My Animation Era

Chapter 255: Dimension Studio (for subscription)

  Chapter 255 Dimension Studio (for subscription)

   "The progress is very good."

   Facing Gu Miao's question, Huang Kun said with great anticipation: "Unsurprisingly, "Olympus Fantasy" will be broadcast at the end of March."

   "I'm looking forward to it, looking forward to everyone's reaction after seeing "Olympus Fantasy", it must be very interesting?"

  Sports theme.

   Incorporating martial arts stunts!

  I think back to when the first animation of "Pigman" was broadcast, everyone was eagerly discussing "Ten Slaps to Subdue the Dragon", and then I thought of the "variety" martial arts stunts in the second season of the animation...


  It's exciting just thinking about it.

  Martial arts has always been the favorite of Chinese people, even though in recent years, more than once someone said "martial arts is dead". But it is obvious that martial arts are rooted in local culture, how can it be so easy to die?

   Not only can't die.

  In the new era, martial arts may have new vitality. After all, among the Chinese who are deeply influenced by martial arts culture, who doesn't have a "martial arts dream"?

  Gu Miao said that "Olympus Fantasy" is a "cool" animation, and she is not wrong at all.

  This is really a cool article!

  The kind that is cool from beginning to end.

  Seeing Pigman become a master of martial arts with the help of "Grandpa" confused teacher and "Gold Finger" super lollipop, the "martial arts feelings" in everyone's hearts were awakened at once.


  A martial arts master? !

   May I ask who never held a wooden stick, or a tree branch, and fantasized that he was a knight-errant who "walked the world with a sword" when he was young?

  GGBond has the epitome of many people's childhood "martial arts dream".

   Seeing him become a martial arts master, everyone has an inexplicable sense of participation. As if I am Pig Man, I have also become a master of martial arts.

"Not bad!"

  Gu Miao glanced at Huang Kun's work results, and nodded in satisfaction.

   Have to admit.

  Pigman's "Martial Arts 2008" is the Wanbao version of "Olympus Fantasy", which is indeed an insurmountable "milestone" work in the Pigman series of animations.

  This animation not only has bold and innovative themes, but also perfectly embodies the unrestrained imagination of the screenwriter.

   Looks great!

  The only shortcoming may be that it is limited by the production era, and at that time, the "3D" animation technology that was more advanced in China.

  So the 3D effect presented is not as amazing as the later works.

   But it's not a big deal.

  Gu Miao prepared enough banknotes, together with Jiang Keke and Ma Kui, desperately poached domestic 3D animation talents.

  The current "dimension" studio can already be called the top domestic and international first-class 3D animation studio.

  Under the premise of meeting the technical standards, Gu Miao is willing to spend money. The quality of the completion of Pigman's "Olympus Fantasy" is definitely beyond imagination.


  Many people have a "misunderstanding"!

  The domestic animation industry as a whole is stretched, so it is determined that domestic animation is not very good, whether it is technology or other things, in short, when it comes to "domestic", it is just two words: "No!"

   This is pure prejudice.

  In the field of 2D animation, domestic animation still has a long way to go. At least the basic skills are not solid enough, and it is difficult to settle down to do a good job in animation.

  But in the field of 3D animation, domestic technical strength is not bad, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is "top international".

Why do you say that?

  This has to talk about another industry, that is, the "CG special effects" industry.

  The domestic CG special effects industry has done quite well. The special effects of many Hollywood sci-fi blockbusters are basically outsourced to domestic teams.

  Affected by this, the domestic 3D animation production level is also improving rapidly, no worse than foreign countries, and even "leading".

   This is why…

  Domestic animation companies are not interested in 2D animation, so it is one of the reasons for them to get together and develop into 3D animation.

   Some people think it is "to save money"!

  This is a misunderstanding. If you want to do a good job in 3D animation, the cost is no worse than that of 2D animation. It can even be said that you will only spend more money.

  The reason why everyone prefers 3D and disregards 2D is largely because domestic animation is lacking too much in the 2D field, but it is the 3D field that achieves "curve overtaking".

   Make use of strengths and avoid weaknesses!

  Since I can’t compare to others in 2D, why should I stick to 2D animation? With this money to spend on 3D, isn't it good to play to your strengths?


  Here refers to the animation company that "thinks about making achievements". As for the animation company that produces "XX Story", it is purely a rat droppings that ruined a pot of soup.

  Dimension Studio.

   This is a 3D animation studio established by the original "Pigman" production team after Gu Miao's internal restructuring of Wanbao Animation.

  From the beginning of the reorganization, Gu Miao realized that Wanbao Animation was weak in the 3D field.

  So after Dimension Studio was established, he ordered Jiang Keke and Ma Kui to search for top domestic 3D animation talents as much as possible, enrich Dimension Studio, and improve Wanbao's 3D production level.

  He spends a lot of money...

   After all, poaching people has to pay a price. Otherwise, if they stayed well in the old company, why would they switch jobs and come to Wanbao?

   Burning money made Jiang Keke feel distressed.

   More than once, at the management meeting, Gu Miao was criticized by her name for "wasting money".

   But it was all worth it.

   After burning so much money and recruiting so many people, Dimension Studio finally has a certain scale and hard power.

   Pity, lack of fame...

  The five major studios under Wanbao Animation, Feiyang, Wolf Castle and Moshen Studio, are all "gods" in the outside world, attracting countless fans to pursue and pay attention.

   And dimension studio!

  Pigman is indeed well-known, but the 3D production level of the first season of Pigman is really "dog".

  So in the eyes of ordinary fans.

  Wanbao’s five major studios, and this Dimension Studio is not worthy of its name. Everyone is very good. How come you are pulling your hips?

   "This is a battle to prove Dimension Studio, its existence value and technical strength!"

At the meeting, Gu Miao said to Huang Kun and the production team: "I hope that everyone can cheer up and do their best to make the animation "Olympus Fantasy" well, so that the outside world can take a good look at the strength of Dimension Studio. "


  Everyone nodded in unison.

  Even if Mr. Gu doesn't say it, everyone understands this truth.

  Dimension Studio has been questioned for so long. From its establishment to the present, it really has no chance to show its strength. Everyone has long been holding a sigh of relief.

   Olympus Fantasy is a chance!

  As the first 3D animation work released after the establishment of Dimension Studio, it is also the second 3D animation produced by Wanbao Animation. It must win this "good start".

  For this...

  Everyone is full of confidence. After all, the quality of "Olympus Fantasy" is obvious to all. If this cannot conquer the audience, then what other work can conquer the audience?

   "Martial Arts 2008" I personally think it is the least controversial and one of the best-looking works in the Pigman series!



  (end of this chapter)

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