Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 949 Shen Hua is an old witch (2)

The servant trembled, "I, I saw two young masters playing in the garden. I thought nothing would happen, so I went to the bathroom in the middle of the game. When I came back, I couldn't find them."


Ah Er scolded and immediately chased after him.

When Ana Shen rushed to the study, she heard Nineteen's crying and rushed in without bothering to knock on the door.

"Seventeen, nineteen!"

Shen Hua turned around and frowned, "Shen Yan, now you don't even follow the basic rule of knocking on the door?"

"Brother, I'm sorry." Ana Shen said hurriedly, and then looked past him to the two little treasures standing together next to the desk.

Seventeen hugged Nineteen, his pure eyes filled with moisture, and he tried not to cry. On the other hand, Nineteen, who was hugged by him, cried so hard that his face turned red, and the golden beans kept dripping like broken pearls.

Seeing Ana Shen coming, Nineteen hurriedly ran towards him, holding his thigh with her white and tender hands, "Good uncle, old witch... old witch, bully Nineteen."

In just a few days, Nineteen's favorable impression of Ana Shen skyrocketed, which could be seen from the title.

As for Shen Hua's turn, it's not even close to the Milky Way. The two little treasures often listen to Quan Jingwu and Jian Qing read storybooks, and they have a deep memory of the old witch in the storybook. Shen Hua always shows off to them. With such a fierce look on his face, the two little treasures directly trapped the old witch on him.

When Shen Yan heard this unique nickname at first, she couldn't hold back her laughter. In the end, she was afraid that Shen Hua would impulsively attack the two little treasures, so she restrained her laughter.

Even after listening to it for several days, Ana Shen still had the urge to laugh when she heard it now.

He raised his fist to his lips and coughed twice, squatted down, took the tissue from Ah Er, and then wiped the tears on Nineteen's face, "Nineteen, be good, don't cry, uncle is here."

Nineteen sniffed, "Old witch, bad."

"Ahem." Ana Shen lowered his head and hid the smile from his eyes.

Listening to the "old witch" shouting at each of the nineteen, Shen Hua's face was gloomy, comparable to thick ink.

On the side, Ah Da and Ah Er lowered their heads. They heard nothing.

Ana Shen waved to Qi Qi, "Qi Qi, come here."

Shi Qi trotted over, Ana Shen hid the two little treasures behind her, raised her eyes and looked at Ana Shen, "Brother, they are still children, don't argue with them."

"Oh, no one can mess with them," Shen Hua said coldly, "See for yourself what good things they have done."

Ana Shen glanced at the computer on the table that was spilled by water, and said calmly, "Brother, it won't hurt if the computer is spilled with some water. I promise to help you repair the computer, and the files inside will not be missing. ”

"No matter what, I have decided to punish these two little bastards today. Ah Da, we are not allowed to give them anything to eat today." Shen Hua glanced at the two little treasures hiding behind Shen Yan and said with a serious heart, " Catch them in a room and lock them up."

"Brother, you can't do this." Ana Shen's eyes darkened, "If you have to be this angry, why not just beat me and don't argue with them."

Shen Hua narrowed his eyes dangerously, "You said this yourself."

He took a step forward, and Qi Qi poked his head out from behind Ana Shen. His dark eyes stared at Shen Hua with a bit of disgust, "Good uncle, don't be afraid. Wait for daddy to beat the old witch."

Ana Shen looked down at Qi Qi who was protecting him, and felt warm in his heart.

He touched his little head and said, "Be good."

Shen Hua was already angry when Nineteen kept calling him an old witch. Now when he heard Seventeen calling him an old witch, he was so angry that the veins in his neck and forehead popped out.

"Get out of my way." Shen Hua pushed Ana Shen away, but Ah Shou was quick to hold him, otherwise Ana Shen would have to fall down.

"Young Master, Second Young Master's body has not fully recovered yet, please don't argue with him."

"You have no place to speak here." Shen Hua said contemptuously.

"Ah'er, carry them out first." Ana Shen stood firm and said.

A'er glanced at Shen Hua, then at the two little treasures with red eyes, reached out to pick them up, and walked outside.

After the door closed, Ana Shen looked away, then walked to the sofa, leaned over and picked up the fruit knife on the table.

"Second Young Master, what are you going to do?" Ah Da looked at the fruit knife in his hand and reflexively protected Shen Hua.

Shen Hua looked at him steadily, his eyes deep.

"Brother, this is my apology for the two little guys and you."

A very soft voice echoed in the study room.

There was a trace of cruelty in his eyes, and he swung the knife and slashed his arm twice.

In an instant, scarlet blood spurted out, staining his white shirt red.

The whole process was so fast that Shen Hua didn't have a chance to stop it.

"You're crazy!"

Shen Hua looked horrified, took a step forward, snatched the knife from his hand, and threw it on the ground.

"If this is not enough, I can add a few more." Ana Shen's face was pale, and she pulled her lips and forced a smile.

"Shut up." Shen Hua glared at him angrily, stretched out her hand to cover his wound, then turned to look at Ada, "Go find a doctor."


Seeing Ana Shen's arm bleeding profusely, she didn't dare to delay and quickly went out to find a doctor.

After treating the wound, Ana Shen left the study and took the computer with him.

When they returned to the room, Seventeen and Nineteen were playing with toys.

Seeing him, the two little treasures immediately dropped their toys and ran to him.

"Good uncle." Nineteen raised his little head and smiled so hard that his teeth couldn't even see his eyes.

"Are you hungry?" Ana Shen gently pinched his little face and asked warmly.

"I'm not hungry." Nineteen said in a milky voice, "Uncle Er, it's delicious."

Ana Shen followed his gaze and smiled faintly when he saw the table full of food.

"How about uncle playing with the toys with you?"

"Uncle, Qi Qi wants daddy and mommy." Qi Qi lowered his head and said softly.

Ana Shen's eyes paused slightly, and raised her hand to touch his soft hair, "Seventeen, dear, daddy and mommy have something to do, please stay here for a few more days, uncle is so lonely here alone, you and Shi Can you stay here with uncle for a few more days?"

Seventeen tilted his head, as if thinking, and then nodded lightly, "Okay."

"I hate you, old witch." Nineteen puffed out her face and said in a soft voice, "Wait for Daddy to come and beat the old witch."

"Haha!" Shen Hua was not here, so Shen Yan smiled without hesitation. He hugged Nineteen and kissed his little face.

"Nineteen, why are you so cute?"

He sat on the floor and let Seventeen and Nineteen sit on his lap. "Nineteen, come on, tell uncle why she is an old witch, huh?"

Nineteen bit her little hand, with a sly smile in her eyes, "Bad guy, old witch."

Ana Shen shook his head and chuckled, "Then who is your daddy?"

"Overlord." Seventeen said with a thief smile.

And ha...

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