Chapter 2100 Love

  Shi glanced at him and replied, "Maybe."

   "The Thousand Lantern Festival is coming soon, the Ninth Store is very lively, don't you come to play?"

   "Not going."

  Mo Yan shook his head: "What a pity."

"I am leaving."

  Leaving the last sentence, Shi Qian turned and left.

  Emperor Garden.

  Shang Sizhan hadn't come back yet, Shi Qian went upstairs to see his son.

   "Madam, you are back."

   "Yeah." Shi Qian looked at the little guy in the servant's arms, and stretched out his hand: "Give me a hug."

  As soon as Shi Qian came in, the little guy stretched out his two little arms, as if begging for a hug.

  Shi Qian hugged her son and said softly, "Come on, let's go downstairs and wait for Dad."

  As soon as the two arrived downstairs, the door of the living room was pushed open, and Shang Sizhan's slender figure appeared at the door.

  Take off the cold coat and hand it to Yan Yi, Shang Sizhan walked over: "It's early today."

  "." Shi Qian coughed lightly: "Why are you coming back late?"

   "Thought you'd be back late."


  Shang Sizhan held his son in his arms: "Go upstairs first."

  Shi Qian: "I just came down."

  Shang Sizhan stared at her: "It's fine for me to hug both of you at the same time."

  It means that if Shi Qian doesn't leave, he will hug her up.

  Shi Qian naturally understood, and immediately said, "Let's go."

  The family of three went upstairs.

  In the elevator, Shang Sizhan said: "Qianqian, do you want to go to the Ninth Store earlier?"

   "Early, how early?" Shi Qian asked.

   "Leave this week."

   "Why so suddenly?"

   "It's nothing, I just think it's warmer over there, and it will be more comfortable for you and your son to stay there."

   "But I can't leave here for the time being. The company's affairs have not been fully arranged, and there are some things in the club that need to be dealt with as soon as possible."

   "Then it will be later. But we have to start next Friday at the latest."

   "Well, I will deal with it as soon as possible."

   For several days in a row, Shi Qian would go to the R3 hacker club headquarters.

   and Mo Yan will have a video call every day. This call can choose video or single voice. The single voice set by Shiqian, everyone can't see her face.

  Mo Yan plays the video every day, letting everyone admire his handsome and charming face.

   "Qianqian, Jinducheng should be very cold now, are you really not coming to the Ninth Store?"

  Shi Qian lost patience with his question, so she simply said, "Go, I'll go in a few days!"

   "Really?" Mo Yan chuckled lightly: "That's right, the Ninth Store is so good, there is no season like spring, no severe cold and heat, you should always stay here."

  K suddenly said: "I think the change of seasons is more interesting."

  Shi smiled slightly: "That's right."

  Mo Yan: "."

  Bronze technology is great.

   A few days passed, and the previous incident finally subsided completely.

  On this day, Lan Feng was waiting for Chu Xi at the school gate.

  Seeing her coming out with a boy, the boy has very fair skin and looks gentle and elegant.

  The two were talking about something, when Chu Xi suddenly smiled, bright and moving.

  The boy stared at her, the admiration in his eyes was obvious.

   Lan Feng frowned subconsciously.

  Before that boy pursued Chu Xi, although he was displeased, he was angry that the boy harassed Chu Xi.

  But the boy in front of him was different. Chu Xi seemed to be having a good chat with him, and they were talking and laughing.

   I have to admit, this boy looks good.

   I have to admit that he is jealous, crazily jealous.

  What's the situation with these two people?

  Is Chu Xi in love?

   While wandering, the girl's crisp voice sounded: "Afeng."

  Chu Xi waved goodbye to the boy, then ran towards Lan Feng.

   "Afeng, why are you waiting outside, it's so cold."

  (end of this chapter)

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