My 1991

Chapter 529, compromise

After about two minutes, Meng Qingchi calmed down and walked out of the room, then gently closed the door.

Then she walked straight to the sofa, looked at the suitcase on the floor and asked, "Mom, are you going back today?"

Li Meng ignored her, stood up expressionlessly, picked up the suitcase and walked towards the corridor.

Seeing this, Meng Qingchi picked up the Audi car keys on the table and followed them downstairs.

For more than an hour, the mother and daughter did not exchange any words.

One is concentrating on driving, while the other is looking at the scenery outside the car.

This continued until they were about to get off the bus at the bus station, when Li Meng suddenly said, "Why did you do that last night? Are you angry with your mother?"

Meng Qingchi looked forward and said slowly, "Sooner or later, it will be given to Xiao An."

Li Meng turned around and glanced at her eldest daughter coldly, then asked: "Have safety measures been taken?"

Meng Qingchi shook his head, "I made an impromptu decision."

This "I" made Li Meng extremely sad, "At this point, you are still protecting him and taking the responsibility on yourself. If this continues, he will be lawless in the future."

Hearing what his mother meant, Meng Qingchi thought of that dream again. In the dream, Qingshui was his wife. If that were true, it seemed...

When her thoughts reached this point, she stopped and did not dare to think further.

Seeing her daughter's silence, Li Meng asked, "Have you ever thought about pregnancy?"

Meng Qingchi hummed.

Seeing that her daughter seemed to have thought about it, Li Meng opened her mouth, hesitated several times, and finally changed her words, "Park the car to the breakfast restaurant over there and have breakfast with mom."

"Okay." Meng Qingchi followed the instructions and drove over.

When getting off the car, Li Meng walked around the Audi car and sighed: "When Xiao An bought you both a car and a house, I should have thought that such a day would come."

In fact, she was not an afterthought. She started to have doubts at the beginning of last year, but she didn't expect it to develop so quickly. Lu An and her eldest daughter were completely together before they graduated.

She felt a little sorry for her little daughter, but there was nothing she could do.

When the situation has reached this point, Li Meng can no longer stand by Qing Shui. He just hopes that his youngest daughter and Lu An will not cause any more trouble.

Changshi people love rice noodles, and there are such rice noodles shops all over the streets. The two of them walked into a nearby rice noodle shop without choosing one in particular.

Halfway through eating the noodles, Li Meng asked: "What are your plans for the future?"

Meng Qingchi thought for a while and said, "Let's look at the situation first and try to finish school as soon as possible."

Li Meng glanced at her lower abdomen and was a little confused on whether to persuade his daughter to take the morning sickness medicine.

Meng Qingchi may have sensed his mother's thoughts and took the initiative to say, "Mom, don't worry about my relationship with Xiao An. I want to follow nature."


Li Meng sighed again. After understanding her daughter's thoughts, she finally had to say: "Mom will come to see you next month."

Why do you say next month? Mother and daughter knew it well.

For the next few minutes, the two of them didn't speak. They each finished eating their noodles. They had to pay separately when paying. Li Meng asked: "How many days will Xiao An stay this time?"

Meng Qingchi said: "Five days, but he can only stay in Changshi for two days. I will send him back to his hometown the night after tomorrow."

Li Meng asked: "What are you doing back home?"

Meng Qingchi said: "Xiao An has some stock investments in the United States. If he wants to go abroad, he needs the necessary materials for a visa."

What is Luan doing in the United States? Who to go with? Meng Qingchi had a guess, but didn't ask.

This is the tacit understanding between her and Yu Guanzhi.

Li Meng was curious, "He still has stock investments in the United States? How much is it?"

Meng Qingchi shook his head, "I'm not sure. I heard Xiao An talk about it. It seems that he invested in a lot of stocks. The total value should be no less than 40 million."

"40 million?" Li Meng said in surprise.

Meng Qingchi nodded.

Li Meng was shocked by the 40 million.

A supermarket that used to be worth 50 million now has so many stocks, so many paintings, and it is said that it even opened a clothing store in partnership with others, so its net worth must not be close to 100 million?

One hundred million?

What concept?

Li Meng was confused and his mind was empty. He could not imagine what a grand scene would look like if he saw 100 million in front of him.

But she knew one thing: if everyone in the Meng family added one yuan to their salary, they would not be able to earn so much in ten lifetimes.

Thinking of this, Li Meng glanced at his daughter's belly again, and was glad that he didn't say anything about asking his daughter to take morning sickness medicine just now.

Xiaoan has such a big career, and Qingchi is not too young, so what does it matter if he doesn't finish his studies?

Besides, with her uncle Li Long here, how could she not be able to complete her studies?

Li Meng was in a complicated mood. He actually had a son-in-law worth over 100 million? I even slapped him last night.

She glanced at her right hand, and at this moment, she felt that her hand was quite heavy.

However, Li Meng is a person who has seen the world. Although she cannot imagine a huge wealth of over 100 million, she is not a secular person who only pursues material things. As a mother, her two daughters are more important to her than anything else.


