Moria the Pirate

Chapter 204: Start closing the net!

The huge loss Moria suffered was so severe that it would take at least half a year to recover.

The current Magic Triangle can no longer withstand the torment.

Fortunately, Moria's mission has come to an end.

The number of pirates from the New World is decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye. At the same time, the navy has also begun to take action.

The Chambord Islands are completely blocked. Now, if there are pirates, it will be more difficult to reach the Seven Waters Capital through the Chambord Islands than to reach the sky.

Naturally, the number of pirates who arrived in the Magic Triangle began to decrease sharply.

The remaining pirates no longer pose much of a threat.

And Kizaru was about to leave and go to the Capital of Seven Waters.

As for Moria, he is still in the Magic Triangle, cleaning up the battlefield and intercepting those fish that slip through the net.

As for whether the pirates will return to the new world from the Capital of Seven Waters, through the Devil's Pass, this question does not need to be considered by Moria.

As for the navy, arrangements have already been made.

Facing these returning pirates, the main force to intercept them will be the navy. The navy will conduct strict defenses in the capital of the seven rivers, and Moria will just check for leaks and fill in the gaps behind them.

In short, there will be nothing to do with Moria next.

"Tch, that's really nice to say!"

After Moriah hung up the phone, he said disdainfully.

In short, both the Navy and the World Government called Moria, thanking him throughout and saying that Moria had made outstanding contributions.

Therefore, in order to reduce the burden, Moria just needs to take a good rest in the Magic Triangle, and there is no need to continue to contribute to the rest.

The words sounded nice, but they were not meant to be secretly wary of themselves to prevent themselves from participating in the fight for Pluto.

Moreover, since it is a compliment, it has no practical benefits at all. It’s really a shame, even giving myself a little Pele would be great!

All losses should not be paid for by oneself.

As for the only benefit, it is still a blank check. It is said that the Five Old Stars have agreed to create their own kingdom, but this matter still requires various negotiations and various procedures.

In short, it is just a verbal promise. As for when it will be implemented and when he will become the real king, he needs to be contacted slowly.

Moria didn't care much about this. After all, it was just for the government to see.

Moreover, as soon as he gets started, Moria is sure that he can turn the white into black and the false into true.

Of course, these are all things for later.

Moria suffered heavy losses, but it also had corresponding benefits.

Due to the impact of the New World pirates, all the forces on the route from the Chambord Islands to the Capital of Seven Waters have been cleansed, leaving only a blank slate.

Moria can take the opportunity to occupy these places.

At the same time, fighting has always been the best way to improve your strength. Although there were serious casualties, the surviving crew members were, without any surprise, elites, and their strength had been significantly improved.

Moria himself has also made great progress in his Devil Fruit abilities.

At the end of Moria, the battle in the Capital of Seven Waters seemed to be about to end.

The warships coming from Judiciary Island densely surrounded the Seven Waters Capital and began a fierce attack. Members of the government, who had been passively defensive, also began to fight back.

It can be said that so many pirates were allowed into the paradise just for this moment.

Although we are in the era of great pirates, the navy's power in Paradise and the Four Seas area is far stronger than that of pirates. What's more, this place is the capital of the Seven Waters and is so close to the World Government's Judiciary Island, making it very convenient to mobilize troops.

From the moment Pluto's design drawings were discovered to now, almost one day has passed.

During this period, CP0 members organized several attempts to get rid of the entanglement of the pirates and send Pluto away safely, but they always seemed to be just a little bit close and failed in the end.

This is how the information received after being sent to Moria was described.

Not only that, but there are also related photos and videos.

Through the long-term preparations and arrangements, the battle situation in the Capital of Seven Waters has been continuously communicated to Moria.

In fact, Moria hopes to have a live broadcast, just like Bucky's live broadcast of the war.

But after thinking about it, Moria gave up. After all, not everyone is as lucky as Bucky, and once discovered, Moria's stronghold in the Capital of Seven Waters will be in danger.

Perhaps from the perspective of the pirates present, the people of the World Government, due to the large number and strength of the pirates, have been unable to break through the pirates' numerous interceptions. What's more, the navy's warships have been destroyed. The world government's retreat has been blocked.

The people of the World Government could only wait for help, and on several occasions, the pirates almost grabbed Pluto's design drawings.

All this tells everyone that as long as you work harder, victory is right in front of you, and you can get Pluto!

However, is this really the case?

From the perspective of Moria, an onlooker, there are many doubts here.

First of all, why does the World Government want to keep Pluto's design drawings in the Capital of Seven Waters? Isn't it better to transfer them in time? .

Secondly, a CP0 commander, plus Akainu, two strong generals, have no way to break through the blockade of these pirates, what a liar!

Among the pirates who came to the Capital of Seven Waters, the highest bounty was only one billion, which was still a little short of being an admiral.

The sight of Akainu going all out during the siege of the Hausen family is still fresh in Moria's memory. Moria doesn't think these pirates can block Akainu's way.

What's more, there is a CP0 chief next to him!

As for saying that all the warships were destroyed and there was no way to leave the Seven Waters Capital, that was even more of an excuse. One of the six moves of the Moon Step, two general-level experts couldn't even do the simplest Moon Step?

Even if the two of them are really stopped, there is still a Kizaru in the Magic Triangle of Moria!

With this small distance, Kizaru relied on the speed of the Shining Fruit to safely transfer Hades in a few minutes.

The navy did this just to attract more pirates.

This allows you to gain more when closing the net.

Now, there are indeed many big fish in this net, but the giants of the deep sea do not seem to be fooled.

One day has almost passed, and there is no point in waiting any longer.

"Close the net!"

The Navy and the World Government decided to launch a final offensive to eliminate these pirates.

With the addition of follow-up troops, the balance of victory began to tilt toward the navy.

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