Mr. Qi, Your Cover At Risk

Chapter 162: Sister Qi doesn't love money, so most of it is pretending

In recent days, everyone in Class 6 has become a positive teaching material in the mouth of the teachers after the monthly exam.

The reason is because in the quiz two days ago, dozens of people in the class all rushed into the top 100 rankings of the grade.

You must know that the monthly exam has only passed, and now all the staff have gone one step further.

at this time.

Class 6 is very lively.

A group of people brought their family members into the classroom excitedly, and the entire sixth class was filled up in an instant.

The girl who was playing games suddenly felt dark in front of her, and she slowly raised her head to see the people surrounding her.

She raised her eyebrows slightly and said casually, "Today is the parents' meeting?"

Everyone shook their heads.

Xiao Yao touched the back of his head and stepped forward, and said a little embarrassedly, "Then what, Sister Qi, my dad has to come over to thank you..."

Before he could finish speaking, a shudder fell on his head.

Xiao Zhitian glared at him and thought, "Can you talk, boy, what is that, you forgot what I told you when you went out?"

Not to mention the relationship between the girl in front of him and the Si family, just relying on her to teach this **** of his own family to be like this is enough for him to make a trip in person.

Originally, he didn't have any hope for Xiao Yao's results, but he didn't expect such a surprise.

The 30th place in the whole grade, which was completely unthinkable before, but now it has been achieved.

Xiao Yao heard the low laughter around him and pouted. The old man didn't know how to save face for him. Also, if he said the words he told him to go out, Sister Qi would probably kick him into the sea.

"Dad, Sister Qi won't care so much, don't you want to thank me?"

Thank you and leave now.


Xiao Zhitian threw him an expression that he would go back and clean up after you, and with a smile he handed the gift in his hand to the girl.

"Miss Lu, thank you for your willingness to give this kid a hand. I don't know what you like. I hope you will accept it."

Lu Jinqi looked at the thing in front of her and didn't reach out to pick it up. Instead, her red lips parted lightly, "No, Xiao Yao's achievements are the result of his own efforts."

After all, she didn't have the patience to teach someone who couldn't support the wall with mud.

When Xiao Zhitian heard the words, he sighed in his heart. As expected of the person Jing Ye liked, he was not humiliated, and he was even more disdainful of these wealthy things.

If Xiao Yao knew what his old man was thinking, he would probably sneer. Sister Qi didn't like money, so it was probably a lie.

"I know my own son's temperament. I usually don't listen to anyone's words, and I don't even have the slightest interest in learning. Miss Lu should accept it."

After Xiao Zhitian finished speaking, regardless of the girl's reaction, he directly put the gift on the table and moved away to let the person behind him come up.

for the rest of the time.

The sixth class staged a large-scale gift-giving scene, and Lu Jinqi went from being inattentive at the beginning to now feeling helpless.

She could see that the gratitude of these parents to her was sincere, so much so that she couldn't even lose her temper if she wanted to.

After all the parents had dispersed, Bai Luoyan, who had been watching outside the classroom for a long time, walked in slowly.

He looked at the girl surrounded by gifts with a teasing gaze, and said with a smile, "Student Lu, how do you feel about the stars holding the moon?"

This means that students receive gifts, and if they are replaced by teachers, they will be reported in minutes.


Lu Jinqi's eyes paused slightly, her fair fingers crossed and dragging her chin, she asked casually, "How is the progress of chasing Xiaocheng?"


Bai Luoyan didn't stand still, and his knees directly hit the desk.

No, how could this girl know that she is chasing Cheng Xin? Could it be that he is very obvious.

"Student Lu really knows how to joke."

He stabilized his mind and spoke stiffly.

When everyone saw his situation, they knew that there must be a situation, and they all snorted.

"Xiao Bai, do you want us to help you make plans?"

"That's right, Zhuge Liang is the top of the three cobblers, and we have a group of people to help you. It's not a sure thing to catch up with Xiao Cheng."

Bai Luoli pondered for a moment, and felt that what they said was reasonable, and then leaned over to discuss the method, completely forgetting what he came to do in the sixth class.

Xiao Yao looked at the heads over there, and whispered, "Sister Qi, how do you know he's chasing Xiao Cheng."

"Accidentally overheard his confession."

Lu Jinqi answered casually, raised his hand and pushed the gift on the table aside, and slowly fell down to sleep.

At this moment, Xiao Yao was screaming in his heart, he actually missed such a big news.


After class, there were more students outside the corridor.

Suddenly, someone asked, "What's going on in the sixth class, I heard their class quarreling non-stop."

"What else can I do? I heard from my friend that the parents of the sixth class came here to thank Lu Jinqi with gifts."

The words fall.

The corridor was quiet, and everyone's eyes turned to the last classroom at the same time.

After studying for so long, this was the first time I heard that they thanked the students instead of the teachers. This was how much they valued Lu Jinqi.

half an hour.

Someone murmured, "It's not a waste to come here in this world to do what Lu Jinqi does."

Hearing this, someone immediately agreed.

"Indeed, she has a good face and is a **** of learning, and she can take the whole team to take off to accept the thanks of those people's parents. It seems that there is really nothing wrong with her except her life experience."

Song Yayin, who was passing by, couldn't help pinching her hands when she heard this. How could she, an adopted daughter, get such a high evaluation.

And those people who came to thank her are sick, obviously all of them are well-known figures in Rongcheng, but now they are thanking a wild girl, and they are not afraid of losing face when they say it.

Since the trash was transferred to Ming Song, all her aura and attention have been taken away.

Thinking of the hot search she saw on Weibo not long ago, the owner of Chuanshan Mansion was celebrating the girl's birthday, and somehow she had an absurd idea in her heart.

Could that girl be Lu Jinqi?

Song Yayin's eyes flashed deeply. She wanted to go to Class 6 to ask, but she thought that she almost lost her life when she went to Class 6 last time, and her feet were as heavy as a thousand pounds.

She shook her head to throw away the unrealistic thoughts in her mind, maybe she was thinking too much.

Although that man doesn't look easy to mess with, he definitely won't be from the Si family.

After all, people of their level don't want any women, how can they see the last trash who doesn't even know who their biological parents are.


Song Yayin didn't know what to think, a smile appeared on her face, which made the students in the corridor a little puzzled.

The school girl was not mad at their words, or she would not deal with it normally. Now that she heard everyone's praise for Lu Jinqi's words, she should be angry if she didn't say she was angry.

How do you still feel happy?

Song Yayin in a good mood returned to the classroom all the way.

Seeing this, Gao Jie said without a smile, "What can make us Song Xiaohua so happy, let everyone hear it."

Knowing that she wanted to see her joke, but she didn't want to.

Song Yayin pursed her lips and said shyly, "It was the director who told me that Feng Lan Tian will start broadcasting at the beginning of next month. This is my first play, so I am happy."

The voice just fell.

A group of people cast envy and admiration at her.

"Yinyin, really, I'm definitely the first to chase."

"Our sound is going to be popular, and we will have a face when we say it in the future."

Gao Jie didn't expect to let her break the news through her own words, and she felt a little regretful in her heart.

She sneered, "Then congratulations in advance to our school's popularity."

After speaking, he sat down directly, and looked at those who were flattering with sarcasm in his eyes.

A bunch of idiots.

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