Chapter 2095 was taken away

  Huo Yan waved her hand: "I don't want to eat, I'm already full of cake, I just want to go back and sleep now."

  Chu Xi chuckled lightly: "Why don't you go to my house, it's very close to here."

   "Okay, I haven't been to your house yet."

   "Then let's go now."

   The two walked out of the dessert shop, but before they had gone far, two black off-road vehicles suddenly stopped in front of them.

   Immediately afterwards, five men got out of the car, and the man in the middle was the man who pulled the two of them together in Dreamtime.

   Several people were walking towards the two of them.

   "It's you!" Huo Yan said in amazement, "What do you want to do?"

  The man sneered: "What do you think I want to do? I didn't **** do anything before, but I just pulled you two, but in the end, you guys messed with me like this!

   Okay, the Huo family is awesome, right? Fuck me, right? I'd like to see how awesome your Huo family is, and whether the Huo family's daughter can be touched! "

   As he spoke, the man waved his hands at the four bodyguards behind him, and ordered: "Catch them all!"

   "How dare you!" Huo Yan immediately said, "If you dare to touch me, my parents and brothers will not let you go!"

   "Stop **** talking about this! Isn't Huo Fei awesome? Can he still be awesome!"

   While speaking, several bodyguards rushed over.

   "Go!" Chu Xi pulled Huo Yan and ran back!

  Although she has learned some boxing skills, she has not practiced it yet. She is not sure whether she can defeat the four bodyguards. To be on the safe side, she should run first.

   "Catch me! Catch both of them, and don't let them go!"

  The two ran desperately, but the bodyguard still caught up.

   In desperation, Chu Xi pushed Huo Yan away and blocked several bodyguards: "Yan'er, run first!"

   "But what do you do? Can you do it?"

   "Run, call someone."

  Looking at the girl, the bodyguards smiled disdainfully: "The little girl is very brave! Why? Want to fight with the brothers?"

   "Yes, do you dare?"

  Behind him, the man said coldly: "Don't talk nonsense, grab her, don't let the other get away!"

   Two of the bodyguards rushed towards Huo Yan, and Chu Xi immediately stepped forward to stop them and started fighting with them.

   Facts have proved that she is indeed too weak now. She is okay with two bodyguards, but it is a bit difficult to deal with four. She can't stop the other two bodyguards who are going to catch Huo Yan.

   While distracted, she was hit **** the shoulder by the opponent, and she took two steps back abruptly.

  The bodyguard said with a smile: "The little girl is still smart."

  Huo Yan anxiously clutched the phone, Huo Fei finally answered: "Hello, Yan'er."

   "Brother. Huh!"

  Just as she said two words, her mouth was suddenly covered by a big hand, and the phone fell to the ground.

  The bodyguard covered Huo Yan's mouth and carried her back into the car.

  Seeing this, Chu Xi anxiously said: "Yan'er!"

  The leading man suddenly had a dagger in his hand, and the silver blade stuck to Huo Yan's face, and said with a smile: "Stop, or I will cut her face!"

"don't want!"

  Chu Xi had no choice but to stop, and was taken to the car by bodyguards.

  In the company.

  Huo Fei rushed out of the office while making a phone call.

   Mrs. Huo was walking this way, seeing his serious expression and hurried steps, she immediately asked: "Xiao Fei, what's the matter? Where are you going in such a hurry?"

  Not wanting his mother to worry, Huo Fei didn't tell the truth.

   "There is something urgent to deal with."

   "What's the hurry? Can you wait a little while, mom has something to ask you."

   "Mom, let's talk when you come back, I have to leave quickly." With that said, Huo Fei rushed to the elevator.

   Madam Huo shouted behind him: "Then you come back early and drive carefully."


  (end of this chapter)

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