Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 127: Seizing the Gate (Please subscribe, please reward)

Deep in the mountains and forests, there is a fortress made of white stone. It is already quite large. More than two hundred and nearly three hundred green-skinned ancient orcs live here.

Due to the abundant food supply and comfortable life during this period, the number of surviving newborns in the clan increased again, and everyone's face was filled with smiles.

Life in the future can be better and better, with more and more expectations. This should be the simplest life vision that every intelligent race will have.

However, suddenly there were black armors walking through the forest. They were not very tall and wore heavy armor, but they were running very fast.

When watching these black-armored swordsmen running past them with weapons on their backs, most of the ancient orcs were confused and could not realize what happened for a while.

However, some of the orcs who were working outside the White Stone Fortress were able to react. As soon as it saw those black-armored swordsmen passing through the forest and rushing towards the gate of the orc fortress, it reacted after a brief period of shock and roared in fear. :

"Block them, they are enemies trying to seize the door!"

After shouting, the ancient orc took the lead in drawing out his short sword and pounced on a black-armored swordsman nearby.

However, what struck him was a lightning-like sharp sword light. Before the green-skinned ancient orc could judge whether he should continue to attack or retreat, his throat was pierced by this sharp sword.



Many women who were working were horrified and screamed, but this was only a small part. Most of the ancient orcs, even women, immediately entered a fighting state, roaring and pounced on the nearby enemies.

Some scholars say that orcs are a warrior culture and a natural fighting race. This statement cannot be said to be wrong. In terms of average combat literacy, orc civilians are much better than human civilians. When a small tribe is attacked by surprise, most of the orcs are Men, women, old and young, all dared to fight.

Faced with this kind of natural fighting race, human civilization's response is to concentrate resources, select warriors from a larger population base, and concentrate a large amount of resources to cultivate elites.

Therefore, although the average race value of orcs is higher than that of humans, they are often suppressed or even defeated directly by elite human regiments in wars.

Although the ancient orcs inside and outside the White Stone Fortress reacted quickly and quickly organized defense inside the fortress, the ancient orcs who were working outside the fortress gathered to besiege the black-armored swordsman troops. But it was no use. Under the leadership of Yannick and Remo Mac, the black-armored swordsmen troops quickly seized the gate of the fortress.

Seeing that the gate of the fortress was slowly closing, Yannick and Remo Mac looked at each other while running, and then the two of them simultaneously activated the effect of the weapon skill Dark Fire. Under the stimulation of magic power, their strength sensitivity increased. Combat attributes have been greatly improved.

Stimulating the fire of darkness will cause great pain, so the two running people roared almost like beasts in the process.




After a fierce charge and impact, the door that had just been pushed shut by the four ancient orcs was forced open by the two people's fierce collision.

The four ancient orcs flew out, while Yannick and Remo Mac, who were also severely shaken, rolled into the fortress and slashed with swords.

It’s embarrassing and chaotic, but this is the battlefield.

The black iron armor is light and strong. It is made of half ironwood and half iron. Therefore, while it has the defensive power of heavy steel armor, it is only as light as light armor. It hardly affects movement.

A green-skinned ancient orc holding an ax suddenly jumped down from the wall. Taking advantage of his surprise, he struck Remo on the back with the ax. The huge force caused Remo to roll forward before the force was relieved. But he was able to stand up again quickly, and when Remo turned around, the sneak attacker had been killed by Yannick, who was holding a two-handed sword.

At this time, the following troops of black-armored swordsmen also quickly followed up and completely occupied the gate of the fortress. They were surrounded by green-skinned ancient orcs, but they did not panic or panic, but formed a circular formation to defend themselves. Stay away from the scattered impact and delay time.

"The Dark Swordsman troops succeeded in seizing the door, and the Crossbowmen troops quickly followed up...killing all these beasts."


Rhodes, who was sitting on the horse, put down the telescope in his hand and gave the order.

Archer Commander Raymond immediately responded to the order, and then ran out with the Rodok crossbowman.

At this time, the ancient orcs in the White Stone Castle and the ancient orcs who had been working outside had surrounded the Dark Swordsman troops into a huge circle.

Rodok's crossbowmen rushed out at this time and came to a relatively close place where they were trained to shoot crossbows in batches. Regardless of whether they were men, women, old or young, all those who were attacking the Dark Swordsman troops in front of them were killed without mercy.

The heavy crossbow can exert its full power at this distance, even if it is armored, it is difficult to stop it, and it can often shoot people directly through!

What's more, many of the ancient orcs in front of us are not wearing iron armor, so there are cases where one or two people are shot through with crossbow bolts with huge power. The number of ancient orcs outside the fortress is increasing with the sound of crossbows ejecting. decrease rapidly.

As time went by, life and blood were consumed at an alarming rate, and thick plasma flowed under the feet, quickly making the ground sticky and slippery.

If they were the elite of Redwood Town, they would not be soft-hearted in the face of this situation and would continue to carry out orders, but they might be a little soft-hearted.

Because the soldiers of Redwood Town were basically migrated from the inland of the Styak Empire, they had not experienced the cruelty of humans and aliens competing for living space and resources across the border of the empire. A peaceful and comfortable environment would cultivate a soft heart.

People who struggle on the edge of life and death every day, who are hungry and have never had enough food since birth, will not have those sentimental emotions.

And whether it is the Dark Swordsman Corps or the Rhodok Crossbowman Corps, it is the same. Many of them were struggling to survive under the whips of jackals and lizardmen half a year ago, watching jackals and lizardmen eat human babies.

Humans who survive in this environment, once they have power and have the opportunity to take revenge, their hearts are more cruel than venomous snakes and wolves.

The blood shed by aliens and the loss of life will only make them feel excited and happy!

"The crossbowmen stop shooting, use melee weapons, and charge the whole army."

When it was judged that the number of ancient orcs in front of him had been reduced to a certain extent, Raymond decisively ordered the Rhodok crossbowmen to switch to melee.

Because each Rhodok crossbowman carries a limited number of crossbow arrows, 30 is normal, 60 is the maximum, usually 30, because each crossbowman has the opportunity to attack more than 30 times on the battlefield, which is not very often.

In addition to the heavy crossbow and crossbow arrows, high-level Rhodok crossbowmen of level 4 to 5 will also be equipped with a tower shield, a military hammer, and full body armor. Their close combat ability is quite good.

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