The horn of a passing car woke up Li Meng who was trapped in her own world. She came back to her senses and said: "Call me before you leave the day after tomorrow. Mom will prepare dinner and wait for you."


Meng Qingchi responded and personally put his mother on the long-distance bus before turning back.

Originally, she wanted to persuade her biological mother to stay for two more days, but she thought about Xiao An's presence and the unpleasantness between Xiao An and her old man, so she gave up her thoughts.

Li Meng and her daughter thought of going together. If there hadn't been a quarrel last night, and if her daughter hadn't had sex with Xiao An last night, she wouldn't be in a hurry to leave.

The reason why I left so quickly now was because I was a little angry.

Second, I don’t want to be a light bulb and make some time for my daughter and Xiao An.

After all, she has been here before, and her daughter who is new to human affairs will definitely be pestered by Xiao An endlessly. It is better to leave so as not to get in the way.

In fact, she was wrong. Meng Qingchi had no intention of accepting Lu An's advances in the short term.

The reason is simple: in the dream, she was pregnant with twins, a boy and a girl. She wanted to try it, should it work?

Lu An also knew this, so after last night, even though he still wanted it, he still put his mind to it.

In his opinion, if there is a first time, there will be a second time, and there will be countless times in the future.

Now that the most critical step has been taken, what's the rush?

There's really no rush, he can afford to wait, a month is just the same thing.

Back near Xiangya Hospital, Meng Qingchi sat quietly in the car for a while, then got out of the car after a minute or two and bought Xiao An a breakfast.

I bought shredded pork noodles with fried eggs, and a steaming cup of tofu curd with sugar.

When we got to the second floor, Lu An hadn't gotten up yet and was still sleeping.

Meng Qingchi stayed at the bedside for a while, and after seeing that he showed no signs of waking up, he quietly exited the room.

Then he tore off a note and wrote on it: Xiao An, sister has gone to the hospital. The teacher has an important surgery in the morning. I will go and do it and come back to accompany you in the afternoon.

Logically speaking, today is May Day, which is a legal holiday, but her teacher is a well-known veteran expert in the country. After an emergency consultation with a leader, she decided to perform surgery this morning.

So her vacation was automatically taken up for half a day.

When he went down to the first floor, Meng Qingchi said to Lu Qing, who was basking in the sun in the yard: "If he is still awake after 10 o'clock in the morning, please go upstairs and have a look."

Lu Qing nodded.

In fact, before 10 o'clock, when the hour hand just pointed to 9 o'clock, Lu An opened his eyes.

The first thing he did when he opened his eyes was to look for the person next to him, so of course he threw himself into the air, and then stared at the ceiling in a daze.

Even now, he still can't believe that Sister Qingchi gave him the first time last night. It really exceeded his expectations.

But as soon as the quilt was lifted, the bright roses on the sheets clearly revealed everything.

Last night's romance was real.

Sister Qingchi has truly become her own woman.

After staring at the red roses for a long time, Lu An still couldn't bear to cut them off, let alone wash them off, so he opened the curtains and let them dry through the glass window.

After doing all this, he was a little hungry, but the noodles on the table were already mushy, the soup was gone, and the taste was so bad that he couldn't eat it.

With no other choice, Lu An finished the fried eggs in two bites, then went downstairs with the note and found a nearby breakfast restaurant, where he had another bowl of noodles.

I have to go to work today. Being a doctor is really more tiring than a dog. Lu An looked across the street at Xiangya Hospital 200 meters away, feeling so disgusted.

However, when we were in Jinling, we agreed to cook three meals a day for Sister Qingchi during the May Day holiday, so we definitely couldn't break our promise.

So after breakfast, Lu An went to the nearby vegetable market and bought several bags of the vegetables they liked.

After 11 o'clock in the morning, he was busy in the kitchen when he received a call from Zhou Juan. When the call was answered, the voice on the other end was Jiang Wan.

Jiang Wan asked: "Lu An, where are you?"

Lu An asked back: "Zhou Juan didn't tell you?"

Jiang Wan glanced at Zhou Juan, who was covering her mouth and laughing, "She wanted me to ask you."

Lu An replied: "I'm in Changshi."

Jiang Wan was silent when he heard about Changshi, and then said: "Since you are in Changshi, forget it."

Lu An put down the vegetable shovel and asked, "What's wrong?"

Jiang Wan said: "The rent at the teacher's apartment is about to expire, and Ating doesn't want to renew the lease."

Luan asked, "When is it due?"

Jiang Wan said: "It expires the day after tomorrow. Today the landlord has consulted us in advance. Do we want to renew the lease? If not, we will rent it to someone else."

At this point, without waiting for his reply, she continued, "Actually, I hope to continue renting. It may be helpful to you and Ating in the future, but the landlord always charges half a year's rent, and I don't have that much."

Lu An understood what she meant, "Put on the voiceover and let Zhou Juan listen to the call."


Jiang Wan pressed the foreign key.

"Hello, my eldest brother, is the Great Wall fun? Is Meng Qingchi feeling soft?" Zhou Juan came over and started laughing without changing her character.

Lu An automatically filtered certain words and said to him, "Help me advance the rent and give you the money when I come back."


