Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 907 Those who should go back will always go back (3)

"Be good, don't be afraid, Daddy is fine."

"Bai Jue, show him quickly." Jian Luo looked at the blood that had not dried on the ground and quickly pulled Bai Jue over.

Bai Jue knelt down and stretched out his hand to touch Quan Jingwu's wrist. After a while, he withdrew his hand and said, "It's nothing serious. Don't worry."

Ever since Jian Qing's accident, he has been suppressing his emotions and feeling anxious. He has often gone without food and sleep for more than half a month. Even his iron body cannot withstand his torment. Now that he is vomiting blood, it is actually a good thing.


Seventeen and Nineteen's soft little hands randomly wiped the blood on the corners of Quan Jingwu's mouth, and looked at Quan Jingwu with wet eyes, showing a bit of fear.

"Be good, don't cry."

Quan Jingwu picked them up and walked towards the bathroom.

"Bai Jue, is Jingwu really okay?" Quan Mingxuan asked in a low voice.

Bai Jue shook his head, "Don't worry, he's just been emotionally depressed for too long, and he hasn't had much rest in the past half month. He's so anxious that he's like this. Vomiting this blood is a good thing for him."

Hearing this, Mrs. Quan and others were relieved.

After a while, Quan Jingwu came out of the bathroom with his two little treasures in his arms. The blood stains on the hands of the two little guys were all washed away. Quan Jingwu also helped them wash their faces, but his clear and bright eyes were still wet. With some moisture.

"Seventeen, come, uncle will hold you." Jian Luo looked at Quan Jingwu holding two, and wanted to share the burden for him.

It's just that Shi Qi was frightened by what Quan Jingwu had just vomited blood. She nestled in Quan Jingwu's arms and didn't want anyone to hold her.

Jian Luo was helpless. Black Jack picked up the lollipop to attract Nineteen's attention, but it had no effect. Everyone was talking about it, and the two little treasures were not allowed to be held by anyone except Quan Jingwu.

At this time, the servant came in.

"Master Jing, someone sent a package outside and said it was for you."

With that said, the servant presented the package with both hands.

Quan Jingwu was holding two small treasures and it was inconvenient to take them. Jian Luo reached out and took them for him. He looked at them and saw that there was no signature or mailing address.

"Take it apart," Quan Jingwu said.

After getting his permission, Jian Luo opened the express delivery in a few moments.

A rectangular brocade box and a piece of letter paper.

"Have you ordered jewelry?"

Jian Luo held the brocade box and looked at Quan Jingwu doubtfully.

This kind of brocade box is usually used to hold jewelry. Did he order some jewelry before to give to his sister?

Quan Jingwu said, "No."

"Let me take a look." Bai Jue took the letter and opened it. His pale eyes suddenly sank, and he handed the letter to Quan Jingwu in a panic.

"Quan Jingwu, look."

Quan Jingwu reached out and took it. There was only a brief sentence on the light blue letter paper.

--Wait patiently and protect your children. Those who should go back will always go back.

The beautiful font is vigorous and powerful.

He stared at that short line of words, a cold and terrifying light burst out from his eyes.

"What, what's going on?" Rui Yi and others looked over and saw the contents on the letter, and their expressions suddenly became strange.

"Is this someone playing a prank?" Quan Yifei guessed.

Quan Mingxuan touched his chin, "It's impossible. Apart from us, almost no one knows about Jian Qing's disappearance. This letter must be what the sender wants to remind us."

Quan Jingwu tightened his fingertips and wrinkled the flat letter paper. He turned his eyes to look at the brocade box in Jian Luo's hand and reached out to take it.

Like the letter paper, the brocade box is also light blue.

He pressed the hidden button on the brocade box, and with a snap, the brocade box opened.

When he saw clearly what was placed in the brocade box, the temperature around Quan Jingwu suddenly dropped, and a fierce anger flashed in his eyes.

Others lost their voices for a moment when they saw the contents of the brocade box.

There was silence in the living room.

In the light blue brocade box, the charming and gorgeous purple jade shines brightly, just like the enchanting purple eyes of Quan Jingwu and Nineteenth.

This necklace is familiar to everyone. It was a love token given to Jian Qing by Quan Jingwu. Jian Qing always wore it and never took it off.

No one will doubt that this necklace is a counterfeit, because the purple jadeite of this necklace is unique, and the jadeite cutting and design are the work of a deceased designer. There is no other person in the world who can imitate it exactly. What's more, even if he can deceive others, he can't deceive Quan Jingwu's sharp eyes. The other party should not be that stupid.

"Where is the person who sent this?" Quan Jingwu asked in a cold voice.

The servant realized that he was asking himself, and said quickly, "He has left. The person who delivered the courier only said that he would give this package to you."

"Jingwu, don't worry, I'll go out and take a look." Quan Mingxuan stood up and ran out quickly. Seeing this, Bai Jue followed him out.

Quan Jingwu picked up the necklace and looked at the brief words on the letter, his eyes becoming dark.

"Mommy's!" Seventeen stretched out her little hand to grab the necklace. Although the little guy is young, he has a very good memory.

After a long time, Quan Mingxuan and Bai Jue came back, followed by a man wearing courier clothes.

Suddenly seeing a big shot that he could only see on TV, the man's heart was pounding and his legs were shaking when he walked.

"Let me tell you clearly, who asked you to deliver this package?" Quan Mingxuan asked sharply.

The man's body trembled, and his voice was trembling, "I don't know anything. Someone put this courier in my car, and then left an envelope containing a package of money and a note, saying it was only I deliver this package here and the money is mine."

Such a lot of money is more than his salary for half a year. Anyway, it is just a courier. Anyone who sees it will be moved. How can I think of sending a courier and causing trouble?

"Didn't you see the person who gave you this package?" Bai Jue asked.

The man shook his head, "No, when I returned to my car after delivering the express, the package was already in my car."

"Okay, you can go." Quan Mingxuan glanced at Quan Jingwu and then sent him away.

The man looked at them cautiously and then ran out quickly.

Black Jack glanced at the letter in his hand and asked warmly, "Quan Jingwu, what do you think?"

The other party took great pains to deliver this package to them. Does this mean that Jian Qing is in the hands of the person who sent the package? It seems that the person who sent the package has no ill intentions towards them. Otherwise, how could he leave this letter? , and reminded them to protect their children.

What happened? If Jian Qing is fine, why hasn't she come back yet?

After pondering for a while, Quan Jingwu opened his thin lips and said, "Wait!"

He held the necklace tightly and had a guess in his heart.

When Jian Luo and others heard this, they looked at each other, but there was nothing they could do.

Quan Jingwu stuffed the necklace and letter paper into his trouser pocket, stood up with Seventeen and Nineteen in his arms, Rui Yi was afraid that he would do something impulsively, and asked cautiously, "Jinggo, what are you going to do?"

And blah blah blah...

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