My 1991

Chapter 179, You are hope, worth going all out (please subscribe!)

With just one word, Lu An removed himself completely.

This made Chen Quan appreciate it very much. Not only is he gifted with great painting at such a young age, he is also sophisticated and worldly, able to distinguish between occasions, fame and fortune, understand priorities, and know how to advance and retreat.

If such people do not succeed, who succeeds?

Painting is like writing a book, it is difficult to achieve it overnight without a deep foundation.

But Lu An is a rare example in the world, a super genius who belongs to the top of the pyramid.

Through the two paintings "Eternity" and "Untitled", Liang Changhui has dared to conclude that Lu An will definitely have a place in the future oil painting world.

Even with the strong support of Miss Yu and her old friend Chen Quan, he became a giant.

That's why he would risk the world's disapproval and give it a try today. I really like it so much, just like seeing a top beauty, I fell in love with this painting at a glance. With just one glance, I reached the point where I couldn't put it down.

Lu An's words did not surprise Yu Guanzhi, but they still successfully hit her heart, and she instantly became fond of him.

She smiled weakly at Lu An and said yes.

Although this woman was frail and frail, and even though she had a pitiful and pitiful beauty all over her body, she did things very neatly, leaving no room for Liang Changhui's imagination.

Yu Wanzhi's eyes fell on the oil painting and he asked quietly: "Lu An, does this painting have a name?"

Luan said: "No title."

Are the three confused?

Luan explained: "I couldn't use words to summarize what I was thinking when I was creating, so I named it "Untitled"."

Hearing this, the three of them withdrew their gaze from him and fell on the oil painting again.

After a few minutes, I unanimously agreed that this name is very good, absolutely amazing!

Yu Guanzhi said: "You will put the word "Untitled" on the back later and write your name."

Luan nodded, knowing that she was showing respect to him.

After finishing the prefix, Yu Guanzhi started talking about the text, "Uncle Liang, this painting will be the highlight and confidence of Haibo Gallery and Haibo Auction House from now on. It is not for sale. I'm sorry that I can't part with you. If you like it, you can give it to me next spring." Participated in the filming of "Eternity"."

She is not stupid. Many famous painters may not be able to paint a painting of this level in their lifetime, and they may not be able to reach this height in their lifetime. Naturally, it makes the most sense to keep it in their own hands.

If it weren't for the need to build up the reputation of galleries and auction houses, or if it wasn't for the need to expand the market, she would want to keep both "Eternity" and "Untitled" for herself and pass them on as family heirlooms.

Liang Changhui was disappointed when he heard this, but he was reasonable.

He knew very well that if he were in Yu Guanzhi's shoes, he would also choose to do this.

Because where is the limit of inspiration for a painter?

No one can tell.

Maybe these two paintings are Lu An's peak, and he will never be able to paint again in the future, so it's best to play it safe.

Of course, this is a very small probability.

Even if Lu An stops painting from now on, with these two paintings, his legend will always be there.

The paintings that started the school are no joke. "Eternity" and "Untitled" are undoubtedly two monuments that promote the development of oil painting and are enough to be recorded in the history of oil painting.

Liang Changhui had an impulse in his heart and wanted to ask for 5 million, but he still held it back. I know that talking about money now will hurt the harmony. Talking about money now is disrespectful to the painting "Untitled" and will also break up with Miss Yu.

In the mainland, he, Liang Changhui, is very popular and is treated as a guest wherever he goes. He wears the cloak of a Hong Kong investor and a big collector and can almost walk sideways like a crab. But facing Yu Guanzhi, he lowered his head consciously.

What he has now is like paper in the eyes of others, and can be broken with a light touch. Unless he cuts off his arm and stops developing on the mainland.

Reluctantly looking at "Untitled", Liang Changhui moved his eyes away with difficulty to "Ye Yu". As he looked at it, his mood improved again, and as he looked at it, his mind became more alive again.

Looking at it, he couldn't help it anymore.

He lowered his stance and asked, "Mr. Lu, Miss Yu, are you selling this painting?"

Chen Quan's eyelids were twitching, and he looked up at the ceiling with his hands behind his hands. He regretted bringing this old friend here. After spending decades together, his whole outlook was shattered in just one day. Where was the moral integrity that he had promised?

Luan pretended not to hear and did not express his opinion.

Yu Guanzhi smiled and looked at the man who did not dare to look him in the face, and said to Liang Changhui:

"We have already taken the majority, so we won't let Liang Shubai come here."

This is the art of speaking. While giving a face, you still ask the other party to make an offer.

