My 1991

Chapter 434, Yu Wan’s Return (8)

After the two exchanged seats, Lu An was still wearing his seat belt at first, but due to dry mouth, he unbuckled his seat belt and leaned forward to get Wahaha mineral water from the backpack in the back seat.

While unzipping to get water from his backpack, he asked, "How was your experience on the mountain trail?"

Yu Guanzhi smiled and said, "I don't feel it yet."

Before the sisters could finish their words, Lu An suddenly noticed that the car was being pulled downwards by a huge force. He, who was not wearing a seat belt, was instantly flipped over and jolted in the car.

During this period, his forehead accidentally hit a hard object, and he suddenly felt dizzy. His consciousness quickly dissipated and he fell into boundless darkness.

As consciousness disappeared, he felt a hand grabbing him and a voice calling him.

As for what exactly this voice shouted? He didn't hear it.

Or maybe I heard it, but didn’t hear it clearly because of my confusion.

Although this shout was not heard clearly, there was a sense of familiarity. It was precisely because of this sense of familiarity that Lu An, who was in the dark, felt empty.

He seemed to be having a dream.

It also seemed that I had encountered a ghost beating a wall. No matter how I struggled or ran, everything was pitch black and I couldn't escape.

He got tired from running, and when he stopped to rest, he realized that the world was horribly still. There was no sound or living things around him, not even the noises he usually disliked the most. It was as if the world had been peeled off and abandoned. Same.

Suddenly he wondered in his dream, would he die?

Have you come to the Nine Nether Hell?

It is said that hell is an endless space, boundless, full of darkness and gloom, with terrifying evil spirits running rampant.

Thinking of such a terrible thought, he started running in fear again, and ran, and ran, until he lost all strength, until he collapsed on the ground from exhaustion and could no longer get up, until he was about to pass out, and suddenly, on the horizon, he There was an anxious call:

"Luann! Luann!."

The voice is so pleasant, the voice is so urgent, the voice is so familiar, and there is a crying tone in the voice.

Lu An, whose eyelids were about to close completely, used his last strength to open his eyes, trying to identify the source of the sound and see who was calling him?

Unfortunately, it was still dark as far as the eye could see, and no one could be seen.

But it wasn't that everything was lost, at least the sound was clearer. Hearing this familiar call, his lost heart was suddenly filled with a sense of fulfillment.

"Lu An, don't let anything happen to you, Lu An. Wan Zhi hasn't confessed to you yet. Wan Zhi loves you. Lu An. Don't let anything happen to you, Lu An."

The call kept coming, from the initial anxiety to the end when he almost collapsed. The call continued for a long time, making him feel inexplicably happy when he was about to give up.

Then after happiness comes struggle.

The more he struggled, the more powerful he became, and the more powerful he became, the more he struggled. In the continuous cycle, Lu An finally defeated the darkness. A ray of light slowly seeped in from the sky above his head. The light became bigger, brighter, and closer. Until it covers his entire body.

Only then did he realize that the light source turned out to be a flashlight.

However, compared to the flashlight, the fragile face next to me made people feel more distressed.

Lu An, who crawled out of the boundless darkness, was a little uncomfortable for a moment. His mind went blank. After being stunned for several seconds, he realized that a large number of memories had been integrated into his mind.

Later he asked: "Sister Yu, was it you who was calling me before?"

Seeing that his face was covered with blood, he finally woke up and saw that he opened his eyes. Yu Guanzhi cried with joy and choked on his words.

Luan spoke again: "You cried."

Yu Guanzhi hummed again, then hugged him out of control, held his head tightly against his chest, and said fearfully:

"Lu An, I just thought something happened to you. I was so worried."

With his memory restored, Lu An quickly understood the current situation and said with a wry smile: "We are afraid that we encountered a mudslide or landslide and were buried alive."

Yu Guanzhi already knew the whole story and was already desperate, so he didn't say anything.

Before waiting for a reply, Lu An immediately understood that these sisters did not want to mention this for fear of further irritating themselves, so he sighed:

"Sister Yu, we may be dying, are you afraid?"

Hearing this, Yu Guanzhi let go of his hands, lowered his head and stared into his eyes, slowly shaking his head.

She opened her red lips lightly: "I am not afraid of death, but I am afraid that you will leave before me."

Looking at each other, facing this heartfelt confession and this deep affection, Lu An was moved and fell silent. After a while, he stretched out his hands and held her in his arms forcefully.

