My 24-year-old Beautiful Boss

Chapter 340: If missed

Regarding Xiangshu, Xu Qingmo felt that Yue Lingsu said something reasonable, but how many cultures have been lost in China's 5,000-year history? I am afraid that Xiangshu is also one of them. Now there are people who will still have Xiangshu, and I am afraid that not one of the 100 people who claim to be Xiangshi will.

When I came to the door of the familiar courtyard, I could no longer see the huge locust trees that covered the entire courtyard.

Suddenly, Xu Qingmo frowned, and then looked at Yue Lingsu, Yue Lingsu also noticed, whispering: "Someone inside?"

Aunt Liu said that Xiao Ru had moved away. Why are there people in it?

Xu Qingmo and Yue Lingsu approached carefully. From the entrance of the courtyard, the door of the house was closed and did not look like someone, but both of them were martial arts and could detect someone in the house.

Inside, the door was closed, and terror was not the master of the house.

Xu Qingmo opened the gate of the courtyard, walked in with Yue Lingsu, then strode to the door and knocked on the door.


No response, Xu Qingmo knocked again.

This time, someone finally answered, "Who?"

The voice was rude, and it sounded like a man, or a loud voice.

"Who are you?" Xu Qing Mohan said with a face, this is also Xiao Rushi's home, at least the room upstairs is her boudoir, even if there were bad memories, but it is the place where she lives day and night, It was full of her breath.

And Xu Qingmo was unwilling to let other men enter her boudoir.

"Who am I? I am your fat man!" The rough voice was also impatient, and footsteps came to the door, suddenly opening the door, revealing a fat face.

"What the **** are you?" The fat man yelled when he saw Xu Qingmo.

Xu Qingmo said, "What the **** are you doing? Why are you here?"

"I'm here, what does it have to do with you?" The fat man said.

"Is this house you?"

The fat man stagnates, then yells, "It's not fat, is it yours?"


Xu Qingmo was in no mood to continue arguing with this fat man, suddenly kicked. One kicked to the fat man's belly.

The fat man responded quickly, and he was able to raise his hand in front of his belly in a single shot.

Xu Qingmo's foot fell on the belly of the fat man, and the fat man flew out and landed in the empty living room, but he was not injured.

This is also thanks to the fat man raising his hand to block that all at once, otherwise he would be unconscious now.

Xu Qingmo raised his eyebrows. Although this fat man could not martial arts, but his strength and speed are good. Among ordinary people, he can be a good fight, even if he is facing a warrior, he can have one or two moves.

Unfortunately, he was not an ordinary martial artist.

"Mr. Wu, brother, come out to fight. Someone has come to kick the ball!" The fat man is also clever. He used to quarrel with Xu Qingmo. Now he has eaten a kick and knows Xu Qingmo's power. A skilled donkey rolls and rolls to the side At the same time, his mouth was yelling, calling his companions.

Xu Qingmo prepared to continue to attack the fat man, but suddenly stopped on the way and turned to face the other side.

Here comes a master.

The door of a room over there opened and came out two people.

In front of him is a handsome little brother who looks harmless to humans and animals and can be ignored. Xu Qingmo's gaze is focused on the one behind.

This person is about the same size as the little brother in front, but it gives a dark and dark feeling. The long bangs cover his eyes, he wears a dark blue sweater, and there is a cloth-wrapped thing on the back. Like weapons.

It is this person that gives Xu Qingmo a masterful feeling. Xu Qingmo even feels that if he attacks the fat man by himself, if this guy sneaks in from the side, he will even hurt himself!

"Both are good." The handsome brother greeted Xu Qingmo and Yue Lingsu and nodded. He looked kind and hurried out a pack of cigarettes and handed them to Xu Qingmo.

Xu Qingmo waved his hand, reaching out without smiling, this handsome brother, he is not good at shooting again.

"My surname is Wu, a college student from Sands. This time I came to Jinling with my friends for a tour." The handsome brother explained actively, "But ... hehe, it wasn't a big deal in the last two days, so I didn't have the money to stay in the hotel. I just found that there is an empty house here. We were going to check out. After waiting a day without seeing the host, I later asked the surroundings and found out that the family had moved away. Only the empty house was left ... so ... "

"Mr. Wu, what are you talking about with this girl? He just acted on me. Let's go straight and kill this girl." The impatient man said impatiently, but he did not dare to come forward, but hid in the long Behind the little brother.

"Shut up!" Wu said to the fat man, and then said to Xu Qingmo, "I'm sorry, this is my classmate, Wang Fat, who behaves recklessly. I have offended a lot before. I apologize to him for you. Sorry. "

This classmate Wu is so low-profile, Xu Qingmo is not as angry as before, so he said, "This house is a friend of mine. I came here to take a look and cleaned her up. I didn't expect to see you."

