Geumodo (3)

A space filled with silence and silence.


At one point, the body of a man sitting cross-legged in the center slightly shook.

Then, the closed eyes slowly opened, and at the same time, a dazzling light exploded.

The light that colors the surrounding area for a moment and then is absorbed into a pair of eyes.

“…The connection has been lost.”

Immediately after that, a strange, indecipherable voice came from the man.

It was a heterogeneous voice that seemed to be a combination of ordinary and extraordinary, age and age.

“Is this… Kang Hwan-gye?”

The owner of that voice, Beoncheonhoeju, closed his eyes again and regained his senses, but nothing changed now.

The connection with the apostle who represented his divinity in the Ganghwan world was lost.

And that meant only one thing.

‘What happened? Now, there will be no one in the Kang Hwan Realm who can harm the Heavenly Demon.’

Of course, ascending to the status of a god was not something that could be achieved simply by being strong.

In the first place, a god was an entity that existed only when there were believers who worshiped him and devoted their faith to him.

In other words, it was as if the general manager of the colony that had been supplying faith had died unexpectedly, and all lines related to him had been blocked.

‘Tsk, it’s hard for something like this to happen in this situation.’

In response, Beoncheonhoeju, who had recently gone into hiding to repair the damage sustained in Outerica, clicked his tongue.

Who would have predicted that a being the size of a thousand demons would die so suddenly?

It was clear that something unexpected had happened.

‘···But I can’t move carelessly now.’

Crossing dimensions required a lot of effort.

In addition, another problem was that in order to revisit a world that had already been visited once, an additional investment of time and effort several times more than the previous one was required.

The god in charge of that world will never allow him to come and go as he pleases.

Considering the opportunity cost, it would have been much better to pioneer a new world.

“I guess my expectations were excessive. “I thought he was quite useful.”

In the end, Beoncheonhoeju just clicked his tongue and quietly closed his eyes again.

Losing an apostle in charge of one world was a fairly large loss, but this level of loss was well within expectations.

‘The most likely thing is the intervention of the remnants of the monster? I thought I did it right, but I guess I missed something. I’ll have to pay more attention next time.’

Beoncheonhoeju, who ignored the sudden change, sank into deep silence again.

I couldn’t even imagine that the culprit of this incident was caused by the gang that f*cked him up in Outerica.


“Um, uh… Gwangma?”

“ok? “What’s wrong, bro?”

“I’ll tell you again, I really don’t like it. It’s no joke, it’s our main means of survival. There is a saying that Kangjunchi, a tasteless fish, is actually considered a delicacy…”

“Oh, my goodness! That’s because I knew it. “Why is this guy so scared?”

“···Then, I hope you’ll stop craving it while looking at me…”



Harley then swallowed the drool that had flowed without realizing it and rubbed the corner of her mouth with her hand.

They were now leaving the vicinity of Yongzhong Mountain and moving to another place.

After finding out that the other person was a member of Geumodo, Harley formally requested a more intimate conversation, and the official who reported the fact to his superiors was given permission to bring him over.

‘In such a smooth situation, we can’t stop for nothing. Anyway, there will be an opportunity later.’

It was the first youkai I had seen in this world, so I was personally intrigued, but I really had no intention of harming him.

The body’s reaction just now is just a natural phenomenon resulting from the discovery of a new type of gene.

No matter how close Harley’s body was to perfection to the point of transcendence, it was something he could not help because it was an instinct imprinted at the foundation of his birth.

“Hmm, but if it’s a youkai, wouldn’t it be possible to regenerate it quickly even if a limb is cut off? “Big brother, I think you’re reacting too sensitively.”

“I don’t know what kind of environment you were in that made you think that way, but not all youkai have such abilities. Among them, I am more specialized in magic than in physical ability.”

“Ah, that’s a shame…”


“No, no. Come on, let’s go! Kahahahahaha!”


The power of monsters shrouded in mystery, Geumo Island.

The Mosan faction, which was the external window, was located in Jiangsu Province, at the eastern end facing the sea, but fortunately, there was no need for them to go there in person.

