My 1991

Chapter 13, there is a ghost at night

After 10 p.m., state-owned enterprise workers working the night shift in the west of the city started getting off work one after another.

Lu An also closed the stall.

I don’t know what’s going on?

As soon as this time comes every night, the number of people on the street will suddenly decrease. Those who close their shops and those who close their stalls will go back to their homes and look for their mothers. This seems to have become a conventional phenomenon.

Seeing that he was reluctant to leave, the aunt selling toys next to him explained his doubts: "You have so little experience, you still don't understand.

The Baoqing under our feet is managed by humans during the day, but ghosts appear on the streets at night. "

At this time, Shao Fen, the cousin’s ex-girlfriend and the female clothes stall owner said with concern:

"Lu An, after 10 o'clock, no matter how good the business is, you must close the stall in time, otherwise your work may be in vain for a day, and you may have to lose money."

Lu An reacted: "What are you...?"

Shao Fen said fearfully: "Aunt Wang and I were robbed twice, and Aunt Wang was beaten to the hospital by a gangster once."

Lu An understood. He had heard this from his classmates before, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

Because the evening self-study at school usually ends at 9:30, he would be home in less than ten minutes' walk, and he would not go out again after arriving home.

Aunt Wang added to her jealousy and described it vividly: "The night before yesterday, probably early in the morning, I was awakened by the noise outside, and I bent down and hid in the window to take a look.

Yo ho! Good guy! Guess what I saw?

At this point, Aunt Wang clapped her hands together and shouted, "There is a group of people called the Mulan Gang, headed by a woman."

Mulan Gang? Women first?

Why does this name sound so familiar?

Lu An tried hard to recall, but couldn't remember it for a while, but the incident did leave traces deep in his memory.

Shao Fen's home is in the west of the city, and he has to cross the river to go back, which is a long way.

Aunt Wang and Shao Fen traveled the same way, but they didn't have to cross the river. Their families faced each other across the bridge and were very close to each other. They came and went together every day.

As for Lu An, he turned around and reached the entrance of the alley, and returned home in a few steps.

After putting the things for the stall in the corner of the yard, he was sweating and found a change of clothes to take a bath.

But this time he learned his lesson. After taking a look at Widow Zhang's dark window on the second floor, he carried two buckets of water to the kitchen for washing. It was built with linoleum anyway, so the space was spacious. The floor was made of cement, so he was not afraid of getting wet.

While taking a shower, he inexplicably remembered what Liao Shiqi said today: My mother said you have grown.


Lu An took a look, tut! Isn't it grown up? He himself was frightened. The Kun was so big that it couldn't fit on the grassland.

No wonder Widow Zhang has always been obsessed with me in her past and present lives. She wants to take a peek at her. She is really rich. I really can’t blame her entirely.

After taking a shower, he began the exciting part: counting money.

No matter how much or how little money he has, he loves to count it. This is one of the few happy moments in his poor days.

Take today's zero votes out of your pocket, put them on the table, and count them one by one.

Three pieces worth 10 yuan, two pieces worth 5 yuan, five pieces worth one piece, and some dimes.

The total is 48 yuan and 3 cents.

In addition to the cost of more than 3 yuan, the profit exceeded 45 yuan.

Well, that's pretty good. He had to work four and a half days in town to earn this kind of income. He was quite satisfied.

This was his first income since his rebirth. Lu An counted it twice before locking it in the drawer, thinking that if he continued like this, his eldest sister would soon have a sewing machine of her own.

It is said that contentment is always happiness, contentment is always happiness.

Lu An, who was in a very upright position, took the math textbook and started the reading and problem-solving mode.

At two o'clock in the morning, it suddenly started raining heavily outside, hitting the roof tiles with bang bang bang. The temperature was dropping and it became a bit cold.

Lu An looked up and looked out the window. The rain lines were whitening in the weak kerosene light, and there was a breeze coming in.

For some reason, he who was obsessed with math problems just now suddenly lost interest and even felt a little disinterested.

After being in a daze for a while, recalling the past and present events, he suddenly remembered a painting from his previous life before he set out to meet his confidante.

To be precise, it is a painting that he worked hard to break through his own bottleneck.

In order to improve his painting level to a higher level, he went to France, Switzerland, Italy, the United Kingdom and RB.

Along the way, I participated in many celebrity art exhibitions and observed and studied many famous oil paintings up close.

It took nearly half a year until one day he had an enlightenment and thought of integrating the rendering methods and spatial concepts of Chinese ink and wash into oil paintings. He ended his journey of learning art and returned home impatiently without even visiting the United States, the last stop. .