Liang Changhui felt comfortable, and when he looked at "Ye Yu" again, he already regarded it as a personal item.

After pondering for a while, he reported a number: "1.2 million."

1.2 million!

After hearing the quotation, Chen Quan began to taste "Ye Yu", and then nodded slightly.

1.2 million was in line with Yu Guanzhi's price range. After receiving Uncle Chen's message, she uttered two words: "Yes."

As soon as this "yes" came out, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became relaxed. Everyone had gained something today and everyone was happy.

Luan thought it was a bargain.

Although this "Night Rain" does not have the profound meaning and value attributes of "Untitled", it is the third best inspiration among the four paintings this time, and it is also the top three of his completed works in his decades of painting career. , entering the auction house is definitely more than this price.

But later he realized that he was still limited by the age. After all, it was only 1992, and many things cannot be measured from the perspective of future generations.

Of course, he also understood that Yu Guanzhi and Chen Quan had sold favors to Liang Changhui. It seemed that the latter was stronger than he thought.

A painting was sold at a high price of 1.2 million yuan. When Ye Run, who was busy in the kitchen, heard the news, his hands shook and the spatula fell to the ground.

Lu An looked on amusedly: "Yo, yo, you are really worthless, 1.2 million scared you into this."

Ye Run rolled her eyes at him and asked in a low voice: "Really sold?"

Lu An said: "What kind of person is he? He spits and nails, and of course he sells."

Ye Run moved his thin lips and said seriously: "Congratulations, Lu An, you finally got through it."


Lu An picked up the vegetable shovel on the ground, washed it and handed it over: "After they leave, let's have a drink tonight to celebrate."

Ye Run took the spatula and said with some embarrassment: "We have agreed in our dormitory that we will have dinner every three weeks and have dinner in the dormitory tonight."

Luan was puzzled: "Why is it Wednesday, not Friday, not the weekend?"

Ye Run said: "Yating and Yingying are both locals from Jinling. Sometimes they have to go back on Fridays and may not be free. From Monday to Friday, there are only Wednesday afternoons when there are no classes, so they chose this school."

So that was the case, Lu An expressed his understanding, "Okay, I'll go find a girl in the class for a drink later."

Ye Run suggested: "I think Huang Ting is pretty good, it's best if she doesn't get drunk and doesn't come home."

Lu An pretended to think deeply and said: "Huang Ting is not the best target to attack. She may not be able to get rid of her if she sticks to her. I want someone who can get rid of her at any time."


Ye Run made a sound of disdain and said harshly: "You are afraid that you will have feelings for a great beauty like Huang Ting, and you won't be able to throw it away. After all, you will marry the Meng sisters later, right?"

Luan said, "Don't say that, little old man."

"Shut up! You bastard!" Ye Run was now allergic to the word "little wife" and immediately became furious when he heard it.

Lu An slapped her thigh, pointed at her and cursed: "Arrogant! Too arrogant! The person standing in front of you is still 1.2 million after all. You have to be respectful, you know...?"

Before he finished speaking, Yu Guanzhi walked in with a smile on his face and joked:

"Listening to the conversation between you two is like listening to a cross talk."

Hearing this, Ye Run's face and neck turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning red and deep red, making him want to find a hole in the ground and crawl into it.

Lu An looked like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water and said: "Sister Yu, it is not a good sign to listen to others. It is insulting to politeness."

Yu Guanzhi turned a deaf ear to this. After watching Ye Run cooking for a while, he sighed: "There are talents in cooking, but I can't learn it."

The dinner was a lively one. Although it was home-cooked food, the five of us drank two bottles of Erguotou.

After the meal, Chen Quan and Liang Changhui left, taking their treasures with them.

Later, Ye Run also left, leaving space for the two of them.

When the door closed, Yu Guanzhi took out a box of tea leaves from his bag, and while making tea, he asked: "Do you want to study late at night?"


Lu An said one word, and then said: "But you don't have to go. The school will hold a school sports meeting next week, and everyone in the class will go to the playground to train."

Yu Guanzhi was stunned: "The whole class?"

"Yeah, the whole class."

Lu An told the story about Sun Long forcing everyone to participate in the school sports meeting while he was away.

Yu Guanzhi commented: "It's good to have someone like this in the class, who can make a fool of himself."

Lu An was convinced of this. If it was difficult for him to come forward, it would be best to borrow the help of this fool from now on.

Then the two of them fell into silence...

It wasn't until two cups of tea came out that Yu Guanzhi suddenly asked, "Is Huang Ting the female classmate we met twice on the road?"

