My Animation Era

Chapter 490: Those things about that rabbit that year (please subscribe)

  Chapter 490 What happened to that rabbit that year (subscription required)

  Gu Miao's new work, the animation "Yu-Gi-Oh: Duel Kingdom" is currently being broadcast on children's channels around the world.

   It's rare to be free.

  Without considering the production of "Yu-Gi-Oh: Duel City" for the time being, he began to think about one thing, that is, what should he shoot in the second half of this year?

  Because his wife is pregnant, her belly is getting bigger day by day, so Gu Miao has to take care of her.

  Therefore, particularly important feature-length animation projects, including animated films, will definitely not be able to be shot. Gu Miao had to wait for his wife to give birth before Gu Miao had the time and energy to shoot these feature-length projects.

   But it's not a problem to be idle all the time.

  Ko Ke is only five months pregnant, which is still too early to give birth. If he starts to behave badly now, wouldn't he be a vagrant for four months?

  Thinking about it.

  In four months, there are really not many animation projects that can be done, and they are all "short" animations.

  A dozen or so episodes.

   Among these short animation projects, Gu Miao thought of the "X" project that was "declined" by Hou Bin and rejected by the TV station.

  What happened to that rabbit that year!

  This project has been sitting in his drawer for a long time since the draft plan was drawn up.

  It is quite suitable for transition.

  Anyway, the length is short, and the first season will definitely be finished within four to five months. Coupled with the special nature and subject matter, Gu Miao was also very interested in it, so she decided to make this film.


  The decision is a decision, and the "production schedule" of any animation work must be considered carefully before it can be finalized.

  Even if Gu Miao is the boss of Wanbao, she cannot easily make an exception.

  In the production of the animation "Things About That Rabbit That Year", one of the first difficulties faced was the choice of broadcasting platform.

   TV stations do not need to consider.

  I have already asked Gu Miao of the TV station before, and it is very clear that the other party dare not take risks, purchase animations with the theme of "Things About That Rabbit That Year", and broadcast them on their own children's channel.

  So the only broadcasting platform that can be selected for animation is the major video websites.

  This is not a big problem.

  Wanbao has a self-built video website, and the traffic users are not bad, and it will be broadcast immediately when it is finished.

   Followed by script issues.

  The animation "Things About That Rabbit That Year" is different from other animations. Most of the stories told in this animation are "historical facts".

  Use the most relaxed and flat tone to tell the most unforgettable history of humiliation in modern times!

  This kind of plot cannot be written by any animation screenwriter in the company. I'm used to writing animation scripts for supply, so if they write this, I'm afraid there will be big problems.


   Zhou Zhou, who was recommended by Hou Bin to join Wanbao, was a TV screenwriter before, and his main masterpiece was a historical spy war drama.

  His joining can be regarded as a solution to Gu Miao's urgent need, and made up for the short version of Wanbao Animation's lack of "adult-oriented" animation screenwriters.

   So far!

  The two problems that have troubled Gu Miao for a long time and hindered the animation production team of "Things That Rabbit That Year" have been resolved.

   Animation can finally be produced.


  In August, the Chinese manga industry was still immersed in the frenzy of "playing cards" set off by "Yu-Gi-Oh."

  Due to the popularity of derivative card games, Wanbao has created eye-wateringly rich profits. A group of jealous colleagues are considering whether to follow suit and launch their own "card animation" to learn from Wanbao and make a fortune.

   And at this moment.

   Wanbao Animation's official Weibo quietly announced a new work directed by Gu Miao.

   "What happened to that rabbit that year?"

   "What kind of subject is this? Is the main character a rabbit?"

   "The style of the poster looks cute! It should be similar to "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf", a funny animation with animals as the main characters, right?"

   "Looking forward to ING..."

   As expected, Gu Miao's appeal is still amazing. Even if this is not the second season of "Yu-Gi-Oh" as everyone guessed, many people are still full of expectations.

  Of course, the rabbit has only released one promotional poster so far.

  With only one poster, it is difficult for everyone to guess what story this animation tells. I can only judge based on past experience, it should be similar to "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf", right?

   "Almost? Far from it!"

   Seeing netizens' misunderstanding about the rabbit, Gu Miao couldn't help shaking her head.

   With animals as the main characters, and this rabbit is really cute and cute, so some people think that it is normal for this to be a funny cartoon in the style of Pleasant Goat.

   It's a pity that everyone has been cheated!

  Although this rabbit looks cute and cute, it has the temperament of "funny animation protagonist", but it is not funny at all.

   Quite the opposite...

  This rabbit is an out-and-out "tear harvester".

   But if you misunderstand, just misunderstand.

  Anyway, after the animation is broadcast, everyone can understand how outrageous their guesses are.

   Gu Miao, who was discussing with Zhou Zhou about the plot arrangement of the first season, had no time to explain the truth to the fans. At this moment, his mind was full of one thing.

   "Is the plot going fast?"


  Zhou Zhou affirmed: "If it is produced according to the original plan, the plot of the first season will be too tight to be honest."

   This is his opinion.

  In the project, the plot of the first season of that rabbit, from the "flower planter" being shared and bullied by the powers, to the final love and death with Ying Jiang, only took 12 episodes.

  12 episodes is enough.

   To be honest, the history of about 30 years after 12 episodes is actually not that fast. However, according to the draft plan, each episode of animation is only seven or eight minutes long.

  Ah this...

  After Zhou Zhou said this, Gu Miao suddenly realized that this problem does exist.

  One episode is seven or eight minutes long, and after so many years of storytelling in just twelve episodes, it seems that it is indeed a bit "fast". The plot span between the previous episode and the next episode feels more outrageous than riding a rocket.

   "Then what do you mean?"

   "For each episode, determine a theme of the episode and make it into a unit drama. At the same time, extend the story line and strive for an episode of 15 minutes."

  Zhou Zhou spread his hands and said: "This standard is already very low. An episode of animation is less than 15 minutes, and the audience can't even make a bowl of noodles."

   That's true!

  Gu Miao nodded, agreed with Zhou Zhou's point of view, and decided to enrich the plot line as much as possible on the original basis, showing a little more details.

  This is like the fourth season?

   Gu Miao, who has watched the entire animation series of "Those Things That Rabbit That Year" including the extra episode, was quite impressed with the fourth season.

  The first three seasons of that rabbit, the time span is very large, and the story is very compact. In one episode, there may be many small branches.

  But in the fourth season, the rabbit changed the narrative style, and the timeline span was not so large. There are not as many storylines in one episode as there were in the first three seasons.

  Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

   Frankly speaking, this is definitely a good thing. Because from the fourth season, Natu's narrative style has changed, focusing more on storytelling and telling a detailed and complete story.

   Instead of the previous, piecemeal and chaotic story.

   Due to well-known reasons, this book will not discuss the story of the rabbit in detail, but at most talk about other aspects, I hope you understand...



  (end of this chapter)

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