Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 374 Return

In the vacuum, the reconnaissance satellites opened their folding wings and enveloped the entire New York without restraint.

In the command center hall of the Bloodhoof Factory, all the display screens lit up - this was to avoid repeating the mistakes of "Avengers 4", where Nebula was captured by Thanos in the past, and Thanos finally used a tube of Pym Particles brought a complete fleet group to the future timeline and almost wiped out the Avengers again.

Twelve Valkyries are stationed in the dock area in zodiac sequence, and more than 300 multi-functional mechas of various categories are all in full power mode, guarding the entire Bloodhoof Factory.

"If the Thanos Legion returns again, our defense strength will definitely not be enough!"

Cauvus said to Natasha, "But if it's just a fleet, we can defend it until the moment we snap our fingers!"

"If we gather the Infinity Stones, who should we let snap the fingers?"

Cauvus pursed his lips, "Thor!"

"He..." Natasha hesitated, "Is he okay?"

"He's the only one left!" Kausi sighed, "Originally the best candidate was me, but unfortunately, I was rejected by the will of the universe, so I couldn't pick up the six infinity stones anyway! "

"Except for me, everyone who could snap their fingers is dead... Carrie is still sleeping, and Wanda and Hela's defenses are insufficient. Under the backlash of the infinite stones, they will die! I think, either It’s Thor with a second-generation divine body, or the transformed Hulk.”

Natasha was about to say something when she suddenly turned back and stared at the movement on the teleportation platform.

"Good luck!" Hela twisted her slender waist and stepped off the platform step by step. She spread her hands, and an orange gem swirled in her palms.

"Why are there only the two of you?" Kausu looked at Kingpin who was following behind, "Didn't you bring a couple with you?"

"Suicide for love!" Kingpin shook his head. "We originally agreed to give that woman one million US dollars, but after her husband jumped off the cliff, the woman jumped too for some reason."

"I promised to leave the money to their children and guardians..." Jin added, "Maybe it's because I haven't killed anyone for a long time, which makes my heart a little softer - this is not a good sign."

"Stop your villain look!" Kausi nodded noncommittally, "If you want to develop the underworld in the universe, you must always abide by the rules of the dark forest!"

"Uh-huh!" Kingpin smiled. He changed out of his tights and placed the remaining Pym particles on the space-time instrument. "I think it's time for me to go... There are still a lot of things to do. Kausu , if there is nothing else, don’t come to me for the time being.”

Kausu said nothing, just patted Kingpin on the shoulder and watched him leave.

No matter how infamous Wilson Fisk is, at least he has never done anything to disgrace the Mulgore Council. He is a very pure bad guy, but he is not a vicious antisocial personality. He has pursuits and his own career - even though his career may seem shady to many people, that is the direction he strives for.

Just like this time, he avoided the fatal snap and could have stayed out of it, completely ignoring the time and space hijacking, and no one would care. But he eventually comes and offers a chance to get the Soul Stone safely.

Next, Ant-Man Scott Lang appeared in embarrassment holding a scepter.

"Why are you alone?"

"Who knows?" Ant-Man spread his hands, "Something happened and they went to another time period."

Kausu nodded. As expected, Captain America and Iron Man went to that period of history. Captain America needed to see Carter again, and Stark also needed to feel his father's love for him personally.

Thor and the Hulk came out with ether particles in their hands with a proud look on their faces. Thor greeted angrily: "Everyone, everything seems to be going well, right?"

"Of course!" Captain America appeared shortly after, and he almost bumped into Banner. "Hey, Bruce, it's been a long time no see. How are you guys?"

"It's probably just that we haven't seen each other for a few minutes!" Banner replied with a smile.

The soul gem, reality gem, mind gem, and space gem were returned one by one, and the time gem was also in Natasha's hand.

"Are we missing a team?"

Steve Rogers looked around and judged at a glance that Scarlet Witch and Shikodi had not returned. But Cauvus, who was supposed to go to Morag, stood still.

"No, I can't go through the time tunnel, so I can only ask Clint to go there..."

"It's been a bit long!" Stark walked to the time machine to check. "Of course, they need to go to Morag and Saka respectively, and they may need to wait a few more minutes!"

After a short but long uneasy wait, Wanda finally appeared on the teleportation platform.

"Huh..." She took a few breaths, then straightened up and showed off the power gem in her hand.

Everyone cheered involuntarily.

"Uh... I have a little question!" Clint Barton walked off the platform and stared at Dr. Banner thoughtfully, "Why did I see you on Sakaar? In that timeline, Aren’t you supposed to be with Tony?”

"Well, for some reason, our world has avoided a riot of intelligent robots!" Kausu took over the topic, "But in other timelines, this matter was obviously not avoided! This also led to Hulk's escape. Of course, in that timeline, Hulk also did well on Sakaar!"

"I got the Self-Gem!" Shikodi said with a smile, "You should also go and see Brunhild's shocked expression. She always thought that we were dead - even the ashes could not be found. That kind of thing.”

"Put away the ego gems first!" Kausu thought for a while, "Now that we have gathered six gems, we can no longer use the ego gems, otherwise the goddess of revenge will be summoned - she is an extremely difficult guy. !”

"Okay!" Shikodi nodded, "I will return the necklace to Brünnhilde later."

"Now for the next round, guys - who's going to put on the gloves?"

Tony Stark walked to the central control room and took out a replica of the Infinity Gauntlet. "I don't have that much Uru metal in my hand, so this glove can only be used twice."

"I'll do it!" Just like the original plot, Thor walked up with a smile, "I am the strongest Avenger! My body is flowing with..."

"Cream and beer?" War Machine was away, and Hela took on the role of complaining about her younger brother.

Dr. Banner really wanted to come forward, but unlike in the past, when Thor's combat power dropped significantly due to his corruption, Thor still maintains his heyday in "Avengers 3".

"Anyone can come!" Kausu thought for a while, "Thor is the second-generation god of Asgard and has a stronger resistance to the backlash of infinite gems. But it doesn't matter, I will use the soul link to let us all come Share the damage.”

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