In the world of monster hunting, every monster has a corresponding vocabulary that can be used to describe its nature, such as the thugs of the Barbarian Elong and so on.

So what is the word that best describes the black wolf bird?


Among the bird-dragon species whose average strength is at the bottom among all giant beasts, the black wolf bird's strength can be said to be unique and at the top of the bird-dragon species. Even if it is placed in the entire ecological niche, the black wolf bird can be in the middle. The end is on the upper side.

In the New World, the strength of the black wolf bird has been further improved, and it can even reach the upper level in the ecological niche.

The most troublesome thing about the black wolf bird is its fighting spirit. It seems to live and die for fighting. It is also very easy to feed. It can eat some bugs, eat some carrion, or just go and grab big animals. The food of the strange bird is enough, but for the sake of fighting, he has become extremely bad at even hatching offspring, so he can only mix his own eggs into the eggs of the big strange bird like a cuckoo.

Under this habit, the black wolf bird is either fighting or on the way to fight every day.

Other creatures fight either for survival or territory, but the black wolf bird fights simply to enjoy the process of fighting, so the black wolf bird will not flinch at all no matter how powerful the enemy is.

Even when faced with beings like the Tyrannosaurus Rex or the Golden Lion, it dared to take the initiative to launch an attack.

Even if it cannot be defeated, its fighting spirit will not disappear. On the contrary, its fighting spirit will become even higher during the battle. Even if it is seriously injured, it will leave wounds on the opponent's body.

It is precisely because of this desperate habit that many high-niche creatures are too lazy to tangle with each other when facing black wolves.

Therefore, this kind of monster that was born for fighting actually came to such a place where there were no enemies to fight to its heart's content, and even pretended to be running for its life, which really made Luo Yun a little confused.

As for the black wolf bird knowing that this is a hunting ground, so it plans to come here to see if there are any opponents, that is even more impossible.

This place is not particularly far from the ancient tree. Even in such chaotic times, the fire dragon still occupies a dominant position in the hunting ground, and the large, high-niche flying dragon species represented by the fire dragon are the natural enemies of the black wolf bird.

The black wolf bird cannot fly against the fire dragon or the electric dragon. In this kind of battle, the size and speed do not have the advantage, and the battle can be over in a very short time without too much entanglement. The black wolf bird lets the dragon fly The feared poisons and flames will not have much effect at all.

Then its only possibility is to run for its life!

Worried about the presence of high-level predators, Luo Yun flapped his wings, stopped, and looked very warily towards the direction from which the black wolf bird came.

Because he lowered his height, the other side of the woods was not entirely obscured by the tree canopy.

But when Luo Yun looked around, there was nothing except a faint layer of white mist?

Luo Yun, who was a little confused, heard the panic cry of the herbivorous dragon and looked down quickly. The herbivorous dragons were startled by the sudden black wolf bird. Although the black wolf bird just flew over their heads, the herbivorous dragon still chose Escape.

It would be a bit troublesome if the herbivorous dragons ran into the woods.

Therefore, Luo Yun no longer hesitated and swooped down again. After quickly getting rid of the two herbivorous dragons of decent size, he looked warily towards the direction the black wolf bird came from while eating quickly.

The fog in the woods over there quickly dissipated, and no enemies rushed out until Luo Yun had eaten his fill.

Luo Yun did not indulge his curiosity and went to check in the woods. After leaving the half-gnawed corpse behind, he grabbed the other one and fluttered his wings and flew back to the ancient tree.

The Black Wolf Bird incident was just a small episode. Although Luo Yun was a little curious, as time went by and something happened, the incident was simply forgotten.

I don’t know why these days, but there is a very depressing feeling that is getting stronger and stronger.

At first, it was only Luo Yun who felt this way, but then gradually, the same situation appeared among the dragons on the ancient tree. It felt like they were being targeted by something with a higher ecological niche.

At first, all the dragons were just wary of each other. Gradually, as this feeling became deeper and deeper, as if something from the bottom of their bones was sending a crazy warning, some dragons finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Scatteredly, some fire dragon families began to choose to fly away from the ancient tree and go to other places to take shelter temporarily.

The Thunder Wolf Dragons at the bottom stopped fighting for territory and started migrating again.

With the re-migration of Thunder Wolf Dragon and other creatures, there is really a complete lack of food near the ancient tree.

Even if Luo Yun and Ya Ji went out to hunt at the same time, the harvest would only be enough to sustain them, let alone other adult fire dragons.

Gradually, a vicious cycle formed here in the ancient tree.

Under this environment, even the leader of Deter came to Luo Yun to discuss whether to migrate. If they migrated, their tribe was willing to continue to follow Luo Yun.

Luo Yun was a little confused about this, not because he was reluctant to leave, but mainly because where would he go if he migrated?

In the entire ancient tree forest, there is only one leyline node in the ancient tree, and the leyline energy in other places is relatively weak.

Therefore, migration can only go to the large ant mound wasteland or the coral platform opposite the Grand Canyon.

The environment of the Great Anthill Wasteland is not very suitable for fire dragons, especially male fire dragons.

Lu Coral Plateau is also the territory of Wind Drifting Dragon. As both are flying dragons, it is easy to start a conflict. At that time, Luo Yun and Ya Ji will most likely face the entire Wind Drifting Dragon tribe at the same time. Therefore, without sufficient strength, Lu Coral Plateau is not a good choice.

As for the Dragon Crystal Land, let alone how long it takes to fly there, how many battles and risks will be experienced along the way.

Even if they go there, the food shortage there is really exaggerated, the environment is too cruel, and there are countless ancient dragons or special species with strong combat power hidden there.

Migration is not a small problem. It is not possible to fly as you want. This is a very dangerous thing, so if it is not necessary, he really does not want to leave the ancient tree.

Luo Yun, who was in a bad mood, flew out of the nest and planned to patrol around. Suddenly, he found that a thick fog had risen in the northwest of the ancient tree at some point. The height of the fog even passed through the dense tree canopy, showing different colors in the sun.

Abnormal, it is afternoon now, how can there be such a thick fog?

Luo Yun, who noticed something was wrong, immediately accelerated and flew towards the sky above the thick fog.

As soon as he arrived at that area, before he descended to the treetops, his characteristics were instantly activated.

The flames covered his entire body in an instant, and it made crackling sounds when it came into contact with the thick fog. Luo Yun noticed with his sharp eyes that the burned fog actually turned purple at the end before dissipating.

"This fog is poisonous!!"

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