Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 587 The song ends but no one is done with it (Grand Finale)

The remaining multiple concepts headed by Eternity stood up. They sent the cold corpse of the First Sky into the meaningless universe, and invited Doctor Strange to repair the universe together.

Concepts such as annihilation, eternity, and fulcrum that were absorbed by the First Firmament are also re-condensing. They themselves are energy-aggregating creatures of abstract concepts. As long as their consciousness awakens again, they will form M entities again.

The only trouble is that the countless multiverses he has absorbed have completely turned into nothingness, and the corresponding timelines have produced countless new branches. These energies were casually thrown into the main universe by Kaus. For this reason, Eternity had to re-enter the high-dimensional plane, sort out and collect the multiple energies as much as possible, and then plan to find a place to store them.

"Give me some!" Galactus shook his head and sighed, "This guy took away the Ultimate Eraser, and my world ship is now only an empty shell, with no energy drive and no ability to change dimensions. "

Eternity separated a large mass of foggy stuff without hesitation and handed it to Galactus.

"Can you give me some more?"

Galactus hesitated for a long time before biting the bullet and making the request.

"Take as much as you want!" Eternity holds a cloud filled with stars, and each bright spot condenses the energy of a multiverse.

Swallowing Star gritted his teeth, stretched out his hand to grab a piece, and disappeared into the endless void without looking back.

"What does this guy want to do?" Infinite curiosity looked at the back of the swallowing star as he left, "The mass just now... is enough to create another swallowing star."

"Who knows?" Eternal shrugged indifferently, "If he wants it, just give it to him. Anyway, there are a lot of them here. What I'm worried about now is... I should find something to put it in."

Infinite curled his lips helplessly, "Logic, this guy, ran away after killing the First Firmament and left a lot of mess to us. Now we have a lot of headaches to deal with, and we don't know how long we will be busy." .”

"Don't you always think the universe is too peaceful and boring?" Eternal said with a smile, "At least you won't be bored for a long time now."

"The problem is..." Doctor Strange, who had just repaired a broken timeline, gritted his teeth and said viciously, "We are all busy, and only that guy is leisurely and contented."

"Leisurely and contented?" Eternal looked down with deep eyes, "I'm afraid that's not necessarily the case..."

After passing through many planes of time and space, passing through the huge Laniakea supercluster, the deep Virgo galaxy cluster, the familiar Milky Way, and the compact solar system, there is a blue planet.

"I'm going to collapse!"

Sitting in the Mulgore Inn, Kausu scratched his head vigorously, as if he wanted to tear all his hair off.

451 still didn’t change at all. He poured a glass of morning dew wine for Kausi, “What happened?”

"Anthony said he won't go to college and will become a car mechanic!"


"Don't you understand?" Kausu grabbed 451's collar angrily, "The eldest son of the Bloodhoof family - Anthony Bradford has no intention of studying for an undergraduate degree, postgraduate entrance examination, or Ph.D. But I want to be his! mother’s! maintenance! repair! worker!”

"Is there any problem?" 451 looked puzzled, "I'm a maintenance worker too!"

"What you are repairing is the God Killer, and who is that idiot? Any gangster can pick up a wrench and pliers to replace this profession." Kausu became more and more angry, "Does he understand that he can still do it without studying? What future is there? How to support a family? How to marry and have children? How to survive in society? How..."

"Cous, I think you are too anxious!" A strong voice sounded outside the door.

"I think so!" Another familiar voice also joined in the fun.

"Tony? Bruce?" Kausu greeted casually without turning his head, still angry, "Why did you get together?"

"Because there's nothing to worry about lately!"

Iron Man and Hulk sat down on the high chairs in front of the counter. Banner, who had a gentler personality, said with a smile, "What's wrong, little guys? Your tone seems a little... not so pleasant?"

"It's driving me crazy!" Kausi angrily poked Iron Man in the chest, "Tony Stark, a double major in electrical engineering and physics from MIT and several Ph.D.s. He is a graduate of many universities. Honorary Professor."

He turned his finger to the Hulk again: "Bruce Banner, a genius scholar at the California Institute of Technology, holds seven doctorates in artificial intelligence and nuclear physics."

Then he turned his finger to his nose: "As for my eldest son, Mr. Anthony Bradford, he hates studying. He has been ranked last in the school for a long time in exams. He can only work in the car shop after graduating from high school. A scumbag student..."

The two superheroes looked at each other and suddenly laughed so hard that they burst into tears.

"You are the second richest man in the world!" Banner finally suppressed his smile, "No matter what he likes to do, as a father, you should let him do it as much as possible, right?"

