Monster Refining System

Chapter 1415: Final start

"The first three halls you mentioned, I don't know..."

"Don't know?"

Xia Fukun was stunned when he heard Weiss's words.


He has gone through that journey of reincarnation.


Entered the blood palace.

I have some understanding of the pattern in the Blood Palace.

and so--

Really know that the Blood Palace indeed has the saying of the Nine Palaces...

But now, not only did Billus-sama tell himself that he didn't know, even this Weis said he had never heard of the name of the palace master.

This made Xia Fukun a little confused.

To be reasonable, there is absolutely no need for Master Vis and Birus to deceive themselves...

and so……

What is going on here?

"Is it possible... My journey of reincarnation is the time and space of the future, and that blood palace has undergone some changes, so, what I see is the future pattern of the blood palace? So, the blood palace has happened. misfortune?"

Xia Fukun muttered thoughtfully.

"what did you say?"

Wes listened to Xia Fukun's muttering, and asked curiously.

"Aha, nothing is nothing."

Xia Fukun waved his hand and said.

However, even though he said so, in his heart, Xia Fukun linked all this to the great devil, that is, his future amnesia...

and so……

What happened in this future...

Xia Fukun took a deep breath.

He rubbed his temples vigorously.

Then Lord Quan, why would he feel familiar again? Is that the character in the journey of reincarnation?

Xia Fukun has compared this Lord of the King with everyone in the journey of reincarnation, including the suspected palace owner of the first hall of the Blood Palace who was driven out by the other party from the journey of reincarnation...

Xia Fukun has compared all of them, but no one can match the Lord Quan...

"Hey, a headache!"

Xia Fukun rubbed his temples.

He could feel that Master Quan Wang was very interested in him, and even, in front of everyone, said his kind words in front of Master Xiangpa.

Moreover, Xia Fukun guessed that he went to Tianhai by himself, and it was very likely that Lord Quan Wang did.

It was Master Quan, Master Billus who asked Master Birus to take him to the unknown realm of the Third Universe, step by step, allowing himself to enter the sea of ​​heaven.

Xia Fukun never knew why this Lord Quan would treat himself this way.

He thought that Lord Quan Wang might be an old friend, but he couldn't guess.

It seems that if you have a chance, you can only look back to see if Lord Quan King will tell you all about it.

The cultivation of Lord Billus was very boring, just sitting cross-legged on the spot, covered with a strange purple.

The purple is still boiling.

This is the case for more than one day.

Fortunately, Weis beside Xia Fukun was not idle either.

If you don't know the identity of Weis, Xia Fukun will definitely think that Weis is a food lover.

For more than a day, Weiss has been making all kinds of delicacies there.

And Xia Fukun reluctantly acted as a gourmet appreciator.

Constantly assessing some of the delicacies made by Weiss...

Under such circumstances, more than a day's time will soon pass away.

Wes looked at Xia Fukun in front of him.

"Xia Fukun, the time is up."

At this moment, Xia Fukun is still eating a strawberry Christmas made by Weiss. Wiped his mouth.

"Is it time..."

He squinted his eyes.

It's also this time.

Weiss came to Lord Billus's side, and in his hand, the staff tapped on the ground lightly.

Suddenly, a circle of waves spread to the space on all sides.

And Lord Birus opened his eyes in vain, and the mysterious purple that covered his body entered his eye sockets, and then the purple light shot in his eyes, disappearing instantly.

Master Billus moved his wrists and ankles and stretched.

"Is the time up?"

"Yes, Lord Billus."

Weiss nodded at Lord Billus.

"Then, did you prepare the instant noodles I asked you to prepare? I'm a bit hungry."

Lord Billus yawned and said.

"Emmm, this, Xia Fukun has eaten your share."

Lord Billus: "???"

Xia Fukun: "???"

When I ate it by myself, Weiss did not say that the one he ate was from Lord Birus!

"What about the others?! Are the other food gone?"

Master Billus gritted his teeth and glared at Xia Fukun, then said.

"Oh Ho Ho, Lord Billus, I still have a few wowotou and a bottle of old godmothers, or do you make do with it?"

"give me!"

Master Billus didn't have any unnecessary nonsense. After eating a few wowotou, he drank a sip of juice, and immediately swept his tail behind him.

"Let's go, go to the arena."

Weiss nodded and tapped the staff in his hand on the ground again, which was also the time. The enchantment previously arranged by Lord Billus disappeared, and Weis also turned his head and smiled at Xia Fukun.

"Xia Fukun, let's go one step ahead. Remember, no matter what your friendship is with Lord Billus, in front of outsiders, at this moment, Lord Billus, Lord Elephant and you are a tripartite camp."

"Are the three camps... well, I see."

Xia Fukun nodded at Master Weis and Billus.

"Then, see you on the battlefield."

Master Billus grinned at Xia Fukun, and immediately, being led by Navis, disappeared in front of Xia Fukun.

And Xia Fukun also sighed.

This day is still here.

I don’t know what Master Xiangpa would do to himself, but Xia Fukun was not so nervous, after all...

At this moment, he is refining and abundant.

At that time, if a hundred monsters are not enough, the big deal, he will suffer a little loss, extravagantly waste a bit, and come to two hundred...

With this thought, Xia Fukun also left the private space of Lord Billus and headed towards the arena.

And today's decisive battle has already spread in the Sky City.

The area outside the arena is empty everywhere.

However, the more you get to the arena and the surroundings, the more water can flow.

And around the arena, ordinary people can't fly, but Xia Fukun doesn't have so many scruples. After all, if he also queued up in the crowd to enter the field, it is estimated that when the queue reaches him, it may be that the game will be over.

Besides, not all of these people in front of you have votes. It is estimated that many of them are here to join in the fun.

After all, it is difficult for many people to see a battle of this level in a lifetime.

It was also when Xia Fukun was about to fly to that special passage, he suddenly heard that a shout came from under him.

Involuntarily, Xia Fukun lowered his head and looked at it, and he was a little stunned by the same look.

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