“Actually, it was created for those who are involved in external activities and need to show off to the public. “Almost all of the Taoists at the Mosan Sect’s headquarters are human, except for a few, and most of our monsters live elsewhere.”

With such a simple explanation, the place that Cheonggwan guided us to was a fairly large river nearby.

“Everyone has their own methods, but I’m most familiar with this one, perhaps because of my background. “Although it is very limited by the terrain, it is quite comfortable as long as you can find a waterway.”

After giving a rough explanation, Cheonggwan immediately took out various ritual tools from his backpack and laid them out. Then, he set up an altar on a flat area in front of the river, chanted a strange incantation, and immediately performed a ritual.

And as time passed, the water stream nearby began to slosh and move noisily.

‘This is spectacular. ···But what about that?’

Then at some point.

Harley, who was watching the ceremony with interest at the manifestation of a different method from Zhuge Sega’s technique, soon realized that something that was not originally there was reflected in the riverbed beyond the stream.

An unidentified hole had appeared there, illuminating a forest in a completely different place, not the scene where they were.

“···Phew, that’s it. Now you can go in there. Then, you can enter the fantasy world built on the other side of this world, the pride of our Geumo Island! In fact, it is unusual for a wandering monster to be granted permission to enter so quickly, but it seems that even those above are thinking positively about meeting Gwangma.”


Before I knew it, Cheong-gwan, who had put his luggage away again and came next to me, waved a small bell and spoke with a bright expression.

In fact, no matter what the process was, he didn’t feel too bad about going to his hometown like this.

“Okay, then let’s go… Ah!”

“Why are you doing this, Gwangma?”

“···No, I just remembered something I had completely forgotten.”

Harley paused for a moment, scratching the back of her head and licking her lips.

It was only through Hugo’s eyes at the Shaolin Temple that he saw the former Gwangma Mokin-gwang, who remained there, and realized that he had come all this way alone without giving him any advice.

“Well, it can’t be helped that it’s already happened! Let’s go first, bro! hahahaha!”

However, he soon brushed it off and confidently took a step forward.

Because the Shaolin Temple’s treatment of Mokin-gwang right now wasn’t that bad.

In fact, no matter how much he was a person who was always looked down upon, there was no way he would treat someone who rushed to help him in a difficult situation.

Even if it wasn’t my intention, it was true that it was a big help in the end.

In addition, since it was just after suffering serious damage, the Shaolin Temple would also want to hold on to a strong person of that level for as long as possible in case of an emergency.

‘So I guess I can come visit after this job is over.’

Anyway, the reason he followed me here was to get information.

Even if everything is completed, it probably won’t take that long.

With that, Harley followed Cheong-gwan, who jumped into the water shaking a metal bell, and stretched out his feet toward the hole in the riverbed.

Immediately after that, I realized that I was standing in the middle of a forest that felt somewhat dreamy.


“Crumbling—what is this? Is it a hybrid? Hey, what are you?”

I faced the passenger who was already there.

A gigantic youkai was standing right in front of me, looking down at me with my arms crossed.

“Hi! Do-do-ol, why are you here…?”

Perhaps the other person was a famous person in a bad way, but Cheong-gwan, who had crossed over to the world with Harley, became thoughtful and took a step back.

“Have I come to a place I can’t come to? And you there, are you dumb? Or are you frozen by the majesty of this body? “Crukkruk—!”

It is well over 5 meters tall, has a body like a tiger standing on two legs, a long tail, sharp teeth that are clearly exposed due to the lack of lips, a pair of molars like a wild boar sticking out between them, and even eye lights filled with a blazing ghostly fire.

A violent spirit began to creep in, along with an immense sense of intimidation that matched its ferocious appearance.

‘That’s amazing. Actually, there are monsters like this among youkai, so they must have been able to endure until now without collapsing.’

Although it cannot be compared to the Heavenly Demon, which was of a different rank among the Hyeongyeong, it seemed like it could roughly be compared to the swordsmanship of the Namgung family.

As Harley was inwardly admiring, Cheong-gwan, who had taken a step back, swallowed his saliva and cautiously stepped forward.