"It turns out that you are a friend of the owner of the house." Student Wu surprised, and quickly bowed and apologized again.

"He said yes! I said this house is mine!" Wang Fatty yelled, and then he knew that he could not persuade Ms. Wu, and he said to the long-haired brother next to him, "Brother, you are terrific, you Take a shot and run them away, otherwise it would not delay us ... "

The little brother with long hair ignored him and ignored him. Wang Fatzi was so boring that he had to chuckle.

"You can live here," Xu Qingmo said.

"Really!" Wu was overjoyed.

"But you can't do anything else." Xu Qingmo looked into his eyes.

Student Wu froze, but it was only for an instant, and he quickly said, "Surely, we have no money now, and the flight tickets are booked for the day after tomorrow, so we can only stay here for a few days, and we will leave here the day after tomorrow. We must not disturb anything, and we will be exactly the same as when we came. "

Xu Qingmo nodded, then lifted her feet to the stairs.

"Ah," Wu said. "Excuse me, Your Excellency, you want to ... go up?"

"What?" Xu Qingmo turned around. "Can't I go up?"

"No, no, isn't this your friend's home?" Wu said.

"Yeah, I want to clean her up."

"No, no, let us do this kind of thing. Just as we borrowed the room rate here, we don't need to trouble you. This house has been unoccupied for a long time. There is a lot of dust and it will stain you. Clothes. "Wu classmates immediately.

"Okay, you clean it for me." Xu Qingmo nodded, and then went upstairs again.

"Ah, then you have to go upstairs?" Wu said again.

"Yes, can't it?" Xu Qingmo said.

"Yes, of course!" Wu and the two behind him looked at each other, but said nothing.

Xu Qingmo and Yue Lingsu looked at each other and went upstairs together. The three people below saw Xu Qingmo and upstairs. Then they hurriedly turned into the room that came out before.

"He's lying." Yue Lingsu whispered softly on the second floor.

"Huh." Xu Qingmo nodded, this Wu student was too incapable of speaking, and lying was not in the right look, even Yue Lingsu could see it, but it was also his innocent look, which didn't look so good. Like a bad guy, Xu Qingmo didn't take it off immediately. He was also a little curious. What are these three people doing in this room?

"They came to Huaimu too?" Yue Lingsu thought for a while.

Xu Qingmo shook his head: "Should not, Huai Mu is in the yard. When I first came in, I saw that there were no signs of turning in the yard. Their small movements should be done in the house. Could it be to make drugs? ? "

The look of the long-haired brother did look like he was smoking something special. Xu Qingmo now remembered the scene where the butler was hiding and refining the medicine. Perhaps these three people were doing the same thing as the butler.

"Anyway, we first need to find Huaimu." Xu Qingmo said.

"Yeah!" Yue Lingsu nodded anxiously, hearing that Huai Mu might be in the yard, she couldn't wait to check it out.

"You go first, I will come later." Xu Qingmo looked at a room on the second floor and said.

"Then I'll go down first." Yue Lingsu immediately went downstairs, and now she was full of millennium locust tree sprouts. She didn't bother to care about the ghosts of the three young people.

Xu Qingmo seemed to return to the original, followed the same footprint, step by step to the room, stretched out his hand and opened the door.

The furnishings in the room were left intact. As was the case, the three people did not turn all the rooms over. This is Xu Qingmo's tolerance for them.

Looking up at the window, as if the Yi people were still there, hitting the long skirt, their brows were sad, light, and light.

Xu Qingmo walked to the window and saw Yue Lingsu looking around in the large courtyard.

The mood she stood here at the time ... can she still appreciate it now?

What was her condition when she was ill and extremely weak, but left in a hurry?

Xu Qingmo's heart was full of reveries, and finally he got together again. Regarding Xiao Rushi, he had a kind of nostalgia and concern, but it was only a touch of light.

Suddenly, Xu Qingmo's gaze was fixed, staring at the desktop at hand.

There is an envelope on the table. When you take it, there is no writing on it, but you can feel it. There is letter paper in the envelope.

Is this ... Xiao Ru stayed?

Xu Qingmo quickly opened it and took a look. On a white stationery, the sad words described briefly ...

If there is no chance, there are three thousand and thousand worlds among the six, and millions of Bodhi beings, why show their smiles alone and meet you only?

If there is a fate, after three days of lanterns, three feet of snow and white hair overnight, then there is no speech, but only ashes, no rekindling?

Two lines of words, how much love? Xu Qingmo froze for a long time, speechless.

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

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