My 1991

Chapter 121, Evaluate scores and fill in your application

July 10th is the day when the school notifies students to return to school before the exam.

Mainly two things.

One is to publish the answers and let candidates estimate their scores.

The second is to fill in the application based on the estimated score.

"Luann, your package!"

Early in the morning, the postman shouted at the courtyard door, causing Lu An to quickly put down the vegetable shovel in his hand and ran out in a hurry.

"Where did it come from?" Lu An opened the door and asked subconsciously.

Facing an awesome figure whose painting can be sold for 20,000 yuan, Postman Jin seemed very enthusiastic, waving a green mailbag and shouting:

"Shanghai Stock Exchange, from Shanghai Stock Exchange."

Lu An's eyes lit up, and he probably guessed what was inside.

"Uncle Jin, would you like to come inside for a drink of water?" He greeted the postman when he saw that his face was sweating profusely after taking the package.

"You have to have it, it's been a boring day, and I'm so thirsty that I've been begging for water all the way."

Postman Jin knew that the water in his patio was delicious and the people were familiar, so he simply stopped being polite.

After drinking a ladle of well water, the golden postman left.

Luan sat down under the grape trellis and began to look at the package.

I opened it and found a letter, a book, and two money orders inside.

The book was about finance and stock trading. He thought it was written by Yu Guanzhi casually to make it easier to send packages, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

The amount of a money order is 50,000.

The other money order was for 8,000 yuan, which was salary. Salary for the four months of April, May, June and July.

Lu An was a little happy. He didn't do anything, and he had already received more than 10,000 yuan. It was really pie in the sky, and there was nothing better than this.

After breakfast, Lu An went to the bank first, converted the money order into cash and deposited it.

He only had 8,000 yuan left on him.

The money is intended to be returned home to the eldest sister for her disposal.

It was already noon when I arrived at No. 1 Middle School after finishing my busy work. As soon as I reached the third floor, I met Ye Run in the corridor. The latter had just come out of the classroom, his face full of joy.

Lu An looked her up and down and joked: "So happy, does this mean she has surpassed Tsinghua and Peking University?"

"No way."

Ye Run glanced at him, "How can he be so tall?"

Luan asked, "How much is that?"

Ye Run released his palm and showed him the score written on the paper.

"620? Oh my god, so high?"


There is nothing to say, this girl simply performed beyond her level. She has not done so well in the exam in three years of high school.

With this score, besides Qingbei, which school can't I go to?

If you are braver and more ruthless, Qingbei may not be able to give it a try.

After taking a closer look at the blushing girl again, Lu An asked: "Which school do you plan to apply for?"

Ye Run shook his head: "I haven't thought about it yet. My mother will come over later and I have to discuss it with her."


Mother and daughter have been dependent on each other since childhood. They finally managed to get through this time. Lu An was happy for them.

When I reached the classroom, I didn't see Li Dong, so I asked again, "Have you seen Li Dong?"

Ye Run said: "He had already finished checking the answer, 571, and then ran out of the school excitedly without filling in his application."

It was almost the same as in his impression. Lu An was relieved and walked into the classroom.

Because he came late, there were not many people in the classroom at the moment, only two girls were looking down at the answers.

And the scene was quite strange. One of them was overjoyed, and the more he got the answer, the happier he became.

One of them had a sad face and cried to each other. The cry was not loud, but he was very sad.

In the college entrance examination, some people are happy and some are sad. Lu An has seen this kind of thing a lot. He glanced at the two girls and sat down calmly, preparing to answer the questions.

Ye Run, who was originally going to wait for his mother at the school gate, also followed in and sat next to him to watch his answers.

Lu An asked: "Why don't you go find Teacher Zhou?"

Ye Run replied: "I've been there a long time ago. There are too many people in the office and I can't squeeze in."

That's true. Lu An nodded and started recording the scores with a pen.

The front and rear blackboards are divided into six areas, densely packed with answers.

There were two questions in mathematics that he didn't know, so he checked the mathematics first.

As a result, luck didn't seem to be on his side, and the answer to the last multiple-choice question was A.

Hey, the teacher's perspective on this question is very tricky. A, how could it be A?

Lu An unconsciously glanced at Ye Run beside him, sighed secretly, and considered himself unlucky.

Ye Run was looked at inexplicably and panicked. It took him a long time to react. He glanced at the question he marked with a cross, then at the A on the blackboard, and then lowered his head to look at his chest. His face suddenly became hot. Hot, redder than a monkey's butt.

I got one wrong on the multiple-choice question, and in the end I got only the small one right on the big question.

Luann wrote a conservative score of 104 on paper.

A little low, but to be expected.

When the first score on the paper came out, Ye Run couldn't care less about his irritation and shyness, and looked at his side face steadily, observing his expression.

Unfortunately, Lu An is as stable as an old dog.

He knew it well before he came. He didn't worry about gains and losses as Ye Run imagined. He always maintained a normal mind and got the answer quickly.

Chinese, 115

English, 120, full score.

After thinking about it, he changed it to 119 to make room for ups and downs in English writing.

Political and historical location: 278

Estimated total score: 616

However, since liberal arts subjects are different from science subjects, there are many subjective questions, so the range of score fluctuation will naturally be relatively large, so you must leave corresponding leeway when estimating scores to fill in your application.

So once the score came out, Qingbei was not in his consideration at all.

Ye Run looked at the total score on the paper and instinctively wanted to send a congratulations, but thinking of his own estimated score, he swallowed the words that came to his lips.

For a moment she didn't know how to speak. After all, she has been asking him questions humbly for the past three years.

She didn't expect the final result to be like this.

Unlike many of Ye Run's petty thoughts, Lu An was very satisfied with this score. Although he couldn't go to Qingbei, he was sure to go to one of the top ten universities in the country. He could see many things in his life and be content with it.

Putting down his pen, he turned his head and said, "We did well in all three exams. This is a great news.

I'll go back and buy some good food for you to cook and have a casual dinner. "

Ye Run was silent for a while when she heard the dazzling words "breakup meal". The three people who had gone to school together for three years were suddenly about to separate. She felt a sense of loss, but in the end she held back and said: "Okay. "

After walking out of the classroom, the two of them immediately saw Ye Run's mother rushing over to the playground. Lu An looked at his watch.

Said: "Your mother is here, you go to Teacher Zhou's office with her first, I have something else to do, so I have to make a phone call first.

Remember, think more carefully when filling out your application, ask your teachers more, and don’t rush if you have plenty of time. "

Ye Run nodded and watched him leave.

I left school and ran to call a public phone. The first one I called was home. I guess I had to share it with my eldest sister and two aunts to avoid them worrying.

The second call was to the Meng family.

The third call was to Meng Qingchi, and two minutes later, he received a call from the other party.

"Xiao An, have you figured it out?"

Meng Qingchi guessed his intention immediately.

"Sister Qingchi, come out."

"How many?"


ps: The 4,000-word update will be resumed tomorrow, and two updates will be resumed on Tuesday. Please take care of it more today.

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