Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 958 Look who’s coming (2)

Recalling what happened before, Ana Shen lowered his head, covered his face with his hands, and continued, "I'm afraid that my brother will do something impulsively, so I have been observing him secretly, but sometimes people are not as good as God. , I had a heart attack. After resuscitation, I was in a coma for a few days. When I woke up, I realized that my brother had plotted against Awei. He took advantage of Awei's trust in him. At the end of a mission, he He attacked Awei. He originally wanted to take Awei away and have her memory erased, but he didn't expect that Awei took the opportunity to escape. When I arrived, I witnessed Awei falling into the sea. "

If he had woken up earlier, he might have been able to stop everything in time.

He paused, with a hint of helplessness in the smile on his lips, "But some people are destined to be together. No matter what happens, we will still meet each other, just like Awei and your father."

When he said the last sentence, he turned to look at Jian Qing.

When he first learned that Jian Wei and An Zhe had given birth to Jian Qing, Shen Hua was so furious that he almost went crazy and rushed to An Zhe to go shopping, but he stopped him.

An Zhe's identity is involved with the top management of China. If he touches him, he will be in constant trouble. The biggest reason why he desperately protects An Zhe is Awei. His brother caused her to fall into the sea. He is already very sorry for her. She He must protect the person he loves deeply, at least not let his brother hurt him.

Jian Qing lowered her eyes lightly, reflecting Jian Wei's pale face.

The phone buzzed. Ana Shen took it out and saw that it was Shen Hua calling.

He stood up and walked aside to answer the phone. Seventeen and Nineteen ran over, and Jian Qing put her arms around them.

"Ok, I know."

After hanging up the phone, Ana Shen walked back.

"Jian Qing, it's half an hour."

Jian Qing reluctantly put down Jian Wei's hand and covered her with the quilt.

After leaving Xiaoyuan, Jian Qing didn't ask Ana Shen any more questions on the way back.

"elder brother!"

Stepping into the living room and seeing the man sitting on the sofa, Ana Shen took a step forward and subconsciously protected Jian Qing, mother and son.

Shen Hua raised his eyes and sneered coldly, "When did Head Jian need to hide behind others and be protected?"

Jian Qing walked out from behind Shen Yan, glanced at the man sitting on the sofa with cold eyes, and finally saw Shen Hua's true face in Lushan.

It is somewhat similar to Shen Yan.

"Shen Hua, you make it easy for us to find you."

"Brother, I want to talk to you about something." Ana Shen interrupted and stood between the two of them.

"Shen Hua, I'm curious about a question. You went to great lengths to catch me. Could it be that you just want me to see my mother?" Jian Jian asked straight to the point.

Shen Hua glanced at Ana Shen and curled her lips, "What, you didn't tell her?"

Ana Shen's face sank, "That's enough, brother."

Jian Qing's eyes wandered between the two people, and finally fell on Shen Hua.

The next second, Shen Hua did not disappoint and directly gave the answer.

"Because of your heart."

Ana Shen frowned, looked at Jian Qing and hurriedly explained, "Jian Qing, don't listen to my brother's nonsense, I won't listen to him."

Jian Qing stared at him, and the fog swirling in her heart gradually dispersed.

Her red lips curled slightly, and a hint of realization flashed across her eyes.

I see.

No wonder Shen Hua tried so hard to catch her, it turned out to be for Shen Yan.

It was just her heart. How could Shen Hua be sure that he would be suitable for Shen Yan?

Shen Hua stared at Jian Qing, seeming to see her doubts, and took the initiative to answer her questions, "Jian Qing, if your heart was not suitable for A Yan, and A Yan interceded for you, do you think I would let you and your brother go? Are you still alive?"

"How can you be sure that my heart is suitable for Ana Shen?" Jian Qing asked in a calm voice, not caring that someone else coveted her heart.


These two short words made Jian Qing feel a little confused.

Is it just because of family relationship that Shen Hua paid attention to her?

Shen Hua had no intention of continuing to explain. He changed the subject and said, "Jian Qing, since you know my purpose of catching you, then you should be prepared."

Jian Qing snorted.

Ready for her heart to be taken away?


Shen Hua simply had a hole in his mind to let others die and still prepare them. It was definitely not just one or two holes.

While others are full of stars, he is full of pitfalls.

Ana Shen frowned, "Brother, you go first."

Shen Hua glanced at him, snorted coldly, stood up and left.

When he walked to the door, he caught a glimpse of the two little treasures standing next to Jian Qing from the corner of his eye.

Nineteen caught his gaze off guard and made a face at him, "Old witch."

Shen Hua's face suddenly turned ugly and he strode away.

Jian Qing chuckled, and it seemed that Xiao Jing was really right.

"Jian Qing, don't take what my brother just said to heart."

Ana Shen's voice sounded behind her, and Jian Qing turned to look at him and raised her eyebrows, "If you don't change your heart due to congenital heart disease, you probably won't live long."

Ana Shen smiled lightly, "It's enough to live for so long."

Seventeen stretched out his little hand and pulled Ana Shen’s hand, “Good uncle.”

"Seventeen, you can't call me uncle." Jian Qing knelt down, pulled Shiqi over, and said softly, "You have to call me uncle."

Ana Shen's pupils tightened, and he could not hide the excitement on his face.

"Jian Qing, you..."

Is she willing to admit him?

Jian Qing looked up at him and smiled, "You are my cousin. Shouldn't Seventeen and the others call you uncle?"

She knew that he was different from Shen Hua, so she was willing to admit him.

She thought that if her mother woke up, she would definitely want her to do the same thing.

Ana Shen said excitedly, "It should."

The sudden surprise caught him a little off guard, but more importantly, he was overjoyed.

Jian Qing touched the two little treasures' little heads and said, "Seventeen, nineteen, call me uncle."

"Uncle!" the two little treasures shouted in tacit understanding.

Ana Shen's thin lips almost reached the back of her head, she knelt down and hugged the two babies into her arms, "Good boy!"

Jian Qing stood up, looked at Ana Shen with gratitude, and raised the corners of her lips.

Thanks to Ana Shen, Jian Qing spent two peaceful days on the island.

After Jian Qing helped the two little treasures take a bath, Ana Shen came.

Behind him were Ah Er and two men in black.

"Is it convenient for us to go in?" Ana Shen asked.

Jian Qing nodded and turned aside to let them in.

"Uncle." Shi Qi saw Ana Shen and ran over happily.

One of the men in black frowned slightly when he saw Qi Qi being picked up by Ana Shen.

Coincidentally, this small action fell into Jian Qing's eyes.

She looked at the man in black standing on the left with searching eyes, feeling inexplicably familiar.

It was as if Xiaojing was by her side...

Ana Shen put down Qi Qi and said, "Ah Er, go and guard the door."

Seeing Ana Shen's mysterious look, Jian Qing felt doubtful.

As soon as the door closed, Ana Shen went to close the curtains, and then came back.

"Jian Qing, look who is here."

And there's more...

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