Monster Hunter: This fire dragon has special characteristics

Chapter 71 Props, Fire Dragon Clan Identity Scale

Today Luo Yun felt very uncomfortable, as if a strange dragon was crawling on his body, and everything was not smooth.

It was not because of anything else, but purely because his "salary" had been spent.

In one month, he only enjoyed one month's treatment.

It was a highly efficient and comfortable enhancement method that did not require any effort at all, and could sense life energy simply by lying down, and did not need to carefully guide and actively absorb it as in the past, and the energy would be passively integrated into the body.

Of course, this feeling was not enough to clearly sense that one was getting stronger every day. The enhancement of life energy to monsters was long-lasting and extremely slow, but every time the life energy was sensed passing through the body, the feeling that every cell seemed to be cheering and jumping for joy was indeed extremely fascinating to the dragon.

It was a pity that, except for the ancient dragon, only a very small number of creatures could truly sense and utilize life energy.

The rest basically followed their instincts and came to places with abundant life energy by pursuing areas with abundant food and rich nutrition.

The place where the ancient dragon stayed and lived was not necessarily a geocentric node, but it was a gathering place for many powerful special individuals, with abundant water and grass, and the overall biological body shape surpassing other places. The place with sufficient nutrition was basically located above the geocentric node.

The experience card only lasted for a month. It felt like the boss was telling you that your previous job and the contribution you made to the company were only worth so much. This was a commission-based job. The more you do, the more you get. If you don't do it, you will only get a little bit of a guarantee.

"Woo~ I don't want to be a social animal~ But, He gave me too much!"

It's easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it's hard to go from luxury to frugality.

Luo Yun was in this state at this time, but what was uncomfortable was that although he wanted to go on the police, the world consciousness boss didn't assign him an order.

This even made him want to fly around and look for other special individuals to hunt.

After all, special individuals can easily cause fluctuations in the ecological environment. Killing a few more of them is also a precaution?

Just as this thought came up, he felt a deep malice coming, as if as long as he took action for it, the ending would be very tragic.

"No, can't you even think about it?" Luo Yun sighed. He knew that this behavior was not desirable at all.

Even hunters knew that they couldn't hunt in large numbers just to change their equipment. In many cases, the investigation mission was just to expel the obstructing monsters, unless the lives of the personnel were threatened.

Fortunately, although the 'boss' didn't send any orders, there was still good news, that is, the plan to go out and persuade other Detel tribes in the ancient tree area to migrate and join the ancient tree to form the 'ancient tree fire dragon tribe' finally began to take shape.

Two small Detel tribes that had been suffering finally nodded, followed the fire dragon Detel to the ancient tree, and began to learn how to do the necessary work of an ancient tree fire dragon tribe.

Originally, when these new cats saw the huge fire dragons, their feet began to tremble. If it weren't for the elders who kept comforting them, they would have started to run away long ago.

But after discovering that the elders could walk around under the eyes of the fire dragons, and even get a little closer to the range of the fire dragon eggs, the little heart almost jumped out.

After completing the cleaning task and leaving the tribe to take over the guard work, the new guys breathed a sigh of relief and left the nest.

Now they only need to clean the periphery of the nest, and do not need to go deep into the nest or be responsible for guarding.

This is not only because these new Detel are not used to this symbiotic way, but also because they do not have the breath of fire dragons like the Detel on the ancient tree.

If the new Detel approach rashly, the fire dragons will also feel uncomfortable.

In order to solve this problem, the Detel of the ancient tree spent many days summarizing their experience and learning from the treatment method of the fire dragon Detel on Luo Yun and Yaji's scales, and finally completed a feasible solution.

They will clean the hygiene in the fire dragon's nest, collect these scales and cuticles, add some auxiliary materials that can amplify the smell, and put them all in a sealed storage jar.

After a few days of pickling, the smells on the scales of multiple fire dragons are mixed and integrated into the scales in the jar.

In this way, an extremely recognizable identity certificate was produced - the identity scale of the Fire Dragon Clan.

By wearing this processed Fire Dragon scale, not only can the Detels be distinguished from the original forest insect cages, but the Fire Dragons living on the ancient trees can also use this scale to determine the identity of the Detels when they go out to see if they are their own batch.

The birth of the Fire Dragon Clan's identity scale is not only an identity identification prop, but also increases the cohesion of the tribe, making the Detels in the tribe more identified with their identity.

It has to be said that Luo Yun felt that he had underestimated these cats, as they were able to do so well in just one month.

But it is also true that the Detels in the New World have long had their own civilization, but because of the ecological environment, their level of civilization has stagnated for a long time under the premise that survival is difficult to guarantee.

This time, there is no more pressure to survive, and a cross-era symbiotic relationship has emerged. The new way of survival has suddenly promoted the stagnant civilization. In this case, cats, as a social and intelligent race, naturally ushered in a new era.

The growth of the Detel in the ancient tree is in full swing and moving forward steadily. The fire dragon Detel warriors who went to the Star Base as a delegation are also returning to the ancient tree area with large and small bags of supplies.

However, only three fire dragon Detel returned this time. They were wearing simple fire dragon follower suits and carrying thunder wolf dragon weapons on their backs.

The requirements for hunting cats are really high. Only one fire dragon Detel has such qualifications and stayed in the Star Base to practice hunting cats with the leader. The three of them can only return to the ancient tree with this batch of forged equipment and specially treated materials to express friendly cooperation with the fire dragon Detel clan after initially completing the training of follower cats.

"Meow~ I'm so tired~ How about finding a place to rest?"

The Fire Dragon Deter warrior riding the thief dragon said.

They had to take detours to avoid monsters and navigate the complex environment with all kinds of ups and downs, which made the Fire Dragon Deter feel tired.

The two Felyn cats who set out with them also expressed their tiredness. The leading Fire Dragon Deter warrior stopped and asked everyone to find a suitable place to stay.

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