Kausi let out a long sigh, lay down on the counter, buried his face in his arms, and was unwilling to move for a long time.

The two super academics looked at each other and felt that Kausu's performance was a bit incredible.

"I've known Kavus for so many years, and this is the first time I've seen him so depressed and helpless." Banner lowered his voice and said to Stark, "How about we find a way to help him?"

"How can I help?" Stark also found this a bit unbelievable. One of the world's top richest men would actually be worried about his son not going to college. "Did I dig out the knowledge in my own head and stuff it into Anthony's head? "

451 also joined in the fun: "Brainwash it! I can try to adjust Anthony's genes..."

Adjust genes?

Cauus suddenly raised his head and stared at 451 seriously.

After a while, he buried his head again in frustration, "Forget it, he can do whatever he wants, he won't starve to death anyway!"

"That's right!" Stark said with a smile, "Children have the path they choose. You don't have to force your goals on the children - I heard that Ryan's grades are very good? He is also very business and Management brains?”

"Well!" Cowus cheered up a little, "Although he still has one year to graduate, Professor Avery told me that he is very willing to write a letter of recommendation for Ryan. In fact, he has already started to take management courses—— Stephanie was very happy about it.”

"That's it!" Banner also smiled and comforted Kavus, "It's enough for Mulgore to have one successor!"

"What a beautiful idea!" Cauvus said with a groan, "Want to take over Mulgore Industries? He must first meet the challenge of Frandy Bradford!"

"You're crazy!" Stark said in surprise, "Frendy is only eight years old!"

"So Ryan still has a long way to go!"

Frandy Bradford is the son of Kaus and Claire Vaillant. This first-generation Black Widow who has traveled all over the world has been in charge of Mulgore Industry for many years. In the end, she decided to stay in New York. and gave birth to a healthy child to Cauus.

What makes Kausi slightly shocked is that, like his eldest son Anthony's scumbag mother Elsa, the eldest daughter Renee Bradford, who inherited the genes of her unreliable killer mother Erica, clearly has advanced development skills. Her brain and dimensional power, but Renee is also not interested in getting a diploma. Her favorite place to stay is the planet Mavis, and together with Rocket, she has become the most troublesome garbage generator.

"That's it!" Kausi, who was exhausted both physically and mentally, waved his hand, "Why are you all here today?"

"We agreed to get together once a year before Christmas!" Banner looked at Kausi suspiciously, "You won't forget it, right?"


Kausu then remembered that it was almost Christmas again.

Looking out through the window, Hell's Kitchen is as lively as ever, with the sounds of submachine guns and rocket launchers coming one after another. A toothless old man opens the window and throws a grenade out the door, on the grounds that these guys grabbing territory disturbed him during his lunch break - God knows why. There are still people who haven’t finished their lunch break at 4:30 in the afternoon.

"Sir, the Valkyries are ready!" 451 relieved Caus' embarrassment just right. "In an hour, you can take your friends to the command hall of the Bloodhoof Factory."

The command hall of the Bloodhoof Factory is a place where superheroes have many memories. Here, Kaus and the superheroes built a teleportation channel to an alien planet; Steve Rogers commanded the first Jupiter Defense battle; when traveling through the timeline, this is also the meeting point for the superheroes to start their counterattack. So when deciding to organize a party, the superheroes unanimously decided to place the Christmas party here.

"Close it!" Kausi quickly made a decision, "Let's go early. We haven't seen each other for a year and can catch up with everyone!"

No one objected.

451 closed the door of Mogaolei Hotel, and under the hail of bullets, everyone walked towards the venue.

As usual, the annual Christmas Eve superhero gathering is always lively, whether it is the Avengers or the members of the Bloodhoof Council, including the rarely seen Daredevil Murdoch and Mr. Farker , novice instructor Colson and others were all present. Seeing the return of familiar faces stirred up the atmosphere of the party.

"Aren't you going to reminisce about old times?" Kausi walked to Dr. Doom holding a cup, "Susan has been..."

"No need!" God Lord Doum and Kausi clinked their cups, and smiled and picked up a little girl with pink makeup. "I know she is doing well, and I am doing well too. That's enough!"

Kaus smiled and raised his glass, took a sip, nodded towards Doom, and walked in the direction of Captain America.

Every gathering is always a success, and this one is no exception. When the superheroes who still have unfinished feelings beat each other's chests, shook hands, hugged each other, and agreed to see each other next year, the venue slowly became deserted.

