My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 113: Public and private

Wang Shuyue thought he was worried that he would not live in the small town at his age, patted the young man on the shoulder, and comforted:

"It's okay, don't be afraid, you are a teacher, and your cultivation base is so high, they will definitely convince you."

Sanxing didn't move, it seemed that he had made up his mind, clenched the sword in his hand, straightened his face, and said seriously:

"Uncle Master, when I enter the classroom, I am a teacher and you are a student. The three provinces have to call the name of Uncle Master directly, which is offensive."

Hearing this, Wang Shuyue was taken aback, she had never thought about it.

But soon she recovered and said softly: "This is a small matter, nothing, you reminded me, you are right, this is the special training base, you are now my teacher, how should I call it? and you?"

Wang Shuyue smiled and clasped her fists, looking sincerely asking for advice.

Seeing that she was not angry, Sanshen breathed a sigh of relief, looked down and thought for a while, and replied, "My name is Nangong, Shishu..."

"Hey!" Wang Shuyue hurriedly reminded him: "It is classmate Wang Shuyue, not Shishu."

Three provinces retorted in earnest, "Uncle Shi is Uncle Shi before entering the classroom. After entering the classroom, Uncle Shi will change me...Teacher Nangong."

Speaking of the word teacher, the young man was embarrassed for the first time. He looked at Wang Shuyue apologetically, for fear that she would feel too much.

Wang Shuyue's heart melted when the beautiful young man watched with his watery eyes wide open. Feeling that she was extremely guilty, she shook her head, ended the topic, and led the little teacher to the top of the mountain.

The scene in front of him suddenly changed, and the three provinces were taken aback. He didn't expect the base to actually prepare an outdoor classroom according to his proposal.

Containing the joy in his heart, Sanshen took a deep breath, stepped forward to miss Wang Shuyue in front of him, and walked towards the lawn.

In an instant, Wang Shuyue felt that the young man seemed to have changed. The first moment he was gentle and well-behaved, but the next moment he was as cold as the noble son of the family, walking like the wind, with cold eyes.

Silent sword intent flooded into the grass. The white swordsman stood still in the middle of the grass. When he raised his eyes, the members of the third squad who were still chatting calmed down and looked up at him.

The pitch-black plain sword was held in the young man's hand, and before it was out of its sheath, everyone could already feel the sharp edge of this sword, just like its owner, simply and neatly!

Wang Shuyue, who was rushing into the teleportation array, gave a wink, but Wang Shuyue, who was stunned, recovered and hurriedly returned to the team.

The crowd stood in two rows, feeling curious about the new young swordsmanship teacher, but also a little flustered. Because this new swordsmanship teacher is not easy to mess with at first sight!

Wang Shuyue felt that her previous worries were completely unnecessary, but at the moment, she was a little worried about whether she would be abused again.

However, Sanxing Xiaoguai is not Gu Ziming who doesn't know what Lianxiangxiyu is. He shouldn't treat her like this... right?

Wang Shuyue frantically winked at the white-clothed boy, however, the other party just glanced at her coldly and warningly, signaled her to settle down, and then continued to introduce herself intently.

Wang Shuyue's fiery heart immediately cooled down, the secret path pill!

The small pool under the waterfall was filled with swords, and the three provinces asked everyone to choose a sword.

Everyone obediently followed suit, but the strange thing was that it was easy for someone to draw a sword, but it was very difficult for someone to draw a sword.

After discovering that drawing a sword is not easy, everyone felt that Wang Shuyue and Ou Keqin, the two most powerful people, would be easy to draw a sword.

Unexpectedly, sometimes fate has nothing to do with strength. The two of them tried hard to pull twice without success.

Wang Shuyue still didn't believe in this evil, she sat down with her hands and feet together, "bang", the sword was pulled out, and the person fell into the water and drank a big sip of the pool water.

But after all he drew the sword out.

Wang Shuyue happily got up from the pool with a sword, wiped the water on his face, and opened his eyes to see Sanshen standing in front of her expressionlessly.

She clearly saw the young man's hand hanging under his wide sleeves holding the corner of the handkerchief.

But not wanting, the young man suddenly retracted his handkerchief, and then took her hand, lifted her up from the pool, and put it on the grass beside it.

After that, he continued to stand on the side of the pool with his hand held down, watching Okeqin and the sword in the water tug-of-war, from beginning to end, without a glance at her.

Wang Shuyue was standing on the grass covered with water, looking at the white-clothed young man in front of him, and at the long sword in his hand that seemed to be mocking herself, "slap" as if he heard the sound of heartbreak.

Gan! Go back and clean up this little bastard!

She shook her fist viciously at the back of the three provinces, and Wang Shuyue waved her hand to set herself a dry technique, steamed the water, and returned to the team.

It could also be that her faintly resentful eyes were too hot. The young man in the pool looked back, frowning, but quickly turned around, shook his head helplessly, and walked off in person, easily drew the sword in Okeqin's hand. come out.

Okeqin gratefully paid a military salute to the little teacher before returning to the team with a sword.

Three provinces let everyone stand separately, he will teach everyone basic sword skills.

Now the students are all refined, knowing that no matter what happens, as long as they are next to the basic two words, that is the constant repetition, and immediately their enthusiasm for swordsmanship has been reduced by more than half.

However, when he saw Sanshen dressed in white, with a sword walking like a snake's chic posture, his languid mood was immediately mobilized.

I saw that Qinggui boy held the sword in one hand, pinched the tactics in the other hand, and threw the spirit sword out, the sword immediately became bigger and floated in the air.

He touched the ground with his toes, flew up, walked with his sword, and went straight for nine days!

In an instant, it seemed that he had really become an immortal, evolving away from the immortal.

Seeing that little white light disappeared from the sight, and then whizzed down the sword and came, Wang Shuyue and the others raised their necks one by one, staring dumbfounded.

A flying seed was planted deeply in my heart, waiting for the right time to break through the soil and bloom.

The three provinces are almost closed the sword, stood with one hand, and said loudly:

"You don't need to envy me. Before the aura recovers, the cultivator will only be able to fly with the sword if he breaks through to the realm of foundation building."

"And you are luckier than me. The new flying sword is under development and has taken shape. You can control the flying sword and realize the dream of flying in a few months."

"But..." After a turn of the conversation in the three provinces, he added: "With the help of foreign objects, you can't move freely at the end. I hope you can rely on your own strength to move with the sword!"

Of course the students also understand this truth. Where does the machine have its own flying sword? You still have to practice hard and become a little teacher. That's really handsome.

Seeing that everyone understands this truth, Sanxing was relieved, picked up the sword again, rehearsed the basic moves, and officially began to teach swordsmanship.

At the beginning, everyone was very interested, with the dream of flying with swords in their arms, and they were very interested.

But soon, he was tortured by the constant revision and repetition of basic sword tricks.

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