My 1991

Chapter 160: Several families are happy and have different thoughts (please subscribe!)

The famous art historian Lu Shu commented in the newspaper:

"Lu An's painting "Eternity", his expression method is different from the past, and also different from Western oil paintings. He has blazed his own path and created a new school. This is very rare and destined to be remembered by history.

Based on general life experience, we can make a general identification from the images, characters, interactions, colors and lines in his paintings. What do we get from this identification? This is very important.

In Lu An's paintings, you can see some traces of Western oil paintings and some shadows of Chinese landscape paintings, but these are secondary. The important thing is that the traces and shadows are like the changes of an era and the changes of history, and this The result of the change is that "Eternity" has been taken to a new height and opened up a new world in the field of oil painting. This is Lu An's important contribution to oil painting. "

After reading this news, Meng Qingchi was very surprised. He was so surprised that he read all the news about Lu An three times in a row, but the fluctuations in his heart still could not subside for a long time.

Although she has long known that Xiao An is very talented, and although she has long known that Xiao An's paintings can be sold for a lot of money, a series of high praises in the newspapers still gave her a new understanding of Xiao An and Xiao An's oil paintings.

"Qingchi, what's wrong with you? It's time to prepare for surgery. Why are you still staring at the newspaper?"

A female colleague saw that Meng Qingchi was absent-minded and shouted in response, so she simply came over and shook her awake.

Meng Qingchi came back to his senses, laughed and said, "I just thought of something and forgot about it."

The female colleague was not that easy to fool. She stared at the contents of the newspaper for a while, and then asked: "Do you know this great painter?"

Meng Qingchi said nothing, stood up and started packing his things, preparing to go to the operating room.

The female colleague didn't react at first, but as she was walking with her, she suddenly grabbed her arm and whispered: "Qingchi, I remember! I remember!"

A man once called the office. I answered the phone. The man called himself Lu An and was looking for you.

So is Lu An the great painter reported in the newspaper? Yes or no? "

After saying this, the female colleague's eyes widened and she stared at Meng Qingchi closely, as if she was afraid that she would run away.

Knowing that he couldn't hide it, Meng Qingchi could only say: "Keep it secret for me."

Seeing Meng Qingchi's acquiescence, the female colleague shrank her pupils and asked: "This morning my father was also reading reports about Lu An at home. A collector expressed his opinion that the starting price of the painting "Eternity" should be more than 1.2 million.

My dad even told us this as a new news during dinner. Is this true? "

Meng Qingchi told the truth: "I haven't seen the news yet, so I don't know."

At this time, someone came over, and the two of them stopped talking. After the person walked over, the female colleague lowered her voice and said, "The newspaper my dad reads is China Youth Daily. You can read it when you go to buy this newspaper after get off work."

Meng Qingchi hummed.

As they walked, the female colleague continued to gossip, "Qingchi, from the voice on the phone, Lu An doesn't seem to be particularly old. What is your relationship? Are you boyfriend and girlfriend?"

Meng Qingchi said half truthfully, "Have you ever seen anyone at our age who is famous for painting?"

The female colleague blurted out: "Chen Danqing, when I was studying in Beijing, newspapers were full of reports about the "XZ Group Paintings", which caused a great sensation."

Meng Qingchi is no stranger to the name Chen Danqing. Ever since Lu An showed his talent for painting, she will deliberately look up information in this area when she has time.

He immediately asked with a smile: "Chen Danqing is known as a genius. How many such geniuses have you seen in the world?"

The female colleague was speechless for a moment, thinking that this was reasonable.

Shanghai Stock Exchange.

Wu Dan picked up the latest issue of "Art" magazine in 1992 and looked at the painting "Eternity" on the cover. She asked Yu Guanzhi who was making tea opposite:

"So... Lu An, who was still here to make money for survival a year ago, has now become a great painter? Has he become something that ordinary people like me can't reach?"

Yu Guanzhi didn't even raise his head, "You don't seem to be happy to see this situation."

Wu Dan tapped the cover of the magazine with his fingers and said: "I'm really unhappy. Last year I didn't treat him very well, but now it's changed so quickly. My face was so painful that I was thinking about what will happen next." Didn't you still treat him with a cold face?"

Yu Guanzhi said: "Use a cold face. There will definitely be no shortage of smiling faces around him in the future. It will be easier for him to remember you if you use a cold face."

Wu Dan put his hands on his chest: "If he is determined to retaliate, what should he do if he holds a grudge?"

Yu Guanzhi smiled: "You're not really afraid of him, so why do you care about him holding a grudge?"

Wu Dan leaned forward, "I had a dream some time ago. I dreamed that you gave birth to a child for him. Do you think it's strange?"

