Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 315 The true strength of Tunmei

A small planet is flying majestically in the vast and unpredictable universe.

Sometimes it flies quickly at a curvature speed of one hundred and thirty times the speed of light, and sometimes it exits the curvature and wanders around at a speed of several thousand or tens of thousands of kilometers per second.

It suddenly accelerated and rushed towards a rocky planet in front of it. The strong gravity instantly caused turmoil in the galaxy. Interstellar dust, asteroids, gravel and other materials began to gather towards it. As soon as they touched its surface, they were immediately assimilated into something similar to neutron star material by the strong gravity.

The next moment, this sphere with a diameter of less than 300 kilometers collided head-on with a planet with a diameter of tens of thousands of kilometers.

Earth-shattering shocks reverberated in the universe. This glass ball-like planet instantly penetrated the rocky planet. The strong gravity completely tore the structure of the planet apart. It instantly disintegrated and turned into countless fragmented stones. Some of the rocks acquired extremely high energy and escaped the constraints of gravity, while other pieces of gravel followed it all the way under the strong gravity.

All this was accompanied by endless radiation and a large amount of material ejection, but under the strong gravity of the planet, they were eventually absorbed and became attachments to the surface of the planet, and then the electrons collapsed and were completely assimilated.

"This guy is really cruel..."

Cauvus's spaceship did not even dare to approach this galaxy, and could only park far away on the periphery, constantly scanning the frightening scene in front of it.

"Where's Janata?" Kaus turned his head and asked.

"Being knocked away..." Beliyar wanted to laugh, but suppressed it, "Janata seemed a little angry."

Kausu's eyes widened, "Can you feel this too?"

"I'm not the worm in Janata's belly, how could I sense it?" Belial rolled his eyes at Kaus, "See for yourself!"

This is a high-density planet with a diameter of about 300 kilometers, and its size is between a neutron star and a white dwarf. The spacecraft of a fourth-level civilization cannot get close to this ridiculously high-mass planet, and conventional detection instruments are even more inaccessible. They can only monitor it honestly through other methods.

So Kaous had no choice but to separate a trace of soul touch and chased after him from a distance.

As expected, Janata was angry. She was standing above the planet perfectly fine, but the fragments of the planet were shattered and rushed tens of thousands of kilometers away. By the time she reacted, the ball was already flying precariously towards the next target. past.

"It's so irritating!" Janata angrily followed and flew for a while, then dived in.

The mass of a neutron star is as high as 2 billion tons per cubic centimeter, while the density of a white dwarf is only about one ton per cubic centimeter. The density of this small ball with a diameter of 300 kilometers is somewhere in between, and is actually no less than that of a sun. quality.

But when Carrie flew up, the planet suddenly stopped.

The next moment, the entire planet began to tremble violently, and began to rotate slowly with the standard axis as the axis. As it spins faster and faster, the material at its end starts getting closer and closer to the speed of light.

As the material exceeds the escape velocity, part of the material begins to escape from the planet, and then is swallowed up by something the next moment and disappears completely.

A high-density planet is constantly losing mass, while its volume is constantly expanding. According to the principle of conservation of angular momentum, its rotation speed has slowed down a bit at this moment, but it seems that an invisible big hand quickly discovered this, and its rotation suddenly returned to its original state, and even continued to speed up.

"Who? Who is harming me?"

A violent aura permeated the entire galaxy. Countless space cracks continued to form. Invisible space folds cut the surrounding area into pieces. The four basic force fields instantly went into chaos. Even the light was distorted in an incomprehensible way. Unknown attack methods would Everything nearby has turned into an extremely dangerous hell, and powerful space communications are spreading in all directions.

The small spacecraft in the distance quickly received these messages.

"I am the Great Egg, who am I? Who is trying to devour an Elder of the Universe?"

Just twenty minutes later, the planet had more than doubled in size and was about to enter the irreversible damage stage - beyond this diameter, the planet would be unable to maintain its current molecular structure.

"Don't make any noise - I'm busy!" Carrie lay down on the planet and ate without ceremony.

After being stunned for a few seconds, Egg suddenly jumped up.

It was like a glass ball that suddenly bounced up from the ground.

"Janata? Son of Devouring... Why? Don't you not eat living planets? Where did I provoke you?"

Jiali was too lazy to say a word, just slurping down. All the substances thrown out seemed to be collected by an invisible big net, and then disappeared into her small mouth as pale as water.

If a dense planet keeps losing mass, what will it eventually become? According to common sense, it seems that it should become a white dwarf or a brown dwarf. But this is not the case. After its mass is reduced to a certain limit, its own gravity will not be enough to maintain a compact structure, and it will undergo catastrophic expansion and then explode to pieces.

Egg was really scared. As an elder of the universe, he knew very well the fate he would face next. He desperately begged Carrie for mercy and made countless promises, hoping that Carrie would let him go.

And the thing he shouted the most was: "Janata, who asked you to come?"

"Well -" Carrie straightened up contentedly, and at this time, Egg was already the size of Jupiter. He knew very well that the structure of his body had been completely destroyed, gravity was no longer enough to maintain a normal state, and the next moment was about to come...

"Don't tell me, a planet with this density tastes quite good, chewy, and the portion is plenty!" Carrie smiled and patted Egg's body, "Thanks!"

I don't know what happened. The planet that was supposed to undergo a violent explosion suddenly stopped erupting. The material in its body underwent a wonderful transformation and gradually stabilized.

"Is this the true strength of Tunmei?" Kausu's soul stood in the void not far away, dumbfounded.

A majestic elder of the universe who doesn't even look down on the stars. Any attack method is enough to destroy the earth countless times, but when facing Carrie, he is simply at the mercy of others.

But that understatement at the end fully demonstrated Jiali's incredible ability - even electron collapse can be corrected, and theoretically completely irreversible high-density planetary explosions can be prevented. Is there anything else that Jiali can't do? Arrived?

Egg, who had escaped with a small life, hesitated for a moment, and suddenly flew away desperately into the distance.

Carrie did not chase, but waved her hand in the direction in which Egg escaped, "I didn't eat any living planets. Look, I didn't kill a single life!"

"Remember to eat more. When you grow smaller, I will eat again..."

Carrie's message was transmitted far away. Like a frightened toad, Yi Ge ran away faster and faster. In an instant, he entered the speed of more than 130 times the speed of light, and escaped without a trace in an instant.

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