Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 996 Extra of Jue Zhan and his wife (4)

"Ming Yan?"

In the dark night, the low voice sounded a bit surprised.

Zhan Mingyan looked up and saw He Min.

He Min greeted a few friends beside him and then walked over.

"Ming Yan, why are you here?"

Zhan Mingyan said, "I came to the club and was about to go back. What about you?"

"My friends made an appointment to come to the club to get together." He Min carefully noticed the loose coat on her body and his eyes darkened.

"Did you come alone?"

Just as Zhan Mingyan was about to speak, the sound of the car's engine came from far and near.

The next second, the blue sports car stopped steadily in front of her.

The car window was rolled down, and under the orange light, Bai Jue's angular handsome face was exposed in He Min's eyes. He opened the car door and looked at Zhan Mingyan.

"Xiao Yan'er, get in the car quickly."

Zhan Mingyan said, "He Min, I'm leaving first. You and your friends can play slowly."

After saying that, she got into the car.

Bai Jue leaned over and helped her pull the seat belt buckle, then looked at He Min and waved, "Don't interrupt, let's leave first."

He Min looked at the disappearing car, with a bitter smile on his lips.

Mingyan, is he your choice in the end?

"Brother He Min, was that Miss Zhan just now?" Luo Xin walked to He Min, looked at the direction where the car shadow disappeared, and narrowed her eyeliner eyes slightly.

He Min gave a lukewarm hum, "I still have something to do, so I won't go in with you. Let's meet up another day."

"Brother He Min, everyone has finally arrived. Isn't it a good idea to let everyone go temporarily?" Luo Xin held his arm and said softly.

He Min withdrew his hand and said, "No, I have something else to do, you can just play."

"Brother He Min!"

Luo Xin stamped her feet, a sinister light flashing in her eyes.

damn it.

It's this bitch Zhan Mingyan again.

It’s really haunting.

"He Min, where are you going?" The people who came with He Min saw He Min leaving and shouted at his back.

"I have to leave beforehand. I'm sorry. I'll pay for the night and you can have a good time." After saying that, He Min drove away.

"What's going on? Were you fine just now?"

"You don't know this, right? He Min likes Zhan Mingyan. You didn't see Zhan Mingyan get into another man's car just now. He Min is probably looking for a place to drink to drown his sorrows."

"I've heard about this too. He Min likes Zhan Mingyan, but unfortunately Miss Zhan doesn't pay for it. But I saw the man just now and he was quite handsome."

"Not only is he handsome, he should also be quite rich. That blue sports car is the latest limited edition, and there are only a few of them in the whole of China."

Luo Xin clenched her fists after hearing what everyone was talking about.

He Min belongs to her, and no one can take it from her.

The Zhan family is located in the suburbs, and there are many guards guarding the door.

Bai Jue stopped the car, and Zhan Mingyan unbuckled his seat belt and was about to get out of the car.

"Just leaving like that?" Bai Jue pulled her with a hurt expression on his face.

Zhan Mingyan was stunned for a moment, "What else?"

Bai Jue, "..."

My daughter-in-law’s emotional intelligence is low, can eating walnuts help her?

"I was very full from dinner and can't have any more late-night snacks. Let's try another day." Zhan Mingyan thought he wanted to have late-night snacks and said seriously.

Bai Jue spat out a mouthful of old blood, "You're so mad at me."

"What's wrong?" Zhan Mingyan was confused.

"Zhan Mingyan, you are so stupid."

Before he finished speaking, he held the back of her head and lowered his head close to her.

"Well, Bai Jue, you..."

After a long time, Bai Jue finally let go of her, and Zhan Mingyan felt like she was suffocated.

Bai Jue curled his lips in satisfaction and ruffled her long hair, "Go to bed early. If you can't sleep, you are allowed to call and harass me."

Zhan Mingyan slapped his hand away and said with her hair messed up.

"Who wants to harass you, you narcissistic peacock."

"If you don't go in, I can't guarantee what will happen in the next second?" Bai Jue narrowed his eyes dangerously and said with a half-smile.

"Shameless, hooligan!"

Zhan Mingyan picked up her bag, threw it at him a few times, then opened the car door and fled from the wolf's den.

Before taking two steps, Zhan Mingyan turned back again.

Bai Jue rolled down the window and smiled charmingly, "If you can't bear to leave me, how about I stop by to visit my uncle and aunt? Can you give me half of the room?"

Zhan Mingyan sneered, took out her lipstick, and drew a pig's head directly on the car body.

A limited edition sports car is simply a waste of money when used as a drawing board.

The muscles in the corners of Bai Jue's eyes twitched, and his heart was bleeding.

His car!

The villain in my heart wiped her tears with a handkerchief, forget it, I have to spoil the wife I chose even on my knees.

"Hmph." Zhan Mingyan put on her lipstick, threw it in from the car window, then shook her head, turned around and walked away.

Bai Jue picked up the lipstick with a dangerous smile on his lips.

Little pepper, you are so brave.

The floor-to-ceiling windows were open, the cool breeze rushed in, and the gauze curtains were swaying.

The mobile phone on the table buzzed, and Zhan Mingyan walked out while wiping her hair.

Picking up the phone and looking at it, the corners of his lips curled up quietly.

"You come here to disturb people late at night. It's so boring to have nothing to do."

It was hard to hide his smile even though he was full of disgusting words.

On the other end of the phone, Bai Jue had just finished taking a shower and was leaning on the sofa. There was an open bottle of red wine on the table.

He held the phone in one hand and shook the wine glass in the other, "I'm disturbing my wife. Is there a problem?"

"Bai Jue, who is your wife? Don't run off the train after opening your mouth. We haven't even changed our horoscopes yet. It's easy for you to prevent me from getting married." Zhan Mingyan put down the towel and brushed her hair casually.

Bai Jue took a sip of wine and said, "Besides me, who else do you think would dare to marry you?"

"That's a lot." Zhan Mingyan hummed, "I suddenly felt that He Min is quite good. He is gentle and considerate, so he should be a good candidate for a husband."

"Don't worry, except for me, no one else can marry you, so you should give up on that as soon as possible." Bai Jue said calmly.

Zhan Mingyan was a little curious, "Why?"

"Because whoever dares to marry you, I will throw him into the sea to play with the sharks." Bai Jue said.


Zhan Mingyan couldn't hold back her laughter.

"Dong dong dong -"

"Yan'er, I'm coming in."

Lu Hui's voice sounded through the closed door.

Zhan Mingyan quickly lowered her voice, "Stop talking. My mother came to see me and hung up."

After hurriedly hanging up the phone, Lu Hui opened the door and walked in.

"Here, drink the milk."

"Thank you, Mom." Zhan Mingyan reached out and took it, finishing the warm milk in a few sips.

"Yan'er, Mom wants to ask you something."

As soon as Zhan Mingyan put down the cup, Lu Hui pulled her to the bed and sat down.

"What's so mysterious?" Zhan Mingyan asked funnyly.

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