Then without waiting for Yu Guanzhi to reply, Wu Dan continued: "I didn't pay much attention to it before, thinking that the dream was too absurd. But until I saw this magazine just now, I suddenly had a strange idea in my heart, what if the dream becomes Realistically, if I still treat him coldly, isn’t that causing people to hate me?”

Yu Guanzhi's heart did not waver: "There is someone in Lu An's heart, please calm down."

Upon hearing this, Wu Dan ended the probing and asked with interest: "Where is that painting now? It deserves such a high evaluation. I want to see it with my own eyes."

Yu Guanzhi said: "Still participating in the exhibition."

Wu Dan asked again: "The newspaper said the starting price is 1.2 million, but is it true?"

Yu Guanzhi raised his head and said, "That's true, but that's the price set by Sotheby's in New York. It's hard to tell in China."

Wu Dan understood: "You want to keep it to yourself?"

Yu Guanzhi nodded lightly: "Whether Haibo Auction House can be a success, Uncle Chen is betting on this painting."

Ding Chao came in from the outside at this time. After learning about the eternal paintings in the "Art" magazine, he couldn't help but exclaimed: "Lu An is still built, how can it be so valuable?"

Seeing the two women looking at him, Ding Chao knew that he had made a mistake. After saying sorry, he asked doubtfully: "I have also been to the auction house. Chinese painters are no better than Western painters. A painting can sell for more than 100,000 US dollars and it is almost over the top." But the starting price is 1.2 million, so the transaction price shouldn’t be at least doubled? Or even tripled?”

Yu Guanzhi answered their questions: "When collectors buy art, in addition to buying aesthetics and fun, the most important thing is buying history! Buying civilization!

If any piece of work forms a historical node, a turning point, a question raised, or the end of an old thing, then it is the most important physical evidence in our civilization that needs to be preserved.

In addition to the aesthetics of physical evidence, what is more important is its artistic value. "Eternity" is such a historical milestone in the field of oil painting.

To a certain extent, Lu An's painting is similar to Chen Danqing's "XZ Series" ten years ago, but its unique style is much higher than the XZ Series in terms of historical and artistic value.

So the starting price of 1.2 million is not high. Uncle Chen and I estimate that 10 years from now, when we enter the new century, adding a zero to the starting price of this painting will not be enough. "

Wu Dan and Ding Chao were stunned when they heard this, and realized how shallow their knowledge was.


Chen Weiyong put the newspaper on the table, called Meng Zhenhai, and sighed:

"Zhenhai, your little son-in-law is incredible. I've been reading his news for the past half hour."

As a member of the system, reading newspapers is a must for Meng Zhenhai every day. He will know what his close friends are talking about as soon as he hears it.

To be honest, after watching the news, his whole head was buzzing. Lu An had grown up watching him. He had been treating him as half a son all these years. Unexpectedly, it had only been a few years ago. That introverted young man had now become so famous, which really shocked him.

There was joy in this "surprise", but it was more of an unexpected shock.

Just now, he and his wife Li Meng had a phone call with Lao Chang. The two of them had been lamenting on the phone. After the lamentation, they were relieved and happy, and then they were lamenting again...

Meng Zhenhai was proud of his deceased friend. With such a son, the old Lu family could continue to flourish.

While Li Meng was happy, she was worried about her little daughter. If Xiao An is so good, will he be tempted by the outside world?

Will Cheng Yaojin appear halfway between Xiaoan and Qingshui?

She is not someone who dislikes poverty and loves wealth, nor does she want Xiao An to become a Meng family member just because he has become better.

It's just that Mo Ruomu, who knows her daughter, has always had an intuition that her youngest daughter can't get out of Xiao An's emotional zone. If this relationship doesn't progress, it is almost foreseeable that something will happen in the middle.

Looking at the pile of newspapers on the table, Li Meng felt mixed feelings. He was happy for Lu An and worried for his little daughter.

Meng Zhenhai smiled and replied: "Old Chen, if others don't know, don't you know it yet? I have always regarded Xiao An as my son. He and Qing Shui are still young, so it is difficult to talk about it."

Since the beginning of school, Chen Weiyong has been busy and has no time to pay special attention to Lu An.

Unexpectedly, in just such a short nap, Lu An grew up, from a small seedling to a towering tree. This was something he had never expected.

However, he knew that Zhenhai was telling the truth. As an old man who has worked hard at Nanda for many years, and as the dean of the law school, he naturally knew how many outstanding girls there were in Nanda. Although Qingshui was excellent, there was no shortage of girls in Nanda who were better than her. .

So he could understand the caution of his friend when he said this.

After chatting for a while, Meng Zhenhai asked: "Has Xiao An visited your home recently?"