Ouch, this sister turns out to be a gossip too.

Lu An said: "Yes, it's her."

Yu Wanzhi opened her red lips slightly, took a sip of tea, and said after a while: "She is indeed worthy of the word "beauty"."

Luan: "."

Isn't this a slap in the face?

They just said those stupid words in the kitchen, and now they are talking about Huang Ting.

Seeing his dark face, Yu Guanzhi smiled warmly, stopped clicking, and said, "Since you won't be studying in the evening, you will accompany me to walk around the campus later. I have been to Nanjing University several times, but I haven't looked at it carefully. "

Lu An asked: "Aren't you going back to Shanghai tonight?"

Yu Guanzhi didn't answer the question, and turned around and asked, "You don't seem to want me to appear on campus?"

Luann looked away and drank her tea.

Yu Guanzhi thought for a while and said, "It seems that I guessed it right last time. You met the girl you like at Nanda University, so you don't want me to show up, for fear of affecting your pursuit of her?"


Lu An coughed: "Looking at what you said, you make me look like a scumbag.

I don't want you to show up because I don't want the girls who have a crush on me to be too sad.

After all, people only have one puberty. College is the most romantic and dreamy time in student life. Your best conditions are a dimensionality-reducing blow to others. It is unfair and extremely cruel to them. My heart Be kind and have a loving heart. "

Yu Guanzhi looked at him with a half-smile but said nothing.

After drinking two cups of tea in a row, she got down to business: "I see you still have a painting to finish, which seems to belong to the same category as today's "Ye Yu"."

Lu An hummed: "I had good luck a few days ago. I was suddenly inspired when I was reading in the library. I derived three paintings from the first idea, and the second idea was "Untitled"."

Yu Guanzhi put down his teacup and asked, "Do the last two paintings have names?"

Lu An told her: "Yes, "Winter in Jinling" and "Ode to Nature"."

The light in Yu Guanzhi's eyes flashed away: "Is there an ending to "Ode to Nature"?"

I know I can't hide anything from this woman

Lu An didn't lie: "Absolutely. To a certain extent, "Night Rain" and "Winter in Jinling" are the preludes, and "Ode to Nature" is the finishing touch. But in my imagination, the engineering of this painting The volume is huge, the color and space combinations are complex, and it takes me a long time to complete it.”

Yu Guanzhi understands: "Ode to Nature is about interpreting the soul of nature. I'm looking forward to it very much."

"It's possible to screw up," Luann said, taking the shot.

What he meant by "smashing" was to tell her that if "Ode to Nature" could be completed successfully, its value would definitely surpass "Night Rain" and "Winter in Aurous Hill", but it could not be compared with "Untitled".

Yu Guanzhi understood almost instantly and refilled his cup of tea: "It's already very good. Don't put too much pressure on it. Works like "Eternity" and "Untitled" are hard to come by. To create them, the right time, place, and people are indispensable.

"Night Rain" can already meet the needs of Haibo Auction House. Uncle Chen and I hope you will work steadily and let the world see what level Chinese oil paintings have reached. "


Let the whole world see Chinese oil paintings. This dream is so grand that Lu An burst into tears.

With the same dream, the two of them suddenly became much closer, and unconsciously, they spoke much more cordially than before.

Yu Guanzhi said softly: "Bo Chen and I have a wish, which is to put Chinese modern painting at the center of the world's mainstream stage.

I always thought this idea was vague and out of reach, but after seeing "Untitled", Uncle Chen and I agreed that your talent is not an accident, you are hope and worthy of our all-out efforts. "

If it can be said that Lu An's creation of "Eternity" was a matter of great luck and an accidental success, then the current "Untitled" has proved to the two of them what hard power is.

What does strength mean?

This is also the reason why Yu Guanzhi chose to stay today.

Now that the future has become promising, she wants to have a good heart-to-heart relationship with him and get closer to each other. She would never be able to do this for a person if she puts it aside.

Especially when the other person is a man.

But Lu An was an exception. Today's "Untitled" and "Ye Yu" impressed her and made her determined.

"You are hope" and "It's worth all our efforts" made Lu An almost laugh. He really wanted to drink and sing three songs. Damn it's not easy. He finally hugged her.

Although I haven’t hugged the thighs yet, I have hugged the soles of my feet at least, right?

As long as you hold the sole of your foot firmly and control it in the palm of your hand, you will not only feel like a fish in water in the future, but you won't have to look at other people's faces, right?

Ps: Please vote for me! Please subscribe!

It’s 10 o’clock again. Stop writing. Post first and check later.

10,600 words have been updated.

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