“[Oasis player’s gift]: Do you randomly get an Oasis player’s equipment or props, will it be drawn?”


“Congratulations to player Lin Ye for getting an Oasis player Batmobile!”

[Batmobile]: A car from DC World Batman, which can climb walls and jump into the water, is an all-terrain multi-functional off-road, can reverse 360 degrees, remote control, and complete 100 kilometers acceleration in 3 seconds.

There are heat-tracking missiles on the left side of the roof, non-lethal tear gas and rubber bullets in the nose.

The body is made of super-alloy armor, contains attack rocket barrels, and has a body separation system to separate the batmobile.

The Batmobile has two rocket canisters and a charging device to switch various ammunition. The two wheels allow for 360 rotations to help the driver make bizarre turns and make U-turns.


Looking at the rows of scary introductions, Lin Ye’s expression was confused.

He had just extracted the X1 protective combat suit, and he already felt incredible, and now he was completely dumbfounded when he saw the Batmobile.

This thing is the ultimate dream of men.

When I first watched “Batman: The Dark Knight Rises”, who didn’t want to own such a tank.

Now, here it comes.

The point is, these things can be realized in reality.

“This reward,!”

Lin Ye looked at the full-wrapped Batmobile in the prop space, and he already wanted to rush around, this car is much more windy than the Ferrari F33 he bought.

The rate of driving back is absolutely 100%!

And this is not as simple as a simple car, this is a chariot, it can fight.

All kinds of combat equipment are armed to the teeth, and all kinds of barrels look full of powerful lethality!

“No hurry, let’s finish drawing Halliday’s reward first!”

Lin Ye clicked the next item again.

“[Halliday’s gift]: You can randomly get one of Halliday’s own skills, is it drawn?”


“Congratulations to player Lin Ye for obtaining Grandmaster-level Spiritual Toughness (Purple Rare)!”

[Mental tenacity]: In the face of blood, horror, supernatural and other pictures and behaviors that affect the psychological senses, there is a very strong ability to adapt and accept.

“Rub, mental toughness are all skills?”

Lin Ye had to admire Halliday.

“This must be related to his frequent watching horror movies and supernatural movies!”

“The key is to see in the oasis!”

Lin Ye saw the extracted skills and knew why Halliday’s mental tenacity could reach the grandmaster level.

People who can watch the horror movie “The Shining” hundreds of times, the key is to watch horror movies, and put the second key in the Shining world, which is definitely a true love for horror movies!

And Wade also said that Halliday’s favorite is supernatural horror movies, and “The Shining” can only rank 11th among his favorite movies.

Halliday lived alone and could only pass the time with horror movies.

The key is that Oasis 100% simulates the senses of reality, so that watching horror movies is equivalent to experiencing this atmosphere yourself, and over time, Halliday’s immunity to sensory elements such as fear and supernatural can be imagined.



“Congratulations to player Lin Ye for obtaining the exclusive skill of Prophet Arnock – the sixth sense.”

[Sixth sense]: Extrasensory perception, also known as “mental perception”, this ability can receive information through channels other than normal senses, and can predict some things that will happen, regardless of the inference accumulated by the party’s previous experience. [Note: Special skills cannot be upgraded.] 】

This is a reward for Halliday Easter Eggs, which randomly earn a skill for the Halliday Oasis character Prophet Arnock.

“I actually drew the prophet’s talent skill!”

“This skill is more powerful than prediction, and it is a bit of a prophetic meaning to know the crisis in advance…”

Lin Ye understood after reading the introduction, originally thought it was a golden god level, but the black mark of the skill showed that this was a special skill and could not be upgraded.

But it doesn’t mean that you can’t upgrade or you are not strong, in fact, it is because it is too strong.

If the sixth sense continues to upgrade, it will be a little scary.

If you can really achieve the legendary prophetic future, everything will be clear.

Lin Ye felt that he really didn’t need to do anything.

Because it’s too strong.

“This skill is estimated to be able to predict the crisis in advance, right?”

Lin Ye guessed and drew the last two rewards again – “Ready Player One” Easter eggs, and an additional Easter egg!


“Congratulations to player Lin Ye, for refusing to sign the share transfer contract of Oasis Social Games, he obtained the “Ready Player One” Easter egg prop – Zemeckis Rubik’s Cube!”

[Zemeckis Rubik’s Cube]: The sacred Rubik’s Cube in Back to the Future, when used, can turn back the time to 1 minute.


When Lin Ye saw that this prop was extracted, his heart burned a little.

Even if he had obtained the X1 combat suit, bat fighter, or even the sixth sense before, Lin Ye’s heart did not fluctuate much.

However, when he saw the Zemeckis Rubik’s Cube, his whole person was really a little crazy.


This is an artifact comparable to another life.

Previously, Lin Ye used this artifact in the copy of “Ready Player One” because of Elok’s chase, in fact, there was still a lot of loss in his heart.

After all, this kind of good thing is the only rare prop in the oasis, and it is gone after use, and you can only wait for the next refresh of the oasis.

There is only one oasis in the whole oasis!

If the player has it in his hand, he will not refresh the first one at all!

“One more life-saving prop!”

Lin Ye squinted and looked at the magical Rubik’s Cube in the prop space, the Rubik’s Cube exuded all kinds of mysterious light, and it was not an ordinary thing at a glance.

“This thing can also be realized!”

“Then in reality, I have two chances to save my life!”

Lin Ye is undoubtedly quite cherished.

After putting away the Zemeckis Rubik’s Cube, Lin Ye clicked on the last reward.

“Since player Lin Ye is the first player in “Ark” to activate the Ark Easter egg function, we hereby reward an additional Easter egg, is it drawn?”

“After extraction, you will randomly get any skill book, props, equipment, characters in any movie world…”

This time the extraction looks different from the previous four times.

Because, this row of words that suddenly appeared, is golden.

Before it was all the white text of the system.

Obviously, this draw is special, as Lin Ye was the first player to activate the Ark Easter Egg feature.

For first-time and first-time players with such records, the rewards are generally very generous and unique.

Xiang Lin Ye received the SSS super god evaluation for the first time before, and the reward he received was a god-level skill card, which was comparable to an artifact card.


After taking a deep breath, Lin Ye clicked “Yes”!

Boom –

A colorful light burst out from Lin Ye’s personal panel.

Everyone could have expected that this was an extraordinary reward.

“Congratulations to player Lin Ye, get the Ark strength rank Easter egg, each level raised, get an Easter egg, you can reward the corresponding prop of “Ready Player One”!”

“Newcomer Duan – laser laser gun! 【Available to collect】”

“A basic profession – sacred grenades! 【To be collected】”

“Second Promotion – Madballs Monster Ball Bomb!”

“Three stages of evolution – electromagnetic orbital hand-held gun!”

“Four paragraphs?? – Oni Wa Chaji! ”

“Five dan?? – Osuks Ball! ”

“Six paragraphs?? – Genzo Gundam RX-78-2! ”

“Seven dan?? – Mechanical Godzilla (Polar Body)! ”

“Hachidan?? – Son of Destruction! ”

“Kudan?? ——???? ”


Looking at this row of rewards that jumped out, Lin Ye… Lose your marbles.


That’s why Ready Player One has so many power-ups to go into detail, because… The protagonist will use it in the future.

Well, Ready Player One is over.

Below, here’s the new copy!

Ask for a monthly pass!!!

By the way, chapter 84 is already available to watch…

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