Chen Weiyong smiled and said: "He may be busier than me, so he hasn't come yet. But I have prepared all the dishes at home, and I even asked the old lady to learn two Hunan dishes, and I'm just waiting for him to come."

Meng Zhenhai said: "I know him well, I guess it will be soon. He is good at drinking. Let him drink with you when the time comes."

Accounting Class 1.

The teacher was lecturing above, but Ye Run secretly read the newspaper below. This was something unprecedented.

Xiang Xiu on the left glanced at the newspaper and saw that the title of the news report was related to paintings. He immediately withdrew his gaze and continued taking notes in class.

In her eyes, painting is a high-end thing. She has never been exposed to it, so she is not interested.

Li Mengsu on the right was also looking at the newspaper, but unlike Xiang Xiu's rough sweep, she was looking carefully at the side. When she saw the word "Lu An", her heart skipped a beat.

I couldn't help but think: Is this Lu An the Lu An who manages Class 1?

Can Luan paint?

Is the China Academy of Art rated so highly?

I originally wanted to finish reading the news report, but unfortunately Ye Run had already put away the newspaper and started class.

After the whole class, Li Mengsu seemed a little uneasy. One moment he thought about the shocking content in the report, and the other moment he observed Ye Run. What did he want to capture from Ye Run?

Unfortunately, Ye Run's expression remained calm and did not show any flaws.

In fact, Ye Run is not as calm as he appears on the outside, and he is not much better than Li Mengsu on the inside, and is even worse.

Because compared to Li Mengsu's guesses, Ye Run knew more details and was naturally more easily shocked.

She regretted it just after reading the news. She was afraid that Lu An's secret would be revealed and cause trouble to his study and life.

Therefore, she was pretending to show it to Li Mengsu next to her.

On the day of the welcome party, she was keenly aware of Li Mengsu's strangeness and guessed that he had fallen in love with Lu An.

After a week, Ye Run confirmed his suspicion. The reason was that Li Mengsu had been approaching her these days.

Although dormitory 301 is very united and has a good relationship, it also has its own clique.

For example, Ye Run and Xiang Xiu are almost inseparable.

Li Mengsu and Su Mi always go to and from get out of class together.

Chen Ying and Xiao Yating, whose family conditions are relatively poor, joined a group to keep warm.

But now, Li Mengsu pulls Su Mi and always moves closer to her and Xiang Xiu intentionally or unintentionally, eating together and going to and from get out of class together.

This move puzzled Xiang Xiu.

Because Su Mi and Li Mengsu's conditions are so good, not only their personal conditions are good, but their family conditions are also very good. It is quite stressful for Xiang Xiu to be with the two women. This is also the reason for the 301-point clique.

Once, Xiang Xiu secretly asked Ye Run: "What's going on? Mengsu can't eat spicy food, so why did he drag Su Mi to eat spicy food with us?"

Ye Run joked: "Maybe Mengsu is getting used to the eating style of southern Hunan."

Xiang Xiu looked confused: "What do you mean? Why should she, a Xiamen native, get used to your eating style?"

Ye Run put it off: "You will know later if you look at it later. If I tell you now, it will take away a lot of fun."

When Ye Run was worried about whether Li Mengsu would leak the secret, he forced himself to finish 3 or 4 classes. Li Mengsu made an excuse to leave the school alone, went to a newsstand, and bought a copy of today's "People's Daily" .

After paying the money and eagerly reading the newspaper, she was stunned!

Completely stupid!

Then the worries about gains and losses began.

She was wondering, was the Lu An in the newspaper the Lu An she knew?

You must pretend to be ignorant.

Otherwise, my liking for Lu An will be greatly compromised in the eyes of others.

Although she did not fall in love with Lu An at first sight, she was really moved by him on the stage of the welcome party, so she was afraid that Lu An would misunderstand her in the future and mistakenly think that she fell in love with him because of his painting achievements and fame.

Thinking like this, Li Mengsu folded the newspaper and put it back in his bag, then walked to the dormitory.

After taking just a few steps, she paused in place again, thinking that she couldn't take the newspaper back and let Runrun see it, otherwise she would really jump into the Yellow River and not be able to wash it off.


Or hide it yourself?

I threw it away, a little bit reluctant to part with it, because if the Lu An in the newspaper was really this Lu An, then this newspaper would have commemorative significance.

But it's like a thunderbolt in your hand, and it might explode one day.

After weighing it again and again, Li Mengsu finally threw the newspaper into the trash can with distress, then clapped his face with both hands to calm down his shock, and continued walking to the dormitory.

Ps: 9500 words have been updated, please subscribe! Asking for a monthly ticket!

The average subscription price has not increased for a month. Everyone supports the original version. It is not easy to write on the street.

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