Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 772 Can’t sit still (2)

Song Yi was so angry that he was hospitalized, and Zhang Tong ran to the hospital and home. As for Song Xirou, after experiencing Qiao Hai's incident, she never contacted the groups that withdrew their capital.

A week later, the Song Group's building was razed to the ground. The rapid and menacing speed made everyone in the capital once again see clearly the ruthless methods of JK International.

It's just that everyone still has a wait-and-see attitude towards the rumors about Quan Jingwu abroad. After all, so many things have happened, and Quan Jingwu has never appeared in the outside world. It is difficult not to make people suspicious.

Everything around the Shijin Palace was completely silent.

"Jane, why have you lost so much weight? You can't continue like this. Giving birth will be a physical job."

In the living room, Thea's very recognizable voice sounded.

Seeing Jian Qing's thin appearance, Thea frowned and couldn't help but feel distressed.

"Jane, I bought you your favorite cake. How about you eat some first?"

Jian Luo cut the cake and handed a piece to Xia. Xia took it and put it into Jian Qing's hand. She gently advised, "Quan Jingwu will wake up soon. When he wakes up, he will see you thin." If you are like this, you must blame yourself to death. If you are not hungry, you cannot starve your babies. "

Jian Qing held the cake, but the sweet aroma did not arouse her appetite at all.

She raised her eyes and saw the worried eyes of Thea and Jian Luo, and finally picked up the fork and took two bites.

Jian Luo looked at it and felt relieved in his heart.

"Jian, that guy Bai Jue has no other skills, but his medical skills are still good. You have to believe that he will definitely cure Quan Jingwu, and Quan Jingwu loves you the most, and he will never let you be so sad." Thea's frown relaxed when she saw her eating.

"Your belly is almost as big as when I was seven months pregnant with Cat. Is your belly this big even when you're pregnant with twins?"

Jian Qing stopped after taking two bites of the cake. She stretched out her hand to caress her round belly, her eyes filled with warmth.

"You are one baby, and I am carrying two babies."

Thea rolled her eyes gracefully, "I'm sorry for you. By the way, what are you going to do with Song Xirou? She doesn't seem to be a peaceful person."

Jian Qing's eyes deepened, "She can't dance for two days."

After hearing what she said, Thea no longer worried.

People who offend Jane should not be too miserable to be used as cannon fodder.

"Where's Maomao? Why didn't you bring her with you?" Jian Luo asked.

Thea said, "I have a cold. Kahn is taking care of me at home."

Jian Luo couldn't help laughing, "It seems that Kahn is quite adaptable to being a nanny."

Showing off her daughter in the group every day makes her almost become a doting girl.

Thea remained silent.

At this time, a man in black walked in quickly.

"Master, Song Xirou is here."

Jian Qing raised her eyebrows lightly, and there was frost in her eyes.

Oh, finally I couldn’t sit still anymore.

"Jane, what is she here for?" Thea asked curiously.

Jian Qing stood up and said, "Looking for death."

Before she finished speaking, she had already walked out.

"Sister, wait for me."

Jian Luo quickly followed, and Thea also ran out.

Her family simply abused Bai Lian, so she naturally wanted to go and cheer her up.

The sky is transparent blue with floating clouds.

In the courtyard, Song Xirou was stopped by two men dressed in black.

She looked at this fairyland-like courtyard, her eyes filled with jealousy.

This place was once her dream to live in.

If Jian Qing hadn't appeared, she would have been the mistress of this place.

If it weren't for Jian Qing, she should be the wife of the president of JK International, and everything she had worked so hard to plan would not be in vain.

"Hey, the sun is so bright, why are white lotuses still growing everywhere?" From a distance, Thea saw Song Xirou's ferocious face and mocked coldly.

Song Xirou looked left and right, and then realized that Thea was talking about her. She glared at her unkindly, then moved her eyes to look at Jian Qing, who was standing in the middle.

"Jian Qing, what are you trying to do by hiding behind your back? Do you think you asked Qiao Hai to set a trap for me on purpose?"

Jian Qing's eyebrows were filled with coldness, "Song Xirou, isn't it your favorite thing to do things behind your back? You also found Qiao Hai yourself, and you were willing to do the deal. I never forced you from the beginning to the end. Everything was done. It’s your own will.”

Her words hit Song Xirou's Achilles' heel, and she became angry and said, "It's all your fault that I'm in this situation today. If it weren't for you, why would I go to Qiao Hai? It's all your fault, so go die."

Before he finished speaking, the dark muzzle of the gun was pointed at Jian Qing, with a ferocious face.

"Jian Qing, take your child and go to your hell."

A cold light flashed in Jian Luo's eyes, "You are looking for death."

He clasped Song Xirou's wrist with five fingers, and his lightning-fast movements gave Song Xirou no time to react.


Suddenly, there was severe pain in her wrist. She let out a cry of pain and loosened her fingers. Mucang was in Jian Luo's hand in an instant.

He raised his knees and kicked her knees. Song Xirou fell to her knees.

"Bai Lian, you are so hopelessly stupid." Thea looked at Song Xirou's pain and said sarcastically.

It's really enough to not repent when death is imminent.

The man in black stepped forward and held Song Xirou's shoulders to prevent her from getting up. Song Xirou couldn't struggle, so she raised her head and glared at Jian Qing angrily.

"Jian Qing, it's all your fault. Why did you show up in the capital? I hate you, I hate you so much. You have ruined everything for me." She roared hysterically.

Thea was so angry that she really "admired" this man's shamelessness.

Jian Qing looked at her coldly with lowered eyes, her expression indifferent.

"Song Xirou, did you have a hand in my kidnapping?"

Song Xirou was now broken, and she said with a crazy expression, "Yes, I knew about your kidnapping from the beginning to the end. Those people are trash. They clearly said that they would solve you 100%. Now you But nothing happened, I hate them so much.”

"Who are those people?" Jian Qing stepped forward with a cold voice, "How did you find them?"

Those people were beyond Song Xirou's control. There was only one possibility: those people came to Song Xirou on their own initiative.

Song Xirou smiled contemptuously, "What should I tell you, Jian Qing, there are so many people who want to get rid of you. You are not going to die this time, but you may not be so lucky next time. After all, Quan Jingwu can save you." It would be difficult to save you once."

Halfway through, she raised her head and laughed, and said in a strange way, "Quan Jingwu should still be in a coma now, Jian Qing, it was you who caused him to be like this. If it weren't for you, Quan Jingwu wouldn't have been hurt. Look. Don't you feel guilty for leaving him unconscious?"

She just wants to ridicule her, and the best thing is to provoke her to have a miscarriage.

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