Shining couldn't wait to unpack it.

The wrapping paper is wrapped one layer after another, and it can be seen that the person wrapping the gift is very careful.

Jian Qing and Quan Jingwu looked at each other with confusion in their eyes.

"Yeah, it's a teddy bear." Twinkle's eyes curled up, like the bright moon, and she hugged the delicate teddy bear lovingly.

Suddenly, she saw the soles of the teddy bear's feet and was stunned for a moment.

Quan Jingwu and Jian Qing also discovered it. Jian Qing reached out and turned the teddy bear upside down. When he saw the teddy bear's paws, all his doubts became clear instantly.

On the two paws of the teddy bear, one has a photo of his daughter printed on it, and the other has a photo of a little boy printed on it.

The little boy in the photo is also familiar to Jian Qing and Quan Jingwu. He is the little boy they met at the racecourse that day.

In an instant, a flash of understanding flashed in Jian Qing's eyes.

No wonder Twinkle was acting strangely yesterday. She seemed to be waiting for a gift from this little boy. She went out to sleep on the grass and it was probably because of this little boy.

But one thing was strange to her. How did Twinkle know that the little boy would come to give her a birthday gift? They had never met the little boy since they were at the racecourse that day.

"It's Mu Chen." Twinkle reacted belatedly, looking at the photo of the teddy bear's paws, her eyes sparkled with surprise.

He wasn't lying, he came to give her a birthday present.

"Xingxing, who is Mu Chen?" Jian Qing asked with interest as her little girl's lips turned to the back of her head.

Winky hugged the teddy bear, her eyes a little evasive.


"Xingxing, is Mu Chen this little boy?" Jian Qing asked knowingly.

Twinkle hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

She then asked, "Twinkle, were you waiting for him to give you a birthday gift yesterday?"

Twinkle nodded again and said in a muffled voice, "He already said he would come to celebrate my birthday with me, but he didn't come yesterday."

Quan Jingwu frowned and looked at the teddy bear hugged by his little cotton-padded jacket. He didn't like it no matter how he looked at it.

I just feel like my cabbage is about to be eaten by pigs.

"How do you know his name is Mu Chen? Have you met?" Jian Qing touched her head and asked softly.

"He went to kindergarten." Shining lowered his head and briefly told what happened in the kindergarten that day.

After listening, Quan Jingwu frowned even more tightly.

This was entirely directed at his young man, that brat must have had no good intentions.

Jian Qing was not as hostile as Quan Jingwu towards Mu Chen. She pinched Xingxin's little face and said, "Xingxin, can you tell mommy why you like Mu Chen so much?"

She knows her children very well. Even though Xingxuan is cheerful towards everyone, in fact it is difficult for her to get really close to people she is not familiar with. Mu Chen, when she first met him, she took the initiative to get close to him. He also said that he wanted to be friends with him.

She has never shown such enthusiasm to other children in the kindergarten.

"He looks good when he smiles." Shining raised her head, thought for a moment, and then said seriously.


The atmosphere suddenly fell into silence.

Jian Qing couldn't hold back her laughter. Is that the reason?

"Sparkling, are you going to be friends with him just because of this?" she asked patiently, "Then if one day he doesn't look good, then you won't be friends with him?"

Hearing this, the seeds in Shining's little head were spinning rapidly, and then he shook his head, "No, Mu Chen is not happy. He laughs when he sees Shining. Shining wants to make him smile all the time. He has a grimace and is very serious, just like a Little old man.”

At the end, she concluded by saying, "So, Twinkle wants to be friends with him, otherwise, Mu Chen won't laugh."

Jian Qing pursed her lips and smiled, her eyes fell on the teddy bear's paws, with a dark look in her eyes.

"Twinkle, did he agree to come to your birthday?" After a long silence, Quan Jingwu couldn't help but speak out.

Twinkle nodded.

"Twinkle, Daddy has a question for you." Quan Jingwu sat down on the edge of the bed and glanced at the teddy bear in her arms intentionally or unintentionally.

If the teddy bear were alive, he would probably be killed countless times by his eyes.


"Daddy asked you, should you keep your promises as a human being?" Quan Jingwu asked in a soft voice. Jian Qing looked on, as if she saw the big bad wolf tempting the little white rabbit.

Twinkle nodded without hesitation, "Yeah."

"Mu Chen promised to come, but he didn't show up yesterday. This shows that he is not a person who keeps his promises, right?" After going around in circles, Quan Jingwu got to the point.

If this gift hadn't come before, Twinkle might have nodded, but when she saw the teddy bear, she had already lost her anger.

She blinked and her little red lips grinned, "No, he brought me a gift, so he must have been here last night. He must have known that I was sleeping, so he didn't come to wake me up."


The corners of Quan Jingwu's red mouth trembled.

The heart of my beloved daughter was broken all over the ground, making a clicking sound.

Didn’t we agree to be each other’s angels?

How can I protect that little boy now? He is still a stranger whom I have only met twice.

Jian Qing noticed the low pressure around her husband, and a teasing smile flashed between her eyebrows.

"Okay, Twinkle, finish the rest of the porridge, or it will get cold."

Twinkle hugged the teddy bear tightly, smiling like a flower.

Quan Jingwu fell on the bed with a look of despair.

"Daddy, what's wrong with you?" Twinkle put the teddy bear on the pillow, then moved to his side, crossing her hands to support her chin.

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