
“Dear player Lin Ye, congratulations on completing the copy of “The Richest Man in Xihong City” and passing the test of the copy perfectly with a score of 19 hours and 15 minutes!”

“Your performance in this copy is excellent, the completion of the copy is extraordinary, rating: SSS!”

“This quest is no longer allowed to other players!”


Two large words hit Lin Ye in front of him.

Just now, Lin Ye and Wang Duoyu brought 10 million to Lao Jin.

Yes, this is Old Kim… That is, Wang Duoyu’s second master, the last test set for him – human nature!

If a person does not even care about family affection and friendship, then he is not worthy of inheriting this 30 billion inheritance at all.

So Lao Jin hired someone to kidnap Zhuang Qiang and the football team.

In “The Richest Man in Xihong City”, Lao Jin let people kidnap Xia Zhu, but because Wang Duoyu spends money too quickly now, he spends 1 billion yuan in one day, and Xia Zhu has no feelings at all.

Therefore, Lao Jin replaced the characters with Zhuang Qiang and the football team.

Fortunately, the ransom was still 10 million, so Lin Ye easily completed the last assessment.

Not only did he help Wang Duoyu spend 1 billion in 19 hours, but he completed it in less than a day… And Chao Shen cleared the copy of “Xihong City”.

When the last word “supergod” hit Lin Ye’s eyes, he knew that all he had done was worth it.

Sure enough, the newcomer copy is also tested.

SSS! Supergod!

This final clearance evaluation simply made Lin Ye ecstatic.

He had previously seen the top players on the big screen of the ranking in the central square of the Ark, and the best clearance record for the first place was S – excellent.

And the best clearance record is the seventh place Lian Yunchang, she has completed the SS perfect record.

But at the moment, it is clear that none of them are Lin Ye’s opponents.

SSS, a copy review that no one had done before, was born.

With the SSS supergod record, Lin Ye became the first player in “Ark” to clear the supergod.

And because of the supergod, so that this copy is directly closed, no longer allowing other players to enter, which belongs to Lin Ye’s unique copy record.

There is only one of the entire “Ark”.

“Respected player Lin Ye, here is a settlement for you for the rewards obtained by clearing “The Richest Man in Xihong City” this time!”

【Attribute point 0.1*10】(SSS super god attribute reward, 10 times the ordinary clearance reward)!

【Cash 1 million】(can have ready-made real currency)!

【Wang Duoyu’s gift: 1 billion RMB】(can be exchanged for Ark coins and remitted to a real account)!

[Skills learned: grenade beginner, gourmet advanced]!

First SSS Super God Quest Clearance Evaluation Reward:

【God-level skill card】!

God-level skill card: Because player Lin Ye is the first to complete the SSS super god evaluation of the quest in “Ark”, an additional skill is directly upgraded to the god level! (Note: Only for your own skills)!


Looking at the large string of words that jumped out of the personal panel, Lin Ye’s heart was a little shaken.

He really didn’t expect that completing the first newcomer copy would get so many rewards.

0.1*10 attribute point.

Generally, the newcomer copy clears the level, and the attribute points obtained are 0.1!

But the evaluation of SSS super god, the attribute reward obtained, turned out to be ten times that of the E-level clearance evaluation.

SS level perfection is 8 times, this Pei Ruoran said to Lin Ye.

And the S-class is excellent, it is 6 times!

At first glance, this seems to be nothing, that is, a gap of 0.2 attribute points, but this is only a newcomer copy, if it is a later copy, the attribute point reward is 10 points.

Then this gap is obvious.

If Lin Ye is still an SSS super god evaluation, the attribute points he has obtained will be 100 points!

One copy can open up the gap between you and others.

The importance of this copy evaluation can be imagined.

In addition to the attributes, what surprised Lin Ye was the cash reward of 1 million, which was the “salary” that Wang Duoyu paid himself, originally he was ready to squander it, but because of the urgency of time, he has not moved.

I didn’t expect it to eventually become a reward, and it can be realized.

“Fortunately, it didn’t spend it!”

“Otherwise, you will lose…”

Lin Ye also finally knew that his highest authority was 100% realized, and some of the things obtained in the copy could be manifested through rewards.

He didn’t know if other players were like this, but at least he was… The 1 million cash is available, and it can even reach reality.

However, compared with the third reward, [Wang Duoyu’s gift], the cash and attributes of 1 million are obviously not enough at all.

1 billion!

That’s a whole billion cash reward!

It is worthy of Wang Duoyu’s handwriting!

“This guy’s gift to himself is actually 1000 million…”

“Damn, it’s really rich and capricious!”

Although compared with Wang Duoyu’s final inheritance of 30 billion, 1 billion can only be regarded as a drop in the bucket, but this can also see Wang Duoyu’s gratitude to him.

“Got rich overnight!”

“This should be the last assessment, an additional reward given!”

Lin Ye looked at the 1 billion ark coins on the reward, which could be remitted to the real account, and he knew that he had sent it.

“I have also become such an unpretentious person as Wang Duoyu!”


Lin Ye sighed slightly, looking at the two skills he had learned, and finally knew how to learn skills in the copy.

“It seems that as long as you come into contact with a certain skill, you can automatically learn!”

“Direct reward after clearing the level!”

Lin Ye finished receiving the 4 rewards, and only then did he look at a black card suspended in front of him!

The card looks very mysterious, all black, but with the word “God” engraved on it!

The divine word is full of divine charm, which is the one that can directly upgrade any skill to the god-level – god-level skill card, referred to as “god card”!

“If the skill is upgraded to the god level, can any skill be used?”

Lin Ye looked at the few skills he had, or decided not to upgrade to the better, and after learning the skills of Niu Break, he directly rose to the god level, wouldn’t it be an instant to become stronger?

“A god-level fireball technique, it is estimated that it can kill countless in seconds…”

Lin Ye grinned, put the god-level skill card away, and then began to study the attribute plus points.

After all, 1 point was rewarded, and he thought about what to add to.


Just as Lin Ye was about to put away the panel, a row of huge red letters suddenly jumped out of the chat window.

[Full server announcement]: “Congratulations to player Lin Ye for completing the evaluation of the first SSS supergod in the copy of “Ark”! ”

[Full server announcement]: “Congratulations to player Lin Ye for completing the evaluation of the first SSS supergod in the copy of “Ark”! ”

At the same time, standing on the ranking screen of the Ark Game Square, this sentence was also typed at the same time, and below, there was also the copy information of Lin Ye’s completed evaluation.


The previous chapters were overhauled, and many entire paragraphs were rewritten. The book review area is talking about the strategy, so I rectified it earlier. [Be sure to revisit it from Chapter 8].

The part where Pei Ruoran watched Lin Ye was removed!

Thank you all for supporting this book!

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