Yu Guanzhi didn't resist at all this time. She rested her head on his shoulder obediently, tilted her head slightly, and kept rubbing his face gently with her left hand, as if she wanted to get the last tenderness before she died, as if she wanted to go one step further before she died. Remember this face.

After a while, she began to murmur to herself: "You know, when I saw your head covered with blood, I was extremely scared.

While I'm bandaging you, I'm thinking, what should I do if you don't make it through? What's the point of my life? "

At this point, she paused, closed her eyes and said, "If I die immediately, with this time difference, can I still catch up with you in the underworld?

Little man, at that moment, I was afraid of losing you. "

It is said that when faced with a desperate situation, people will seize the last chance to speak out what is on their mind.

Obviously, the current Yu Guanzhi is no longer the usual Yu Guanzhi. She is just a woman now, a woman with a heart full of love.

So in this desperate situation, she no longer had any cover-ups, and she didn't want to have any cover-ups, and she showed a delicate woman's concern for her lover vividly.

Lu An was very moved when he heard this. He patted her shoulder with his right hand and comforted her: "Don't be so pessimistic. We will be fine."

Yu Guanzhi enjoyed the tenderness at the moment and did not want to mention the cruel reality to break the fantasy. She would rather die in the arms of the little man and never wake up.

Seeing her escaping from reality twice, Lu An felt that something was wrong and felt the seriousness of the situation. He couldn't help but ask: "We are buried by the mountain, where are Sister Lu and the others?"

Yu Guanzhi understood what he meant and opened his mouth, but hesitated to speak. He really couldn't bear to extinguish the hope in his eyes.

But he still told the truth, "The moment the car was buried, I saw through the rearview mirror that Lu Qing and the others were covered by the mountain before us."

These words were like a lightning strike, fatal to Lu An who did not want to die!

Just now he was still looking forward to it, hoping that the landslide or mudslide would be small and would not affect the Mercedes-Benz behind him.

In that case, the three Lu Qing girls will definitely use all possible means to rescue the two of them as quickly as possible.

For example, go to the village ahead and ask someone to dig it up.

For example, calling the Yu family for help.

With the strength of the Yu family, the rescue efforts will not be low. If we are lucky and find the location where the Audi car was submerged, we might be able to go out for a late-night snack tonight.

But now.!

Lu An's last bit of luck was ruthlessly extinguished, and his face suddenly turned pale and his heart was ashen.

He was afraid of death and finally got reborn. Now he is only 20 years old and has a net worth of tens of millions. He really doesn't want to die at such a young age. If he dies of frustration like this, what will Sister Qingchi do?

What to do with clear water?

What should Ye Run do?

And Huang Ting, they must die of grief?

He didn't place his hopes on the passing villagers.

Not to mention the heavy rain outside, I didn’t meet anyone at all while driving so far. Even if some villagers accidentally saw the landslide, they would stay out of it. At most, they would go back to the village to talk and express their feelings: In those two cars The people died so miserably, eh!

It was impossible to organize the villagers to come to the rescue just by saying "Hey".

It’s not that he thinks so bad about human nature, it’s that this phenomenon is too common in mountainous rural areas. In these days, excavators are not as common as in later generations. How useful is it to rely solely on manpower to make love for free with poles and dustpans? As everyone knows, many landslides pile up on the road week after month without being cleaned up.

The villagers would rather take a detour on the small Tiankan road than bother with it. They don't have a car anyway, and it's not the busy farming season anyway. They don't need to transport fertilizers or buy seeds and pesticides. They don't care. Let people with cars worry about it.

As he thought about it, Lu An's mood became more irritable and gloomier.

An intuition told him that something happened to them, and maybe no one saw it. Because it is raining heavily outside, because this is a sparsely populated mountainous area, and because it is not the busy farming season, most people stay at home playing cards and teasing their sisters-in-law on such a cold day, and rarely go out.

What Lu An could think of was that Yu Guanzhi had already thought about these details, and it was precisely because he had thought about them that he now chose to wait for death like this.

In fact, after telling the truth, she had been observing the changes in Lu An's expression. When she saw that his face was getting paler and paler, and that his eyes showed a deathly gray color, her heart skipped several beats, and she felt painful. Very uncomfortable.

After estimating the space and oxygen in the car, Yu Guanzhi secretly made a decision to leave the limited living space to him.

As the old saying goes, I would rather live in this world than be buried in the ground.

