Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 427: Noble Private Soldiers

The reason is very simple. Before the rise of the demon tide, the regular army of the Styak Empire was only about the first level on average. Those who were all second level were definitely the main battle elite:

Imperial recruits, imperial infantry, imperial assault swordsmen (first level, third level), imperial heavy assault swordsmen, and imperial heavy excellent swordsmen.

Imperial recruits, imperial infantry, imperial light cavalry (first level, third level), imperial heavy cavalry, imperial knights, and imperial honor knights.

There is a common situation where undertrained second-level soldiers are used as light cavalry, and first-level, third-level light cavalry are used as heavy cavalry.

Second-level infantry is used as light cavalry. Of course, riding skills are not good, but because of equipment advantages, they are stronger than second-level infantry in most cases, but once they encounter unexpected situations, their adaptability is insufficient.

First-level, third-level light cavalry is used as heavy cavalry. Because of equipment advantages, they are stronger than imperial light cavalry in most cases, but they are also unable to exert the power of: military skill 1 lance charge, military skill 2 refined steel armor.

This is the general situation of the regular army of the Styak Empire, and this is when the previous emperor, His Majesty Ledson Revic, was a man of great talent and strategy. Although the military had not been in war for many years, it was not rotten to the root.

In most cases, the noble private army is definitely weaker than the national regular army. Many of them are peasant soldiers and militias. They occasionally train during the slack season, and their morale and combat effectiveness can be fully estimated.

The nobles of the northern province originally thought that they were coming to support, but now they see the difference in the combat effectiveness of the soldiers on both sides, and they understand that they are taking advantage.

After the war against the invasion of orcs, the Lonely Mountain Castle cannot support such a large army for a long time. Now send it in, after training, after participating in the war, these private soldiers will most likely be returned to the nobles of the northern border.

Of course, as the most martial nobles in the Styak Empire, the nobles of the northern province are not without particularly well-trained private armies. There are also very few nobles in the northern border who do not use the materials in their own territory to indulge in pleasure, but instead invest in military training.

The combat power and quality of these noble private armies are relatively high, even far exceeding the regular army of the empire.

However, in the process of absorbing and transforming the soldiers of Lonely Mountain Castle, these noble private armies with higher quality levels are the most disadvantaged.

Take the giant axe warriors of the Fields family, a famous military family in the North, as an example:

Fields recruits, Fields militia, Fields light infantry (first level, third level), Fields axe soldiers, Fields axe fighters, Fields armored fighters, Fields warriors (second level, sixth level), Fields guards, Fields guard captain (third level, ninth level).

There are not many axe warriors in the Fields family, but they are famous in the North. They are very strong in themselves. The Fields axe warrior troops of less than 100 people can smash two or three times their number of family soldiers and militia like cutting melons and vegetables.

However, these axe warriors are highly loyal to the Fields family. It is difficult to make them have enough obedience and faith in Rhodes and pass the system certification. After that, it is more troublesome and difficult to make them forget their original training and re-upgrade the military system of Lonely Mountain Castle than training new recruits, and there is no need for this.

Therefore, the Lonely Mountain Castle basically does not train these high-powered miscellaneous soldiers, allowing them to be led by the lords they are loyal to and fill the city defense according to their different abilities.

On the contrary, the militia and peasant soldiers brought by most of the northern nobles have low loyalty and low training levels. The Lonely Mountain Castle is more willing to accept them, and Resarit is also more willing to train them.

In addition to the Fields family's axe warriors, the Paine family's armored archers, the Snow Lion family's snow lion nobles, and the Ravenston family's halberd hunters are all excellent soldiers that make people feel bright. Although the Lonely Mountain Castle will no longer train these soldiers, so as not to reduce their original combat effectiveness, the nobles of these families often receive Rhodes' courtesy and attention, and are granted official titles, because the nobles who can train powerful private soldiers are often elites with extremely high quality.

If Rhodes can select talents who can assist him from them, he will also be happy to see it happen.

The City Lord's Mansion, in the martial arts arena.

Clang clang clang clang, amid the explosion of sparks, Yannick and Airen fought in close combat, neither holding back.

During this period, due to the many casualties of the Dark Knights, Yannick's fighting spirit cultivation improved rapidly. During this period, he also practiced some dark fighting spirit secrets. When he attacked, the long sword itself was full of a sinister and mysterious meaning like a venomous snake.

However, no matter how fast Yannick improved, there was still a huge gap in strength between him and Airen. Airen completed the spell with his left hand.

The thunder light suddenly fell from the air, and the range of the whole field bombardment had no dead angles at all, so he could only bear it.

Airen himself had the protection of the Dark Shield, and his own physique and fighting spirit were also strong. Even under the same circumstances, he had the advantage of being attacked at the same time as his opponent, not to mention that Airen, as a caster, must have a certain damage reduction.


Although the fighting spirit exploded to protect his body, Yannick was still roared by the thunder. He tried his best to dodge and find the gaps in the lightning, but his mentality and footwork were wrong at the same time.

At this moment, a shadow flashed and rushed over. At this moment, Yannick only saw a pair of dark red scary eyes, and his mind was lost.

"No... not good." The next moment Yannick got rid of this dark magic attack, but it was too late.

Aileen suddenly charged forward, aiming the poisoned sword with dark magic in his hand at Yannick's waist and abdomen, but he didn't stab it in the end. Instead, he changed the stab to an elbow strike, and with a heavy elbow attack, Yannick, who was wearing armor, was blasted out of the martial arts arena like a cannonball.


"Awesome, it's a beautiful fight!"

Applause and such praises came from all around, on the one hand because Aileyen was a favorite of Duke Rhodes, and on the other hand because Aileyen's magic and martial arts skills were indeed powerful and shocking, which opened people's eyes.

Around the martial arts arena were the young nobles of Fields, Payne, Snow Lion, and Ravenston, and the talented people of the family.

Among the nobles of the Northern Territory, only these people with real talents were valued by the Lonely Mountain Castle, and every invitation was a part of the honor.

"Aileen, your strength has improved a lot. Come, I will try with you this time. Don't be so depressed, Yannick. I will avenge you."

While saying this, Rhodes took out the iron-ridged steel spear from the storage ring.

In theory, such an extra-long lance is not suitable for a one-on-one duel on the ground, and it is easy to be unable to use it. However, Aileien's expression became more and more solemn as Rhodes entered the field. He even chose to temporarily withdraw and took a full steel shield from the outside, appearing to be extremely cautious.

If Aileien was facing other dukes and nobles at this moment, then some people might think that Knight Aileien was pretending to give the other party enough face, but the one he was facing at this moment was different:

The lord of the Lonely Mountain Castle, Grand Duke Rod Hart, started from scratch. In just ten years, he defeated the witch, broke through the city of sin, killed the dragon, and was awarded the title of duke.

This lord himself is a living legend. As the first dragon slayer since the rise of the extraordinary, his martial arts value is absolutely terrible.

In the martial arts arena, after both sides had taken up their fighting stances.

After a long standoff, it was Airen who could not bear it anymore and launched an attack. Because of years of getting along, Airen was very clear about the cultivation system of the lord in front of him, to whom he was loyal.

In Airen's opinion, the extraordinary cultivation of the Duke of Rhodes was not inferior to that of the chief knight of the Lonely Mountain Castle, Fatis, and was even stronger. It was just that the two chose different cultivation paths, which led to Fatis's promotion first, but the Duke of Rhodes' progress never stopped, and was even more stable and solid.

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