Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 1085 Twinkle Extra (37)

Nineteen pursed her lips, "Why, are you afraid that he will never pay attention to you again?"

"Azhan seemed very sad just now." Shining said in a low mood.

"It doesn't seem like it, I'm really sad." Shiqi said with a finishing blow.

Twinkle's face fell, "What should we do?"

"Leave him alone, don't go looking for him for the time being." Nineteen said.

"But..." Thinking of Bai Feizhan's expression when he left just now, Twinkle still felt a little uneasy.

"Don't worry, Ah Zhan won't be confused." Nineteen understood her worries and comforted her.

Twinkle nodded.

At the beginning of the lanterns, the light emitted by the street lamps illuminated the entire capital.

Jian Qing's birthday, which was supposed to be a joyful atmosphere, was inexplicably a little more subtle and embarrassing.

Outside the courtyard, there was silence.

Seventeen and Nineteen looked at each other, and their eyes fell on the back of the opposite person.

"Azhan." Finally, it was Shi Qi who broke the silence between the three of them.

"Have you known this for a long time?" Bai Feizhan asked in a calm voice.

Shi Qi took a step forward and placed a big, sharp hand on his shoulder.

"A Zhan, no one can say for sure about feelings."

Bai Feizhan curled his lips and couldn't hide the loneliness in his eyes. He knew that Shining had always been special to Mu Chen, but he didn't expect that after Mu Chen had disappeared for so many years, she still chose him in the end.

"Eldest brother, second brother."

Twinkle walked out and glanced secretly in the direction of Bai Feizhan.

Seventeen and Nineteen exchanged glances, and they walked back into the house together.

Hearing the footsteps getting closer and closer behind him, Bai Feizhan stood quietly, ignoring her for the first time.

"Azhan." Shining reached out his hand and pulled off his sleeve with his slender fingertips.

"You're angry?"

The woman's soft voice was still Bai Feizhan's weakness after all.

He looked down at the person next to him and remained silent.

The two of them had been arguing since childhood, and this was the first time that they were so quiet alone.

Just when Shining couldn't help but want to speak, Bai Feizhan finally spoke.

"Twinkle, what do you think I am?"

Twinkle was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Brother, relative, friend."

Family, friendship...

Only it's not love.

Bai Feizhan showed a bitter smile, "Xingxing, we have known each other longer than you and Mu Chen have known each other. He disappeared for six years, but you still chose him. It took me six years, even Even longer, you can’t squeeze him out of your heart.”

Hearing this, Shining lowered his head.

"Sparkling, are you really happy being with him?" Bai Feizhan stared at her, his expression indescribably complicated.

Winky bit her lower lip and nodded.

Sorry, A Zhan.

Bai Feizhan forced a smile, reached out and rubbed her head gently, "As long as you are happy."

Nothing else matters anymore.

"Azhan." Flashy's nose was sore and she shouted in a low voice.

"Okay, my little Gong Xin is not afraid of anything. It would be too shameful to cry." Bai Feizhan saw her reddish eyes and said in a pretentious tone.

"If you give me a hug, maybe I won't feel sad."

Shining nodded heavily and hugged him suddenly. Bai Feizhan's chest was painful from the impact, and his strong arms hugged her tightly.

He slowly closed his eyes, hiding the loneliness and sadness in his eyes.

My little princess finally found the prince who is most suitable for her.

But, that person is not me.

After a while, he let go of his hand and raised his usual lazy and uninhibited smile.

"Dingying, if he treats you badly, remember to tell me and I will beat him hard for you."


Twinkle's eyebrows arched, "Azhan, thank you."

"Tsk, this kind of thank you is rare." Bai Feizhan joked with a smile.

Twinkle snorted softly.

"Sparkling, let me tell you something." Bai Feizhan glanced at the brightly lit living room and turned his eyes.

"Huh?" Twinkle was confused.

Bai Feizhan leaned down and whispered in her ear.

As soon as the floor-to-ceiling window was opened, Mu Chen's eyes instantly moved over.

Seeing the two people walking in, his deep black eyes suddenly dimmed.

Nineteen, who doesn't take things too seriously, narrowed his eyes with a smile, "Oh, you two are quite right standing together."

Twinkle held Bai Feizhan's arm, and the two walked in, chatting and laughing.

With just one glance, Seventeen and Nineteen knew that they had talked things out and were back to being the same as before.

"It's really eye-catching." Seventeen agreed.

When Mu Chen heard this, his eyes fell on the small hand on Bai Feizhan's arm, and his eyes darkened.

He stood up and walked up to Twinkle, "Twinkle, let's go get the cake."

Bai Fei raised his lips, he was indeed jealous.

He said deliberately, "Just go get it with me and Twinkle. We used to go to that cake shop together."

Mu Chen remained silent and stared at Shining.

"How about the three of us go together?" Facing Mu Chen's black jewel-like eyes, Shining couldn't bear it anymore.

Bai Feizhan snorted, withdrew his hand, and said meaningfully, "Forget it, I don't want jealous people walking together to avoid being drowned."

After saying that, he reached out and pushed Shining towards Mu Chen.

"Leave it to you. If you lose her, I can get her back at any time."

Mu Chen hummed and clenched his fists.

Bai Feizhan raised his lips and smiled, clenched his fist and touched him.

Twinkle looked at the two of them with a faint smile on her lips.

"We haven't gotten together for a long time, and Mu Chen is here, why don't we play a game?" Nineteenth interjected.

"No problem, what are you playing for?" Bai Feizhan returned to his usual careless appearance. If you ignore the flash of disappointment in his eyes, people may think that he is really fine.

"Mahjong." Seventeen said.

"What about the cake?" Twinkle asked.

"I'll get it." Seventeen said.

Twinkle said, "Those three are missing one."

"Don't forget, there is daddy, you go up." Nineteenth knows the thoughts of Seventeenth best.

"You two, don't take it lightly. It would be very embarrassing to lose to my dad." Because as long as his dad wins one game, then they don't even think about having a chance to come back. Usually they will just be killed without leaving a trace. .

Every time they didn't lose, it was a tragedy.

"I heard someone wants to play mahjong." Jian Qing's voice came from upstairs.

Seventeen and others looked up, Quan Jingwu was also there.

"Remember to bring money when playing mahjong." Jian Qing leaned on Quan Jingwu and said with a smile.

"Mommy, I'm your biological son." Nineteen whined funny.

"There's no point in being cute, I'm on your daddy's side." Jian Qing said lovingly.

Quan Jingwu's thin lips curled up slightly, and his deep purple eyes glanced at Mu Chen, "You come too."

It's not that easy to abduct his little cotton-padded jacket.

He must lose today to the point where he doubts his life.

Mu Chen nodded, and Nineteen reached out and patted his shoulder, "Brother, I wish you good luck."

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