There is a great fear between life and death. When she first made the decision secretly, she was in great pain. But thinking that if the two of them died together, it would be better to give her beloved one more chance to be rescued, she felt less painful and instead felt a little relieved. , some relief.

And subconsciously, she felt that she should have died 7 years ago, and now that she has lived for 7 more years, she is very content.

With this thought in mind, she left the man's arms, sat up slowly, then found the Walkman she usually used to listen to music from her backpack, pressed the record button, and turned on the recording mode.

After the tape slowly rotated, Yu Guanzhi turned sideways, looked at him head-on, and asked softly: "Lu An, do you want to get out alive?"

Get out alive?

There is someone he loves most outside, who the hell doesn’t want to get out alive?

Lu An almost didn't think about it and said subconsciously: "Think!"

He never thought that Yu Guanzhi's next actions and words would make his expression change drastically.

I saw her resting her head on the back of the chair and saying softly: "Little man, strangle me to death."

Lu An was confused at first, and then became flustered and angry, "Sister Yu, what are you doing?"

Yu Guanzhi looked at him with eyes full of nostalgia and affection, pointing and hearing:

"You don't have much time. Listen to me. I recorded the audio. These are my last words. I am willing to die because I love you. You know, Wan Zhi loves you.

If you are saved afterwards, and this recording can prove it, my family will not hold you accountable, and I will not allow them to hold you accountable."

Hearing this, Lu An felt cold all over. He hurriedly sealed her mouth with his right hand and interrupted her, "Don't talk nonsense. I don't want you to die. We Ji people have our own destiny and will not die."

Do lucky people have their own destiny?

She had believed this to a certain extent before.

But in the past two days, she had worshiped all the Bodhisattvas in Nanyue Temple sincerely, but she still encountered such a rare disaster. How could she believe again?

Yu Guanzhi reached out and took away his right hand and said firmly, "Lu An, I am not afraid of death. I have lived for 29 years and that is enough.

But you are different. You are still young. You have the best painting talent in the world. Publicly and privately, for the country and the nation, and even for them and you personally, your life is more meaningful than mine. Now is not the time to argue about this. "

Seeing that he was trying to gag him again and didn't want him to continue talking, Yu Guanzhi simply hugged him and said in his ear:

"If people can live, who doesn't want to live? But we have no choice now. Do you know, before coming to Nanyue Hengshan, I have three wishes:

First, one day I can say to you personally: I love you.

But I didn't have the courage, so I changed my words when it came to my mouth, and I only dared to say "I like you". "

Hearing this, Lu An immediately remembered the night before going to Nanyue Temple, when she took the initiative to ask for a hug, and what she said before the two were intimate: Little man, I, I seem to love, seem to have fallen in love with you.

It turned out that she wanted to say the words "I love you" at that time, but she felt that the time was not right and she might be too shy to speak. She finally chose to retreat and used "I like you" to express her full affection.

Ignoring his thoughts, Yu Guanzhi continued: "The second wish is to regret not being able to be your woman, to be your real woman."

Her "real" refers to the true fusion of the two people, rather than being limited to just dawdling and being intimate with each other like before.

She murmured regretfully: "If I had known that this day would come, I wouldn't have stopped you and would have given myself to you earlier."

As he spoke, Yu Guanzhi gently kissed him cheek to cheek and expressed his third wish:

"Ever since I listened to "The Promise" that you wrote specifically for me, I have had an unrealistic dream. I want to one day be like the lyrics in "The wedding in the church is held to bless us both."

The reason why she, who is usually reserved and restrained, took the initiative to express these three wishes today was to tell herself, open her heart, and no longer have any regrets.

Seven years ago, others could die for love and for her; seven years later, she can too. She also fully felt the emotion and had no regrets.

Also say it to your loved ones. I hope he will remember me in the future and not forget himself so quickly as time goes by.

I even told my family.

If the family can hear it in the future, for the sake of these three wishes, they should not embarrass the little man anymore.

Lu An has lived for more than 60 years and is almost 70 years old. He considers himself a time-tested social person and an experienced veteran. But after hearing these words, he still couldn't help feeling sad and bursting into tears. It rains.

Ps: Please subscribe! Asking for a monthly ticket!

Guys, don't rush to find faults, the plot will unfold. Although March is a liberal arts student, he will still try his best to improve the logic in the next chapter.

Of course, if you still hate the character Yu Guanzhi, there’s nothing I can do about it.


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