Mr. Qi, Your Cover At Risk

Chapter 165: Variety contract, Su Qing terminated the contract

"Mr. Qiu, what do you mean?"

On the top floor of Tianyu Company, Su Qing looked at the disgusting variety show contract in front of him and said lightly.

Qiu Jiewen was smoking a cigarette, banging on the table with one hand, and suddenly smiled when he heard her question, "You refuse to renew the contract, I respect your choice, but now that your contract has not expired, it is for you to let you participate in the variety show. it is good."

I bother.

Su Qing sneered a few times in her heart, for her good, the contract said in black and white that she should bring a few new people, and she would continue to follow those few to stir up scandals.

Unless she has a bag in her head, this kind of contract that doesn't do her any good, sign a woolen thread.

"I reject."

The words fall.

Qiu Jiewen was not surprised at all, as if he had expected this to happen.

He looked at the girl in front of him and had to say that this was Tianyu's most successful work, but it was a pity.

"You are planning to break the contract. Don't forget that your economic contract says that everything is subject to the company's arrangements."

Qiu Jiewen narrowed his eyes, his voice full of threats.

Su Qing tightened his fingers and looked at the man with cold eyes.

Dare to propose a brokerage contract with her.

Generally speaking, it is normal for newcomers to sign a bad contract at the beginning, but as long as the fire can bring benefits to the company, the contract will be upgraded.

And she has been in Tianyu for so many years, the contract is still the original one, it's all squeezing.

"Don't overdo it."

She uttered almost every word through gritted teeth.

Qiu Jiewen laughed twice, "It's too much, this is not your obligation."

Seeing his triumphant appearance, Su Qing picked up the contract on the table and tore it into pieces under his gaze.

"You..." Qiu Jiewen immediately sank, and was interrupted as soon as he spoke.

"This is my answer," Su Qing got up, "If President Qiu is dissatisfied, let's just terminate the contract."

Although there is not much time before the contract expires, but now if I really promise him to go to some variety show to bring new people, the pressure will only increase.

Miss Lu gave her such good contract treatment, she couldn't let herself get black.

Qiu Jiewen did not expect that she, who has always been calm and friendly, would have such a stubborn side, she was shocked and angry at the same time.

"You're sure you want to cancel the contract. You need to know that the cancellation fee is not a trivial matter."

He stared at her threateningly, just relying on his own company's contract to share, Su Qing wanted to pay the termination fee when he got the money in his hand, which was a fantasy.

"You don't have to worry about the termination fee, Mr. Qiu, you should give me the termination contract quickly."

Su Qing fiddled with the hair on the side of his face behind his ears, and spoke expressionlessly.

Seeing that she was not joking, Qiu Jiewen took out his mobile phone and made a call, "Come to my office to prepare a contract for Su Qing's termination."


There was a knock on the door of the office, and the woman came in with the contract. When she saw Su Qing, her eyes flashed with astonishment.

So Su Qing really wants to terminate the contract, but her contract is not about to expire, why spend so much money to terminate the contract.

Confused, she handed over the contract in her hand, "Look, if you cancel the contract, you need to pay Tianyu 50 million to cancel the contract."

After speaking, she felt a little sympathetic. 50 million is not a small amount. Su Qing has made a lot of money for the company in the past few years, but the amount distributed to her according to the contract is only the tip of the iceberg.

who thinks.

After Su Qing read the contract, he didn't even want to write his name directly at the signature.

"Mr. Qiu, please."

She put the contract on the desk and slowly pushed it in front of the man.

Qiu Jiewen didn't move, but said in an unpleasant tone, "Don't worry, what about the termination fee?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw a black card in Su Qing's hand, and then heard her cold voice.

"Mr. Qiu only needs to sign, and the money will naturally be transferred to the company."

Where did she get the black card?

Qiu Jiewen signed the contract with doubts.

The moment he signed, the company's finance department received an additional 50 million remittance.

When Qiu Jiewen received a call from the finance department, he glanced at Su Qing in surprise, but he underestimated her.

Just when Su Qing was about to leave with something, his sarcasm suddenly came from behind.

"In the past few years, the company has treated you badly. You kept rejecting it when you were asked to attend the reception. I thought you were really a clean person, but it turned out to be a rose that has already been played badly."


Su Qing's expression didn't change, and he left a sentence without looking back, "Go to the hospital to see if your thoughts are dirty."

Walking out of the gate of Tianyu, Su Qing looked at the sky above his head with a smile on his face.

"Finished?" Chu Yun saw her coming out, and immediately leaned over.

"Well, thanks to that card from Miss Lu."

Su Qing looked down at the black card in his hand and squeezed slowly.

She must return the money as soon as possible.

Seeing her low mood, Chu Yun patted her on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Okay, you should be happy to be liberated from this broken company. We should find a place to celebrate now, and then start again."

"You know, your goal is the sea of ​​stars."

Su Qing was amused by her pretending to be funny, "What about your goal?"

"Of course, we were cleanly raised by us, eating and drinking for a lifetime."

The two girls were laughing and playing under the blue sky, and their happy emotions could not help infecting passers-by.


[Entertainment Reveal: Su Qing, a popular little flower, is suspected of quitting, and where should his old club Tianyu go? 】

Netizens looked at the Weibo posted by the marketing account and couldn't help but be speechless. Who didn't know that Tianyu was the most ruthless vampire in the industry, and it was a wise move for Su Qing to switch jobs.

[Sister finally quit, as it should have been long ago. 】

[Congratulations to my sister's liberation, which company did you switch to, Xingye or Chenguang? 】

There is a lot of discussion on the Internet about Su Qing's job-hopping, and they are all guessing who her next employer will be?

Precisely at this time.

The navy bought by Tianyu ended, and the wind direction in the comment area changed instantly.

[White-eyed wolf, someone else Tianyu spent a lot of money to train her, so she would just jump ship if she wanted to. 】

[This kind of unfamiliar person may not stay for a long time in the next company. 】

[It seems to make sense, no matter what Tianyu is, but without Tianyu, Su Qing would not have his current status. 】

[Indeed, although Tianyu has a bad reputation, Su Qing's resources have been lacking in all these years. 】

Seeing more passers-by join the comments, Su Qing's fans could not wait to scold them all, but they couldn't.

My sister seems to be bright and beautiful in recent years, but her work has not stopped, and according to reliable information, the contract signed by her sister is not as good as that of a newcomer in Tianyu.

The storm on the Internet soon reached Su Qing's ears.

After listening to his friend's words, Su Qing lost his mood when he looked at the dishes on the table in front of him.

She opened Weibo and saw that the topic of her job-hopping had already been searched in real-time. She looked at the marketing account and comments inside, and she sneered.

Needless to say, she knew that this was the way Tianyu directed and acted.

If you want to use her to create a good wave of popularity and traffic for your company, it also depends on her answer.

He took out the contract and took a photo, and posted a Weibo in a concise manner.

[Su Qing V: I didn't change jobs, the contract has been terminated, thank you for your concern. 】

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