After returning to China, he began to paint based on his inspiration. This process was a bit long. After rejecting dozens of drawings, he found the soul he wanted with great accuracy: the description of light and the shape of space became his own painting. core.

These are the different creative characteristics and styles of his art career spanning 30 years. He named his paintings "Eternity", which means that this moment will last forever.

In fact, Lu An's painting career is somewhat similar to that of the famous painter Wu Guanzhong. He initially devoted himself to Western oil painting creation. It was not until he was 45 years old that he gradually began to also engage in Chinese painting creation.

When creating his "eternal" paintings, he had an ambition in his heart, which was to use traditional Chinese materials and tools to express the spirit of the times in order to achieve innovation and breakthrough in the field of traditional Chinese painting.

It's a pity that things didn't work out as he wished. Only halfway through the creation of "Eternity", the painting that he felt was the most glorious in his life, he died drinking with his confidante and was reborn.

Thinking of the "Eternity" painting with his eyes closed, an unstoppable desire arose in Lu An's heart, and his blood surged.

He has an inexplicable intuition that as long as he completes this work, his painting skills and vision will enter another field and be promoted to a new world. His name will surely be remembered by many talented colleagues.

No, he had to create this painting as soon as possible, otherwise he wouldn't be able to eat or sleep well. At this point in his thoughts, he couldn't help but think about it.

But thinking about it, when Lu An came back to his senses from the falling rain, he found that the reality was so damn cruel. There were no brushes, no oil paints, and canvases could not be bought.

Damn it, you still have to make money!

After a rare two-word curse in a row, Lu An was now extremely anxious. How can I describe this feeling? It's like you are rich and have 200 million, but they just lock you in a dark room and won't let you out.

Two hundred million dollars, how does it feel to hold it back and not use it?

When you see a female, you feel like a beauty.

One word: uncomfortable!

Taking a deep breath, several deep breaths in a row, Lu An forced himself to calm down and continued to work on the questions while stumbling.

However, there is always a thought swirling in my mind: I must create this painting within this semester.

When the rooster crowed for the first time, it was still raining outside, and he continued to read and do questions.

When the rooster crowed for the second time, the rain outside had eased a little. Lu An thought for a while, put down his pen and stretched. If the rain stopped tomorrow morning, he would have to continue working at the stall. It was time to go to bed.

Lying in bed, he instinctively wanted to set an alarm clock to wake himself up at one o'clock. But the family is surrounded by walls, and there is not even a paper-like woman, let alone an alarm clock.

Weekend, 8:30 am.

When Lu An arrived at the stall, Aunt Wang and Shao Fen were already there.

The two of them were warm-hearted, and while helping him set up the stall, Aunt Wang asked:

"Xiao An, why did you come here today? Xiao Shao has already opened three businesses."

Lu An was a little surprised when he heard this: "Someone is buying clothes so early?"

Aunt Wang cooed at Shaofen's stall, "I'm not just buying clothes, I'm also buying underwear."

Lu An followed his gaze and was stunned.

Today there is an extra model in Shao Fen's booth, a plaster statue of a decapitated woman.

This plaster statue has a perfect figure, with concave and convex shapes. It has everything you want. The key is that it also wears underwear, the most popular style nowadays.

Seeing Lu An stunned, Shao Fen explained with a blushing face: "I was told by another sister that it would be much better to have a business like this."

Lu An sat down and asked, "Did it work?"

Shao Fen nodded: "Today's orders are all for underwear."

Then she added: "The buyers are all female workers."

This was something he didn't expect.

There are people who are so avant-garde these days. The problem is that this is a street, not a clothing store.

"Why are you here again? Your car tire was punctured by a nail again?"

Not long after the stall was set up, Lu An saw an acquaintance, the young woman who was sitting in the office at the feed factory yesterday.

"I don't know what happened, but when I was passing by a construction site, I got stuck by a nail again. Young master, please help me repair the tire quickly. I'm in a hurry." As she said that, the young woman quickly took out 3 yuan and gave it to him.

Lu An was happy, took the money and asked, "Are the front and rear tires punctured?"

The young woman said calmly yes.

Then she sat down on Luan's small stool very familiarly, and flipped through his history book in her right hand.

The tire repair was quick, less than 10 minutes.

The young woman didn't say much. She stepped on the pedal with her left foot, kicked her right foot on the ground once, and then stepped firmly on the bicycle.

Gone like the wind.

ps: Today is the first day of testing the waters. Please help me and support me!

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