“Um, Mr. Dool over there? “This person is here as a guest of Blue Dragon…”

“Get out of here, fish. “Before I throw it away and eat it.”


But that courage did not last long.

Do-ol glared down with a low growling voice, and Cheong-gwan, breathless from the ghost fire in his eyes, stopped in place and opened his mouth.

Harley, who was certain that the other person had not simply come to meet her, took a step forward with a subtle smile on her lips.

“Wait a minute, that big fella there? “I’m asking this in advance just in case. Are you going to start a fight about this now?”

Still, the verification process was necessary just in case.

Wasn’t he now in a position where he had been invited into someone else’s territory?

Since we haven’t achieved our goal yet, we needed to adapt to their style first.

“Krukkruk, fight? well···. You can think of it as just a simple test. You can’t let someone you meet for the first time in without verification, right? A warrior’s values are proven through struggle.”

“aha! So, you mean hazing?”

“Hoo? Are you interested?”

“Kahahahaha—! of course!”

At their conversation, Cheong-gwan waved his arms in confusion, but he was no longer paying attention to the two monsters.

Amidst increasingly heightened speculation.

“Just my taste! “I really like that too!”

Just like that, Harley’s voice sounded happy, and the corner of his mouth split open, revealing jagged teeth.

A few drops of saliva that I had suppressed before coming here fell to the floor.

‘That guy looks like a physical person even at first glance—.’

Unlike the Qingguan, it has an extremely developed body and violent energy in every cell.

Harley was able to sense it instinctively.

‘That’ is the ultimate delicacy that cannot be tasted anywhere else.

‘—Just one bite… No, since it’s so big, you can take a few bites!’

The hunger I had been suppressing began to surge like a flood.


Dool was so bored recently that he was on the verge of going crazy.

When all the people who were like brothers died and he was left alone, he had no choice but to rely on Geumo-do for survival, and the problem was the prohibition he accepted.

Do not harm those who belong to Geumo Island first.

At first, it was a condition that he took lightly, but as time passed, Dool realized that it was not that simple.

For him, who was warlike from birth and loved conflict and fighting, every day he spent here was no different from prison.

I’ve been snooping around here and there, instigating other people’s fights, watching them, or even intentionally trying to get the other person to fight… once or twice.

In addition, Dool’s notoriety was so widespread that such a trick did not work well in the first place.

So, I was wondering if it would be better to just go out and fight until I die.

By pure coincidence, he was able to hear the news that a wandering monster had been permitted to enter Geumo Island.


In other words, one who does not belong to the Tao of Forbidden Way—one who escapes the object of prohibition.

From the moment he was permitted to enter this place, it meant that he was both a guest and very likely to belong to Geumo Island in the future, but Dool did not care about such trivial things at all.

Anyway, isn’t it certain that he is an outsider right now?

So he quickly ran to the entrance area and was soon able to face his target.

A man who gives off an unusual aura that makes me feel somewhat friendly.

When I saw him, my initial thoughts of tearing off a few limbs and eating them up changed slightly.

If that’s the case, it might not be a bad idea to beat him up a bit and then make him your subordinate.

Dool, who thought so, spoke kindly with great kindness for his part, and unlike his initial plan to start a fight, they were able to reach an amicable agreement.

Immediately after that something unexpected happened.

“Then let’s try the size first.”

As soon as those words ended.


His body, which was only about the size of his thighs, began to swell in an instant.

Beyond the waist, chest, and shoulder line, as well as the top of the head… to the point where you have to raise your head to see it.

“Oh, my. Is this too big? It’s been a while since I’ve done this, so I’m having a hard time controlling it! Kahahahahaha!”


A storm raged with laughter like thunder, shaking my son-in-law.

Dool raised his head, looked up, and opened his mouth blankly.

It wasn’t just big.

The density of muscles writhing like a separate living organism and the presence of energy blazing like an active volcano were pressing down on the entire area, forcing the vivid texture created in this way into my mind.


As things progressed to that point, a cool-headed thought suddenly passed through Dool’s mind.

‘Is this okay as is?’

…Of course, it wasn’t okay at all.

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