Monster Hunter: This fire dragon has special characteristics

Chapter 8: Drive away, the young dragon grows up

That's right. In the eyes of the poisonous bird, this female fire dragon is completely crazy. She is obviously not as big as herself, but she dares to expel herself. When she fails to expel herself, she dares to charge.

As we all know, the standard for the poisonous bird to judge the fighting power of both parties is the size. If the size is not as big as it, it can beat it. If the size is bigger than it, it will turn around and leave.

Therefore, the poisonous birds in some areas will even take the initiative to attack when they encounter golden lions that can threaten some small ancient dragons. The price of these poisonous birds is naturally to be beaten by the golden lions easily.

If it weren't for the poor meat quality and poison of the poisonous bird, it would even become someone's dinner.

This is why it, as a vegetarian bird dragon species, will continue to fight with Yaji after suffering such a degree of injury.

If it was Luo Yun before, relying only on the acceleration characteristics, I am afraid that he can only give this poisonous bird a claw. It is hard to say whether this claw can break the skin, but the probability of his claw breaking is not small.

But now Luo Yun is different. The strongman characteristic plus the bonus brought by acceleration, coupled with his extremely deceptive young dragon identity, can give those who underestimated him a big surprise.

For example, this poisonous bird that stretched out the feathers on its neck to increase its threatening appearance, but completely exposed its back to Luo Yun, will pay the price for its wrong judgment.

One claw!

Just one claw!

The exposed back was directly scratched with a long scar, the flesh turned over, and the scales were forcibly torn off.

The tearing pain made the poisonous bird's frog-like eyes widen, and the original posture of defending against Yaji's charge also changed. It was directly knocked away by Yaji.

It must be said that the giant beasts in this world, nourished by the energy of the earth veins, have very high muscle and bone strength.

After being hit head-on by Yaji's full-strength dragon car, the poisonous bird was able to quickly get up and launch a counterattack against Yaji.

Luo Yun, who had clawed the opponent, had not yet landed, and his wings flapped quickly. The whole dragon glided for a distance and then took off again.

At this time, his claw was aching slightly, but after the battle began, he ignored this degree of pain.

His brain was very clear. If he was in the front, he would only hold back Yaji. Only by flying in the air and clawing at the opponent from time to time and using harassment tactics could he really help Yaji.

Below, the two giant beasts started fighting again, fighting, biting, venom, tail swinging, dragon car.

Every collision was a confrontation between strength and strength. The poisonous bird's venom was very strong, but the female fire dragon's resistance to toxins was also not weak. Yaji's flames could pose a threat, but this poisonous bird was experienced and kept pestering Yaji for hand-to-hand combat, not giving her time to accumulate strength.

Therefore, the battle between them became a pure hand-to-hand fight, but the difference from the previous one was that in this fierce collision, there was always an old six like a crow swooping down to attack the poisonous bird from time to time, and then immediately took off, not giving the opponent a chance to counterattack.

Luo Yun did not cause damage every time he dived, but every time he dived, he either went to the neck or the eyes, which were weak points, which caused the poisonous bird to defend every time.

Then Yaji would take this opportunity to hit it hard.

In this righteous two-on-one battle, even if this poisonous bird was full of energy, tenacious vitality, and experienced many battles, it was aware of the crisis after repeated failures.

Therefore, after a collision, this poisonous bird forcibly resisted Yaji's tail swing, opened its mouth and directly sprayed out a mouthful of poisonous mist.

In an instant, Yaji and the opponent were directly covered by thick poisonous mist, and Luo Yun, who was flying in the sky, also lost his target for a while.

The next second, the poisonous bird rushed out from the other side of the poisonous fog and quickly went deep into the forest.

It was obvious that the opponent gave up fighting, gave up, and gave up the territory directly.

The poisonous bird still had some strength left, and wanted to escape. With the current Luo Yun and Ya Ji, there was no way to kill the opponent, so Luo Yun had no intention of chasing it.

Below, Ya Ji waved her wings to blow away the poisonous fog. This level of poison was useless to her, and it could only block her sight.

Looking around, seeing that there was no trace of the poisonous bird, Ya Ji roared and declared victory.

But when her eyes saw Luo Yun swooping towards her, her eyes were a little complicated.

Luo Yun was very excited. This was his first real battle. Even if he was just an auxiliary, it was a real battle.

This also meant that he would no longer be chased around by the crown dragon like a month ago. He had the ability to survive in this world.

Originally thought it would be a touching reunion, Yaji would rub against him intimately and celebrate the victory of the battle with him.

But when he landed, he was faced with Yaji who showed hostility.

"What happened?"

Luo Yun didn't understand why Yaji was hostile to him?

As long as he approached, Yaji would let out a low roar, and even lowered her body to make a gesture of expulsion.


Luo Yun approached, and a ball of fire fell directly in front of him and exploded. Yaji, who spit out the fireball, looked at Luo Yun coldly. When she found that he looked unbelievable and confused, a trace of struggle flashed in her cold eyes.

But then he became firm again, glared at Luo Yun coldly, turned around and left without hesitation.

Seeing this, Luo Yun followed him subconsciously, but Ya Ji suddenly turned around and yelled. The sound represented expulsion and resistance.

Luo Yun seemed to understand something, but he still followed Yaji from a distance without giving up.

He saw that Ya Ji easily caught a prey even though she was dragging her injured body.

Watching Yaji eat the prey cleanly on her own, without leaving any points for Luo Yun.

Watching Yaji start to speed up, return to her own territory, and come to the woods above the nest.

I saw a poisonous demon bird that was slightly smaller than Ya Ji and had a pair of big wise eyes. It met the returning Ya Ji.

After being stunned for a second, the poisonous monster bird was so frightened that all the poisonous mushrooms in its mouth spurted out, and it ran away without any intention of fighting.

"So this is the poisonous demon bird I know? Who was that just now?"

Yaji was also stunned. She just seemed to have mistakenly recognized the dragon...

But no matter what, the fight was fought and the territory was occupied. So what if I admit my mistake?

The most important thing is that her baby dragon can fly and can live on its own.

He no longer needs her care.

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