Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 88 Rejecting the Avengers

Tony Stark is in a very good mood tonight.

He finally found a talented academic with whom he could speak freely.

Geniuses often die lonely. Fortunately, he met Bruce Banner.

Another thing that made him feel good was that the palladium poisoning problem that had been bothering him for a long time and was about to turn into a nightmare was greatly relieved after Kausi's diagnosis and treatment.

It was hard for him to believe that just a piece of bread could reduce the toxins that had spread to his neck to an incredible level. After lunch, Kausu took him back to the Mulgore Hotel, and then took out a bottle of green stuff...

"Drink, Tony Stark, this is your destiny!"

Stark remembered very clearly that when the medicine bottle was placed in front of him, he had an impulse that came out of nowhere and almost grabbed the bottle of medicine. Then Kausi lowered his head strangely, suppressed his voice, and then said such a puzzling sentence.

As if by mistake, Tony Stark turned his head and glanced at Carrie on the sofa, and then said something that even he found incredible: "But, Cauius, what is the price?"

"This... oh shit!"

He saw Kausi raised his head, his eyes flashed with a strange look, and his tone became extremely solemn.

But the next moment, Kausi jumped up like an electric shock.

Because Erica walked down the aisle carrying a fire ax, and there seemed to be black stains of blood (rust) on the ax blade. Exhausted, she threw the ax on the counter, less than two feet away from Kaus.

"I'm exhausted. I should hire a housekeeping company to clean the building next door."

At the moment Kaus jumped up, Stark seemed to feel vaguely disappointed, because a sentence that fit his personality suddenly popped into his head.

"——Iron Man will never be a slave!"

So he drank the bottle of potion, and then secretly remembered this sentence in his heart, maybe it would come in handy in the future.

The effect of [Moon Kiss Antidote] was very good. Stark felt that his body had regained its youth again. The black lines of poisoning on his chest had completely disappeared, leaving only a few invisible black lines next to the reactor. .

"It seems to be recovering well at the moment, but if you don't solve the palladium problem, sooner or later it will continue or even relapse or even spread - of course, I have at least three to four methods that can delay the onset of your toxicity, so you still have enough It’s time to find a replacement for palladium.”

Stark has been in an extremely unstable state of mood before. The most important reason is that he doesn't know how long he can hold on. When the toxicity spreads to his brain, his life will come to an end.

But this time, Cauius gave him reassurance that, given enough time, sooner or later he would be able to find a new element to replace palladium.

Back in the building, Stark was about to take off his armor. The next moment, his movements suddenly stopped.

"Tony, you are so vigilant!"

Under the dim light and the night vision goggles of Mark's armor, he could only see a dark thing sitting on the sofa. It wasn't until the black figure spoke that he saw two rows of white teeth.

"Oh, hell, teeth can talk!"

The only superpower that Nick Fury has is the ability to hide in the dark. Even if he stands like a stake in the night for two hours, no one will notice.

"I think you should add more defensive traps in your laboratory, instead of relying on passwords, fingerprint locks, retinas or... anything else!" Fury walked out of the darkness with his black windbreaker open, "Nick. Fury, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.!"

"With all due respect, maybe I drank a little too much and was a little delirious - was that a blindfold I saw, or eyes?"

Stark asked the smart butler to turn on the lighting system in the room, and then saw a one-eyed stewed egg with a black body in front of him.

Natasha walked in from the door wearing a tight suit.

"Natasha?" Stark's eyes moved from Fury to Natasha, "You're fired!"

"Get acquainted again, Tony!" Fury patted Natasha on the shoulder, "Agent Natasha Romanoff, for your safety, we have to do this!"

"My safety?" Stark walked to the wine cabinet and took out a bottle of Campari. "Who am I? I am Iron Man! I don't need anyone to protect my safety. Iron Man will never... compromise!"

He swallowed "slave" abruptly and changed it to a less tragic wording. Because he felt that this word seemed inappropriate to use here.

Natasha stepped forward and took the bottle, and poured half a glass for Stark, "Drink less, alcohol is not good for palladium poisoning!"

"We brought you lithium dioxide, which can reduce the damage of palladium poisoning!" Fury took out a small box from his windbreaker pocket and placed it on the table. He looked at Stark's neck curiously, "But you seem to have already Found other ways to mitigate poisoning?”

"Yes, it's very effective! At the same time, I am also trying various combinations of elements to find new elements to replace palladium - don't stand, I think we can sit down and have a drink!"

The atmosphere relaxed, and the three people sat down at the table. Fury asked tentatively: "Tony, who delayed the metal poisoning for you? As far as I know..."

"It's not your business to ask!" Stark shrugged, "Mr. Director, I think you came here not just for the palladium poisoning. If there are more important things, it's better to talk openly and honestly."

"Okay! I'm here this time to invite you to join a superhero team to deal with more and more supernatural phenomena."

In the original timeline, Stark refused the offer without hesitation. But this time, he hesitated.

He thought of the astonishingly large vampire Duke.

For a long time, he believed that he could solve all problems with his intelligence, and in fact he did most of them. Whether it was the kidnapping case in Afghanistan or the subsequent attacks by the Ten Rings Gang and the military, he handled it perfectly.

However, he had personally witnessed Cauvus's weird magic, and was once ignored by the vampire Duke. The Mark Armor could not even catch a claw of the Grand Duke - the anti-vampire armor had been tested for a long time, and it still didn't work. To achieve the perfect effect in his mind.

"Who are the current candidates?"

Natasha put a document on the table, and when Stark opened it, except for the blank first page, the second page was his name.

"There is still some knowledge..." Stark's lips twitched slightly, and he was very satisfied with the other party's attention.

But the name on the third page surprised him a little, but he was able to accept it.

Hulk - Bruce Banner!

"Okay, that makes sense!"

"Ant-Man Jonathan Pym?" Stark frowned. He knew this man's reputation, but he didn't think he could get along well with Pym.

The next Black Widow, Hawkeye, Mockingbird... are all little-known agents.

The room was quiet except for the rustle of Stark flipping through files.

He turned to the last page, but there was no name he wanted to see. He smiled noncommittally and pushed the document back.

"Sorry, I refuse!"

"Don't refuse in a hurry. You have enough time to consider this issue."

Fury glanced at Natasha, who nodded and put a suitcase on the table, "This is your father's relic. By the way, he is one of the founders of SHIELD."

After saying that, ignoring Stark who was in shock, the two quickly left the room.

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