Zhou Juan said, "What are you renting for? If my sister-in-law finds out, she won't live there anymore."

Lu An was speechless, "Just say it was paid by Jiang Wan. Huang Ting will definitely give her half of it afterwards."

Zhou Juan asked, "Then Jiang Wan and I will eat double the money?"

Luan rolled his eyes, "It's up to you."

Zhou Juan replied, "Then it's settled. When will you come back? Brother, don't just care about the women outside. Sister-in-law Huang Ting also needs to be moisturized, otherwise it will get rusty easily."

Jiang Wan couldn't listen anymore, so she pressed the external voice button and said to Lu An: "I'm calling you today. The rent is not the main thing. Can you come back on the 6th?"

Lu An subconsciously asked, "What happened to No. 6?"

Jiang Wan said: "It's my birthday on the 6th. I'll treat you to dinner then. The time is scheduled to be in the evening. I'm the biggest that day. Ating will definitely not raise any objection. This is your chance."

After hearing this, Lu An immediately expressed his position, "I will come back in a hurry."

"Okay, then you can continue cooking. Meng Qingchi is so charming. I didn't expect you to cook in person." After that, Jiang Wan smiled and hung up the phone.

Lu An looked at Nokia, then at the spatula tumbling in the pot, and thought to himself, why is this girl Jiang Wan so weird today?

After lunch was ready, it was already past 11:40. Lu An packed the food and rushed to Xiangya Hospital.

When she arrived at the outpatient clinic, Sister Qingchi was not there. Her colleagues said there was an accident during the operation and they were still inside for rescue.

Lu An didn't expect that this female colleague would tell so many secrets, and was a little flattered.

But the next moment, the female colleague started gossiping and asked, "Are you Qingchi's boyfriend?"

Lu An raised his head: "Didn't Sister Qingchi tell you?"

The female colleague blinked and said, "Actually, we all know what your relationship is, but Qingchi never admits it directly, so I want to hear what you have to say."

Luan asked, "What do you want to hear?"

The female colleague tilted her head and asked, "Are you dating each other?"

Lu An nodded: "Yes."

The female colleague had a look of understanding, "I knew it, I knew it was like this. Qingchi refused the unit's party party last time, so we guessed that you must be dating someone."

Lu An smiled and said: "I thought you already knew it."

The female colleague nodded seriously, "We have guessed it a long time ago. Since you auctioned a sky-high price of 10 million yuan last year, almost all the doctors in Chang City have heard about you. Otherwise, Qingchi is so beautiful that no one would pursue her. ah."

Lu An didn't worry about whether other male doctors were harassing Sister Qingchi. First, Sister Qingchi had a very single-minded temperament.

Moreover, she lives in a small single-family building and drives an Audi. These conditions are enough to persuade a large number of people to leave. Who dares to harass her without opening their eyes?

Second, uncle Li Long is the most powerful person in the Department of Education. In this three-acre area of ​​Chang City, his words still carry a lot of weight. Even if education and medical care are not in the same field, when your rights reach a certain level, your social circle is actually only as big as your butt, and everyone will give you a face.

Precisely because of this hard relationship with her uncle, Sister Qingchi lived a carefree and unrestrained life in Xiangya Hospital in her previous life, and was extremely comfortable. Other intrigues and struggles for power could not affect her at all.

He was a celebrity and very rich. Regardless of whether they had anything to do or nothing, several doctors in the clinic came over to chat with him, and the time flew by.

At around 12:30, Meng Qingchi appeared in the office.

The two female colleagues asked one after another, "Qingchi, was the operation successful?"

Meng Qingchi had a relaxed expression on his face, "Yeah."

The female colleague said with envy: "I wish I had such a good teacher."

Meng Qingchi smiled, took off his white coat and walked straight to Lu An, "Xiao An, let's go home."

The female colleague joked: "Your husband has brought the food, so just come here to eat. Let us also have a taste of your husband's cooking."

As soon as these words came out, several people nearby cheered and agreed.

Seeing this, Meng Qingchi looked at Lu An with a smile and had no choice but to stop thinking about the world between the two of them. "His hands are used for drawing. I'm afraid that the food will not suit your taste. Don't dislike it later."

"Don't dislike it, don't dislike it." Several colleagues couldn't wait and gathered around.

Lu An's dish today focuses on seafood, with a dry pot duck and lettuce.

Do you even need to ask about the taste? It was so awesome that several colleagues praised Meng Qingchi for being lucky.

After the meal, a female colleague with whom I have the best relationship suddenly asked, "Qingchi, when are you planning to get married? Are you waiting for Mr. Lu to graduate?"

Meng Qingchi looked at Lu An with a smile again and did not give a clear answer. He just said, "If we get married, I will definitely notify you to eat wedding candies."

This is the first time she admits their relationship in front of outsiders.

If nothing else, the news will spread throughout Xiangya Hospital in less than half a day, and those male doctors who secretly have a crush on her will definitely be heartbroken.

But Lu An and Meng Qingchi don't care so much, what they want is this effect.

One is motivated by male chauvinism, and the other is seeking tranquility.

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