Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 470 Confused Memory

Nie Yinniang is not only the only woman among the inheritors of the Divine Spear in the past generations, but she is also a top hunter, intelligence chief and an excellent organizer of forces.

For such a historical celebrity, would you imagine her suddenly turning into a forgetful old fool?

But this kind of thing suddenly happened in front of my eyes.

It would be fine to say that Nie Yinniang did not care about world affairs during her seclusion and knew nothing about the inheritors of the Holy Shield, but she clearly remembered Howard Stark and the latest holder of the Divine Spear, Zheng Xian, and even pointed out that The iconic black bald agent, but he happened to forget the name Nick Fury.

Kausu was a little panicked, but his expression froze and he immediately returned to his original state.

"Ah, I want to find information about this person..." He leaned on the counter and wrote a name with a pen and handed it to Nie Yinniang. "I plan to see this person's recent situation, so all the information about him, Please give me a copy! Thank you, Senior Nie."

"It's a small thing!" Nie Yinniang picked up the note with her name on it and smiled, "Are you going to wait here? Or should you come and get it later?"

"I'll go back to the room now and come back later." Kausu drank up the wine in the glass, then handed the remaining half bottle of wine to Alice and placed it on the counter. After doing all this, he went back upstairs and walked into Jasbel's room.

Jasbel had already woken up and was leaning on the head of the bed. Belial was sitting on the edge of the bed chatting. When he saw Kausi coming in, he asked, "Is everything over?"

"No!" Causs briefly explained the situation, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Beliar, do you remember Nick Fury?"

"Of course I remember!" Belliyar replied with a smile. She suddenly hesitated, frowned and thought for a while, then slowly replied, "I remembered, that was a black agent, from S.H.I.E.L.D. Director, right?"

Looking at Belial's appearance, Kausi already understood everything. Not only did he not feel relieved at all, but he felt cold all over.

In this different-dimensional universe, apart from angels and demons, he is the strongest one, followed by Belial, who has the status of a holy angel. In addition to these two single universe levels, there are two peak heavenly fathers, Newton and Charlemagne.

But now it is obvious that almost everyone, including Nie Yinniang, has forgotten the name Nick Fury, and even the second strongest Belial's memory has been very blurry. I am the only one who remembers all this in its original form.

Mandela effect?

Many people say that in their memories, South African President Mandela "should have died in prison in the 1980s", but the reality is that Mandela did not die at that time, and was later released and became the president of South Africa. .

After the news of Mandela's death was released in 2013, people around the world found that their memories of Mandela were confused, with different memories appearing from the time of death to the cause of death.

Previously known as having the wrong impression of things, the Mandela Effect just got a new name. But ultimately, it is a phenomenon where reality does not match people’s collective memory.

Some people use parallel time and space to try to explain the Mandela Effect, but Kaus can come to a conclusion with certainty - everyone else is wrong, and only his own memory is complete. Because if something goes wrong with Nick Fury, Director of SHIELD, more than half of the plots in the entire Marvel Universe will have to be rewritten.

Kausi's heartbeat began to accelerate. He vaguely felt that he had fallen into a huge trap, and even this trap affected the entire dimensional universe. He felt that this matter was a bit unbelievable, "Have I already killed the First Firmament?" A clone? Is even this a lie? But except for the First Firmament, who can even have a memory effect on Beliyar?"

"How much do you remember about Nick Fury?"

Belial tilted his head and glanced at Cauvus curiously, "I rarely dealt with him. I only remember that he often came to the hotel to find you, and then you blackmailed him... Oh, by the way, His team called the Avengers has dealt with us more often."

Kausi listened attentively and nodded from time to time. There was obviously something wrong with Beliyar's memory. For example, her memories of the Avengers were completely true, but when she came to Nick Fury's place, she often acted openly and confused General Ross, Kingpin, and even Malick with the Black Braised Egg incident.

"I generally understand!" Kaus kissed Belial's cheek, and then stood up.

"Where are you going?" Belial felt that his little lover had become a little weird today, so he asked with concern, "Do you need me to accompany you?"

"No, you stay in the tavern peacefully and don't go anywhere!" Kausi patted Belial's arm, "The matter between Jasbel and Alice is not over yet. If I am not around, refuse Do your service to Charlemagne and tell him to come again when I return.”

Watching Kausi open the portal and leave, Jasbel asked curiously: "What's wrong with him?"

"I don't know!" Who was the person next to her? Belial keenly felt the panic and anxiety in Kausi's heart. She frowned and thought for a while, "Nick Fury... what on earth did he feel? Just He is just a SHIELD director and an agent, is he worthy of such attention?"

Kausu did not go far, he came directly to the palace of Elsa Castle. Before the guards could stop shouting, the impatient Cauvus waved his hand to stop him, and grabbed one of them casually, "Where is Isaac Newton?"

"Inside--" After hearing the answer he wanted, Caus threw the honest hapless man to the ground, and then strode into the palace hall.

"Why are you here?" Newton was standing there talking to the archbishop. When he saw Kausi's visit, he was stunned for a moment, then ordered the archbishop to leave first, and stepped forward to greet him.

"I'm looking for someone from you, Nick Fury!" Kausz asked right away, "Don't tell me that you don't know the name, and don't tell me that this person has disappeared!"

Newton's face had become serious, "Yes, I know the name. But he is indeed missing... No need to doubt, I did not mean to prevaricate you. In fact, after I handed over the intelligence department to him, I For a long time, the connection relied on some special induction between the Holy Shields. Until the decisive battle on the Rhine, no information came from him, and the whole person seemed to disappear out of thin air. You know, because I I was too busy some time ago, so I didn’t have time to track down his whereabouts.”

Kaous took out a holy shield casually, "Try it, can you still sense him with the holy shield?"

Newton tried it, threw the shield back again, shook his head and replied: "No!"


Kausi nodded, "Please do me a favor and publicly search for Nick Fury throughout the Western Continent. Tell everyone that as long as you can find this guy, you will receive a huge reward that will never be spent in a lifetime!"

"That's no problem!" Newton asked curiously, "Can I ask, what happened?"

Cauvus hesitated to speak, and after a while he slowly said: "We are in big trouble!"

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