My Animation Era

Chapter 506: Regardless of the construction period (seeking subscription)

  Chapter 506 Regardless of the construction period (seeking subscription)

  National Day is approaching.

  Shonan Children's Channel broadcasted the animation "Guobao Special Attack" and Jiangsu-Zhejiang Children's Channel broadcasted the animation "Qin Shi Mingyue". With the increase of episodes, the audience prospects are finally clear.

  Good news, Huang Kun didn't lose!

  Although "Qin Shi Mingyue" was so fierce that Huang Kun didn't sleep well for a week, and would be woken up by Gai Nie's sword in his dreams, but "Guobao Special Attack" did not disappoint him.

  The ratings finally stabilized.

   Now I have to mention the topic of the audience.

  The animation "Qin Shi Mingyue" is really popular, and it can be regarded as the top TV animation work of Chinese comics not produced by Wanbao in the past two years.

   But one thing is awkward.

  The audience of Qin Shimingyue is generally older than "Guobao Special Attack". In other words, Qin Shimingyue is more popular with older animation fans.

  As for this group of people, their interest in watching TV is really not very high.

  So, after the word-of-mouth explosion of the animation "Qin Shi Mingyue", although the ratings ushered in a round of surge, at first glance the momentum was very strong, but there was no follow-up.

  So Huang Kun didn't lose, and the ratings of the animation "Guobao Special Attack" still ranked first!

   But the bad news is...

   Although the ratings of Huang Kun and his "Guobao Special Attack" have stabilized, there is no harm if there is no comparison.

  Compared to "Qin Shimingyue", which has been honed for three years by Xuanji Animation, "Guobao Special Attack" is indeed very ordinary.

   Won, but didn't win?

  As an extremely rare "word-of-mouth work", while everyone praised "Qin Shi Mingyue", they also did not forget to single out Huang Kun and strongly spurred it.

  【Look at the pictures taken by others, this is called animation! Take a look at those jelly people of yours, it’s not fun to look at them... @黄坤]

  【Don't think about making progress, it's also 3D animation, how can someone else do it better than you? Think about it! @黄坤]

  【Xuanji Animation is a small company with a creative team of less than 50 people. It is understandable that there are some shortcomings. What is the scale and strength of Wanbao? 】

  【It’s not that "Guobao Special Attack" is not good-looking, but it’s not good enough, and there is still room for improvement...】

   Huang Kun is so aggrieved!

   Almost all fans and audiences on the Internet are clamoring for him to reflect and let him learn more from Xuanji animation. But he really doesn't know, what should he reflect on, and what should he learn?

  This nature is completely different!

  Although, as netizens said, Xuanji Animation has fewer people, and it is far inferior to Wanbao Animation in terms of funds and production strength.

  The animation "Qin Shimingyue: Hundred Steps Flying Sword" is a work that took them three years and nearly a thousand days to create!

   On the other hand, look at Wanbao.

  Although the scale is larger, the funds are more abundant and the production strength is stronger, but the construction period is also very tight. "Guobao Special Attack" is only a few months, how can it be compared like this?

  One side is three years, the other side is a few months...

  Although there is indeed a gap in the strength of the company, but the construction period is here, such a comparison is completely hooligan.

  If Huang Kun is given three years, he will guarantee that he can do it to the satisfaction of netizens and let everyone admire the amazing production strength of Wanbao Animation.

  But the problem is...

   What the **** is a commercial assembly line animation of hundreds of minutes, which took three years to finish and broadcast, Huang Kun is dying?

  Can Mr. Gu tolerate it?

  Shouldn’t you slash him twice, and then let him pack up and go back to his hometown to grow sweet potatoes?

  So the netizen's so-called statement that a small team of less than 50 people has an "equal share" in animation production strength with Wanbao is wrong from the very beginning.

   And it's so wrong!

   Putting aside the construction period to talk about strength, what is this nonsense? If you really have patience and confidence, it will be no wonder if an animation takes ten or eight years to become a masterpiece.


  Gu Miao had also heard of Huang Kun's feeling aggrieved and speechless.

   But he didn't comfort Huang Kun.

   Winner and loser!

  Audiences don’t know the time gap between the animation “Qin Shi Mingyue” and “Guobao Special Attack”.

  Instead of making excuses and justifying yourself, why not think about it, why can't you polish the work to perfection within a few months of construction?

   To put it bluntly, it is still a matter of strength.

  If Wanbao Animation is strong enough, what happened to the construction period of several months? The strength is strong enough, and it can produce effects that others can't achieve in a few years in a few months!

  At that time, would anyone still say such a thing?

  Shaking her head, Gu Miao turned her eyes to the computer screen instead of thinking about the trifles that happened between Huang Kun and "Guobao Special Attack".

  The rabbit is recording the dubbing.

  The dubbing actors led by Xu Yue are intensively recording the dubbing of the characters in the animation "Things That Rabbit That Year".

   This process is quite troublesome.

Do not misunderstand!

   It's not that the process is cumbersome, nor is it facing technical problems. The reason why dubbing is troublesome is that these voice actors are all deeply moved by the lines.

  Gu Miao asked the voice actors to put their emotions into it, and not to perform "great reading" like a dead person.

  After investing in emotion.

  These voice actors often have the situation where their voices are severely distorted and they choke slightly as they speak.

   Good guy!

   Let you get emotionally involved, I didn't let you get so invested! The dubbing was dubbed, and I was moved to tears. This was something Gu Miao never expected.

  The lines are too contagious.

   "The troubled times were like hemp that year, may you have a splendid time in the next life..."

   "Dear, let us work together to build a flower grower!"

  “Every rabbit has a dream of a great country.”

   "Honey, our apple tree can provide shade for the rabbits of flower growers!"

  The touching lines evolved from pale words to vivid voices under the emotional and intense performance of the voice actors.

  The recording work lasted for a long time.

  When most of the dubbing lines have been recorded, the only thing left to do is to splicing and synthesizing the sound source and the screen to give the animation a soul.

   This process is post-production.

  Although the main content of the animation "Those Things That Rabbit That Year" has not been completely finished, the post-production animation editing and synthesis work has already begun.

  Here is a cold knowledge!

  Post-production, although as the name suggests is a "post-production" process. But that doesn't mean you have to wait until the end to start.

  Take the modern factory assembly line as an example.

  The factory that produces snack biscuits has already made preparations for the production of "plastic packaging bags" before the snack biscuits are ready. It's impossible to wait until the snacks are ready before thinking about the bag issue, right?

   Animation production is the same.

  Although the post-production is a post-production process, there is no rule that all 12 episodes must be finished and then transferred to post-production?

   According to Gu Miao's work habits.

  He first makes one episode to start the post-production process, then starts the production of the next episode, and then transfers to post-production, so the cycle continues.

  So the dubbing work started very early, and now it's just the finishing stage.

   After careful study, you will find that most of the classic works of Guoman have a relatively long "construction period", and it takes a few years to sharpen their swords...Of course, it may also be a nonsense...



  (end of this chapter)

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