Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 912 Your Quan Jingwu (2)

Bai Jue glanced at it, his eyes became strange, Jian Luo urged and asked, "How is it?"

"Mingxuan said Quan Jingwu was staying at home with Shi Qi and the others."

If Jian Qing had called Quan Jingwu, how could he still stay at home with his temperament? He would have gone to Jian Qing long ago.

From this point of view, it can only prove one thing. Jian Qing only called Jian Luo and did not notify Quan Jingwu.

"How could this happen?" Jian Luo was confused for a moment.

What happened to his sister, and why didn't he notify Quan Jingwu?

"Don't panic yet, everything will be clear after seeing Jian Qing." Black Jack reassured.

"By the way, why is Jian Qing in country Y?" Bai Jue held his chin and said thoughtfully.

Could it be that Jian Qing was rescued and taken to Country Y?

Black Jack said, "Everything will be clear when you see Jian Qing."

"By the way, Jian Luo, make that call again." Bai Jue said.

Jian Luo said, "I just called, but it's no longer possible and the number is empty."

Hearing this, Bai Jue and Black Jack's hearts trembled.

The dusk gradually blurred, and the remaining clouds lost their color.

After getting off the plane, Jian Luo immediately called Jian Qing, but the result was the same. It showed that the number was empty and no one answered.

When we came out of the airport, it was already dark.

Jian Luo and the other three rushed to the address Jian Qing sent them non-stop. When they got there, the place was already empty.

"Damn it, we're late." Jian Luo said annoyed.

"Let's leave here first. Since Jian Qing is fine, she will definitely contact us again." Bai Jue said.

Jian Luo glanced at the empty living room and nodded helplessly.

After getting in the car, Bai Jue was responsible for driving, while Black Jack and Jian Luo sat in the back seat.

Looking at the retreating scenery outside the window, Jian Luo was a little absent-minded. He glanced at his phone from time to time, for fear of missing Jian Qing's call.

With his impatience exposed, Black Jack looked sideways at him and held his hand on his knee, "Don't get carried away. We have been waiting for more than three months. It won't be long before Jian Qing is fine." good."

Jian Luo pursed her water-colored thin lips tightly and hummed softly.

Ge Di, the cell phone ringtone rang in the car.

Jian Luo saw it was an unfamiliar number and quickly picked up the call.


Bai Jue looked up at the car mirror and slowed down the car.

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a few seconds, and the cold voice was tinged with warmth, "Luoluo, it's me, where are you?"

Listening to this familiar tone, Jian Luo's anxious heart suddenly calmed down, "Sister, we have arrived in Country Y. Where are you now? We will go find you."

"I'm at the hotel where we used to stay in country Y. You can come directly here." Jian Qing wiped her wet hair and said.

"Okay, we'll go there right away."

As soon as he hung up the phone, Bai Jue immediately asked, "Where are you?"

"The hotel where we usually stay in country Y." Jian Luo said.

That hotel is owned by their Jian family. They often like to stay there when they go to country Y. There are several exclusive suites for them there. It is safe for his sister to go there.

Bai Jue nodded knowingly, turned the steering wheel, and increased the speed of the car.

After talking to Jian Luo on the phone, Jian Qing threw down the towel and took out a hair dryer to blow her hair. Her black hair grew longer like a waterfall.

The hair dryer made a "whirring" sound. She looked at herself in the mirror, her eyes slightly condensed, and the conversation between Ana Shen and the doctor rang in her ears again.

Partial memory loss?

What happened to her, how could she be injured and remain in a coma for more than three months.

She turned off the hair dryer and her long, silky hair was messy.

She raised her hand and looked at the ring on her ring finger, with some doubts flashing in her eyes.

Where did this ring come from?

Wearing a ring on the ring finger is usually worn by people who are getting married.

Why did she put the ring on her ring finger?

A cloud of fog hovered in her heart, almost swallowing her up.

She rubbed the ring and shook her head vigorously, trying to remember the missing piece of memory. However, the harder she thought about it, the more her head hurt.


She leaned over the dressing table, sweat breaking out on her forehead.

Head hurts!

Damn it, why can't I remember it?

"Dong dong dong -"

There was a rapid knock on the door, and you could see the worry of the person knocking on the door.

"Sister, it's me!"

Hearing Jian Luo's voice, Jian Qing took a deep breath, stood up and walked to open the door.

Outside the door, Jian Luo and the other three were so anxious that they almost kicked the door open.

At this time, the door opened.

The woman is dressed in black casual clothes, which brings a bit of coolness.

Her stunning face is still stunningly beautiful even when she is naked.

Seeing Jian Qing again after more than three months, Jian Luo's eyes suddenly turned red. He took a step forward and hugged her without saying a word.


The warm voice was a little choked.

Jian Qing's red lips curled slightly, and she raised her hands to hug him back.

"When did my Luoluo become so clingy, huh?"

True to what Ana Shen said, she was in a coma for more than three months. Jian Luo and the others were worried about not being able to find her for more than three months.

Black Jack and Bai Jue stood at the door, looking at the smile in Jian Qing's eyes, the big stone in their hearts finally fell to the ground.

She's finally back!

"Let's talk after we come in."

Jian Qing let go of his hand, looked at Black Jack and the two, and said.

Jian Luo and the other three followed her in. As soon as they sat down, Jian Luo quickly took out his mobile phone and hurriedly found Quan Jingwu's number.

"Luoluo, who are you calling?" Jian Qing saw him taking out his mobile phone and asked, "It's so late, don't disturb grandpa's rest. Anyway, I will go back with you tomorrow morning."

"No, call Quan Jingwu." Jian Luo said.

"Quan Jingwu?" She was stunned for a moment.

Jian Luo saw the confusion in her eyes out of the corner of his eye, and suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Sister, what's wrong with you?"

Black Jack and Bai Jue also noticed something was wrong with Jian Qing, and their expressions became strange.

Jian Qing noticed the strange expressions of the three of them, "Why are you looking at me like this?"

Jian Luo organized her words and asked, "Sister, have you called Quan Jingwu?"

"Who is Quan Jingwu?" she asked.

Before he finished speaking, Jian Luo and the others turned to stone.

After a long time, Jian Luo found her voice and looked at her nervously, "Sister, are you kidding us?"

"Quan Jingwu, your Quan Jingwu." He emphasized.

Jian Qing raised her eyebrows, "My Quan Jingwu?"

Jian Luo and the three of them nodded in unison.

"Luoluo, what are you talking about? Who is Quan Jingwu?" Jian Qing didn't understand why the three of them looked like they had seen a ghost.

Seeing that she was not joking, Jian Luo looked at her in horror, "Sister, what's wrong with you, Quan Jingwu, how come you don't know who it is."

Could it be that his sister was possessed, or that the three of them had bad ears and heard wrongly.

"Why should I know who he is?" Jian Qing was a little surprised when she saw his excessive reaction, "Is it a friend I know?"

More to come later...

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