Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 902 Give him a needle (2)

Ana Shen's body swayed and he staggered back. The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and a numbing pain came from it.

He raised his hand to wipe away the scarlet blood from the corner of his mouth, looked up at him, and said mockingly, "Enough beating. If it's enough, I won't accompany you anymore."

"Shen Yan, what do you want? What good will it do to you to defeat me?" Shen Hua asked in a cold voice.

"If confidential information is leaked, do you know how much the group will lose? Don't forget how many employees in the group are counting on this job."

Hearing this, Ana Shen laughed loudly, her eyes full of sarcasm, "Shen Hua, don't you have any sense of shame when you say this? You might as well say that the leakage of secrets will prevent you from taking action against the Jane Group. , or in other words, blocking the expansion of your career territory.”

Shen Hua looked at him sternly, "Shen Yan, if you dare to provoke me again, don't blame me for being rude."

Ana Shen sneered, "I'm free to fight. If you want to fight, I'll stay with you till the end."

"Are you forcing me to take action against Jian Luo?" Shen Hua asked threateningly.

"Whatever you want, if you touch Jian Luo, I will destroy all your hard work, including you." Ana Shen replied calmly, "In the worst case, we will die together."

On the side, Ah Da felt a cold sweat in his heart for Ana Shen when he saw the incompatibility between the two brothers.

He didn't understand why he had to help Jian Qing and the others fight against his master, even though his master was his biological brother, even making fun of the group.

Shen Hua looked at him with sword-like eyes, and the veins on his forehead and neck popped out.

"Ana Shen, you must force me to lock you on the island, huh?"


Ana Shen looked at him with a bit of determination, "Even if you lock me up, as long as you dare to touch Jian Luo and the others, I will destroy all your hard work."

Shen Hua's face was livid, "Shen Yan, in your heart, they are all more important than my brother, right?"

"That's enough. I don't want to argue with you anymore. If you like to stay here, I'll give it to you and I'll leave."

After saying that, Ana Shen withdrew his gaze and walked out past him.


The sound of banging things sounded behind her, and Ana Shen didn't look back.

In the living room, fragments of vases were scattered all over the floor.

Shen Hua's hand hanging by his side was dripping with blood, and when it fell on the marble floor, a red rose bloomed.

After a long time, his gloomy voice said, "Ah Da, suspend operations against Jane's Group and JK International, and prepare a plane to return to the island immediately."

Ana Shen is now determined to go against him, and he cannot use his whole life's hard work to play against him.

When he finishes handling the group's current crisis, he will not let go of either Jane's Group or JK International.

Ada lowered his head, "Yes."

The sky is clear and the sun is hot.


The waves crashed against the rocks, rushing in like thousands of troops with thunder, splashing water several feet high.

Quan Jingwu and his party have been searching in the sea under the Soul Burial Cliff for several days. Time passed quietly, but Jian Qing was nowhere to be seen. Everyone's mood became heavier and heavier.

Especially Quan Jingwu, the hostility pouring out of his body made people dare not approach him. Shen Hao and others kept a distance from him when talking to him.

Under the scorching sunshine, Jian Luo raised his hand to wipe his sweat. His fair cheeks were tinged with a faint red. He couldn't find Jian Qing for a long time, and his mood couldn't help but become irritable and anxious.

"Luo, drink some water first." Black Jack opened a bottle of water and handed it to Jian Luo.

Jian Luo reached out to take it, took a few sips, then raised the water bottle and poured the remaining water over his head.

He shook his head, sweat dripping from his head.

Black Jack reached out to push away his messy hair and said warmly, "Don't panic, we will definitely find Jian Qing."

If they can't keep their composure, Quan Jingwu may go berserk.

Jian Luo sighed and raised his eyes to look for Quan Jingwu.

"Where are the others?"

"Over there." Black Jack pointed in the direction behind him.

Jian Luo took a bottle of water, and Black Jack walked over with him.

After searching here for several days, Quan Jingwu's trousers were dry and wet, wet and dry again, and he never closed his eyes for a while for several days.

Even Jian Luo and Black Jack, who usually liked to oppose him, couldn't bear to see him look like this.

Jian Luo stepped forward to stop him and put the mineral water into his hand, "Quan Jingwu, drink some water and rest first."

If his sister saw him like this, she would be very distressed.

"No need." Quan Jingwu said hoarsely and threw the mineral water back to Jian Luo.

"Quan Jingwu, you have to eat and drink even though you have a strong body. Are you going to fall down before you find Jian Qing?" Black Jack took the water from Jian Luo's hand and put it into his hand again.

"If you need someone, we'll be with you, but you have to take care of yourself. Otherwise, if Jian Qing comes back and sees you falling down because of her, what do you want her to do?"

Quan Jingwu squeezed the mineral water bottle tightly, his bright purple eyes now dim and filled with a bit of grief.

Darling, where are you?

After so many days, don’t you miss me and Shi Qi and the others?

When others were not paying attention, Bai Jue quietly approached and gave Jian Luo and the two a wink. Black Jack and Jian Luo nodded knowingly.

Bai Jue turned his wrist and aimed the syringe at Quan Jingwu's arm.

A feeling of numbness came, and Quan Jingwu looked at him with deep eyes. When he saw the coldness in his eyes, Bai Jue's little heart almost couldn't bear it.

Boss, don't look at him like that, he just wants him to take a rest.

Within a few seconds, the mineral water bottle fell on the beach. Quan Jingwu fell to the side, and Black Jack quickly supported him.

"Help him go to the boat to rest for a while." Jian Luo looked at the sleeping but still frowning man and said helplessly.

Black Jack nodded, Bai Jue came over to help support him, and the two of them worked together to send Quan Jingwu back to the boat to rest.

"what happened?"

Zhan Mingyan was preparing food in the boat and was shocked when she saw the two of them helping Quan Jingwu in.

"Heat stroke?"

In this hot weather, she felt dizzy after staying outside for a long time, not to mention that Quan Jingwu kept looking for someone outside.

"No, I gave him an injection and let him rest for a while." Bai Jue explained, opened the door, and helped Quan Jingwu in with Black Jack.

After Quan Jingwu was settled, Black Jack walked out, and Jian Luo and Shen Hao walked towards them.

"How's the situation?" Bai Jue rolled up his sleeves and asked.

"I've searched all around the beach, but I can't find it." Shen Hao said with a solemn expression.

Jian Luo continued, "People from the Underworld Army have also been looking for him, and it's the same thing."

Hearing this, everyone's mood became worse and worse, and they subconsciously looked towards the room where Quan Jingwu rested.

If he couldn't find anyone again, he might go crazy.

I finally got home, there will be more to do later, A-Xia worked hard at night...

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