"I'm going back first!" Hela hugged the child and winked at Cauvus, "There are children here tonight, so I'll let you go first. After I finish hosting the Asgard New Year's sacrifice, I'll come over and stay for a few days. sky."

"You take care of your children, why are you dragging the Valkyries along?"

"Oh..." Hela replied nonchalantly, "While I have nothing to do these days, I made an appointment with Brunhilde and the others to go hunting!"

"Hunting?" Kausu thought with his belly, and knew that Hela borrowed the Valkyrie to fight. He smiled helplessly, "Go! Just don't bring my daughter to be as warlike as you!"

Hela smiled charmingly, "Because I don't want our daughter to become like this, so when she is still young, I have to help her conquer a large territory - even if she loses her family in the future, she will lose a few more years. "

The men left drunkenly, and the women also took their children and left. Belial originally planned to accompany Kaous, but Mephisto seemed to have something to ask her for help, so in the end only Kaous and 451 were left staring at each other.

"Let's go!" Cauvus looked at 451 helplessly, "I'll give you a day off tonight, I'll stay at the Mulgore Hotel!"

"Oh!" 451 immediately turned around happily and ran towards the portal, dove in, and apparently went to the planet Mavis to mess with his God-Killer defense system.

The lonely Kaus returned to the Mulgore Hotel. Looking at the pot of soul fire that had never been extinguished, he thought for a while, poured himself a glass of morning dew wine, and walked into the basement with the wine glass.

It's been a long time since I've been here, and the basement is still the same as when I first entered it.

The bookcase is still there, and the time points are still twisted like twists.

Cauvus picked up a book of Lightning Arrow, flipped through it, and inserted it back.

At a glance, he saw the wooden box embedded in the ground. He squatted down and took out a few items, and new items appeared in the empty spaces.

"'s useless now!"

Old Ross has been dead for a long time, and the military has not been able to crack those magical potions. After continuing to purchase for a period of time, they seemed to have found another direction of strengthening--of course, as Mulgore Industry became stronger and stronger, Kausi basically looked down on the small money from selling potions.

Kausu took out and refreshed the items out of boredom. Now, he had six gems, the Heart of the Universe, and the Ultimate Eraser. No matter what he refreshed, he would not feel any inner turmoil.


"Fuck, what is this!"

He took out a long two-handed staff from the wooden box. The style of this staff was very ordinary, with a long orange wooden handle decorated with an oval hammer head the size of a melon.

[Atiesh, the legendary staff of the guardian]!

This is a classic orange weapon from the old world. It was originally a powerful staff used by Medivh, the guardian of Tirisfal. Later it was passed to Khadgar, a disciple in Medivh. It is born from the "seed of hatred" and gives its user endless power.

In terms of properties, this orange staff is really lackluster, but it has an incredible special effect.

——"Create a portal to transport team members to Karazhan."

"Can I return to Azeroth?"

After the initial confusion, Kaus gradually felt a joy surge from the bottom of his heart.


The quiet and dark twilight forest, the reedy Swamp of Sorrow, and the gloomy and desolate windward path can all be traced back to the Eastern Kingdom. Then go to Booty Bay and take a boat to Kalimdor, where there are airships to Mulgore.

But it is a pity that Kausi thought for a long time and could not figure out how to return to the Marvel world if he returned to Azeroth.

"It seems it's still useless..." Kausi curled his lips.

But deep in his heart, there was something that was always affecting his thoughts. He really, really wanted to go back to the Red Cloud Terrace, see Mulgore, Thunder Bluff, Bloodhoof Village, and the village at the head of the village. A big, rough totem pole...

This thought kept lingering in his mind, and he was still thinking about it until he walked out of the basement with his staff.

There seemed to be some movement outside the hotel door. Kausu walked over and took a look, but there was nothing.

He turned around and walked inside, ready to get a bottle of wine from the counter.

Suddenly a guy rushed in from outside the door, jumped on his back with a leap, hugged his neck, bit his ear and said, "Hey, did you miss me?"

"Of course I do!" Kausu was stunned for a moment and looked at a strand of long purple hair hanging down from the guy's head, gently resting on his chest. He immediately showed a bright smile.

"How much do you think?"

“Very, very hard to remember!”

"You bad guy!" The guy gently bit Kausu's earlobe, then hugged his neck and refused to let go, "Don't you know what to say?"

"Want to hear something nice? Just wait a minute."

Cauvus raised his right hand, and the staff suddenly turned into powder, flying towards the soul fire, instantly burning billions of tiny fires.

Then he turned around, hugged the guy behind her hard, and kissed her lips.

"—Welcome back, dear Carrie!" he said in his heart.

(Full text ends)

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