My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 126: Big bird


Wang Shuyue yelled, and hurriedly rolled away the scorching flames.

The dense trees blocked the collision of the giant bird. It missed a hit and quickly turned its direction and flew straight out of the woods. Its green eyes stared at the three embarrassed figures in the forest. It opened its mouth and sprayed a fireball like raindrops to stop it. The way for the three of them.

"Are you all right?" Wang Shuyue asked loudly, hiding behind the tree trunk.

The other two responded from the left and right, and they were all right.

But before Wang Shuyue breathed a sigh of relief, the giant bird in the sky suddenly rolled up its wings, spun down and rushed down, spreading its broad arms in the woods with a "wow", the wind and sand rolled up, and Wang Shuyue, who was about to stand up, fell to the ground. .

When the giant bird saw this, a flash of excitement flashed in his green eyes, stretched out his paw, and grabbed it at Wang Shuyue.

Looking at the sharp claws like iron hooks, Wang Shuyue's heart shrank sharply, raised the spear knife in her hand, and fired a "bang" shot!

The huge gunshots shocked the giant bird, startled it, and the outstretched claws shrank sharply. Wang Shuyue stood up and came to Mo Xiaoyan's side.

At the same time, the two raised their guns and swords in their hands, and fired a few more shots. They heard the angry scream of the giant bird and thought they had hit it.

Unexpectedly, the bullet only left a few white marks on the hard feathers of the giant bird, and could not penetrate its defenses at all.

"Isn't this bird already built for foundation repairs, right?" Mo Xiaoyan exclaimed.

Wang Shuyue frowned and said: "The bullet can't penetrate its defenses, even if it doesn't build a foundation, it will be difficult to deal with."

At this time, the giant bird flew into the air again, and Wang Yu found a space, and hurried over to join Wang Shuyue.

The surrounding fire blazed into the sky, and the three of them were already surrounded by flames. If they stayed, the giant bird didn't rush down and pecked them to death, and they would also be burned to death.

But the previous shots had obviously angered the giant bird, and before the three of them were ready, it launched another attack.

A fire like a torrential rain fell from the sky and ignited when touched.

Wang Shuyue quickly raised her hand and let it out, and the heavy rain poured down, crashing and extinguishing the falling fire.

When Wang Yu lifted his big palm, a golden bow phantom appeared in his palm, the bowstring was fully stretched, and a golden arrow condensed with spiritual power was shot out!

Only a "poof" was heard, followed by the angry roar of the giant bird. Wang Shuyue took a closer look. The giant bird was hit in the abdomen and blood flowed out.

Finding the right weakness, Wang Yu made persistent efforts and shot three arrows in a row.

Unexpectedly, this time the giant bird had been prepared for a long time, flapping its wings to wrap itself up, and directly bounced the arrow back.

If it weren't for Mo Xiaoyan's quick reaction, and hurriedly pulled Wang Yu away, he was almost shot dead by the arrow he shot.

The giant bird swooped down again, and its hard wings cut off the trees in the air by half. The three of them gasped in shock.

The bird was teasing them before the relationship!

Wang Shuyue formed a vine net and threw it into the air, and the giant bird smashed the net into pieces.

Wang Shuyue shouted: "Run!"

Mo Xiaoyan and Wang Yu saw, Ma, the giant bird was about to break out, so they ran away.

Wang Shuyue cast a spell to condense a water dragon, and led the two of them to rush out of the wall of fire, while casting a trap to block the speed of the giant bird, while running wildly.

Mo Xiaoyan ran fast, and suddenly surpassed the two of them far away, and found that his teammates hadn't kept up, stopped hurriedly, cast a spell to throw a large blade of wind, and cut the trunk.

The fallen branches fell to the giant bird, and it paused, followed by an even more violent sweep of its wings. Towering trees fell to the ground, but Wang Yu was cut off.

Wang Shuyue crossed the tree trunk and turned her head, her teammates disappeared, she hurriedly turned back, and saw the giant bird with a big mouth, "hula" spouting a fire dragon, spraying towards Wang Yu who was trapped in the middle of the tree trunk.

The pupils shrank sharply, condensing spiritual power, and quickly put a golden mask on Wang Yu's body.

The fire hit, and the dim forest was all red. Wang Yu watched the flame rush to him, his heart missed half a beat.

With the idea of ​​dying together, he raised the gun and knife in his hand and fired it. By accident, it hit the giant bird's abdomen and shot it down.

Wang Yu only reacted at this time, and his body was covered with a golden protective barrier.

While Wang Shuyue asked Mo Xiaoyan to use the communicator to call someone, she rushed towards Wang Yu, pulled him up, and after hiding in the huge tree trunk, she watched vigilantly at the giant emerald bird fluttering on the ground.

Mo Xiaoyan rushed over and raised her hand to make a cut. Wang Shuyue hurriedly stopped her movement, "Don't touch it now!"


Mo Xiaoyan asked while pulling the trigger, obviously not stopping Wang Shuyue's drinking all over his head.

Wang Shuyue didn't know, but her instinct told her that it was best not to do this.

Seeing Mo Xiaoyan fired his guns, Wang Shuyue didn't say anything.

The shot hit the left eye of the giant bird, and its long neck suddenly raised, and then the green eyes flashed red. At that moment, the bad premonition in Wang Shuyue's heart was very strong.

Mo Xiaoyan and Wang Yu didn't notice anything. They clearly felt that the giant bird's breath had weakened. They guessed that maybe the shot hit the giant bird's brain from the eye, and it was almost finished.


A sorrowful cry suddenly came from the mouth of the giant bird, and an invisible sound wave swept across this area at a very fast speed.

Wang Shuyue and the three people who were still guessing whether the giant bird was going to die, only felt that their ears suddenly became deaf, and then, the vegetation in front of them all turned into powder, like a wave, centered on the giant bird, and moved around. diffusion.

In the blink of an eye, I arrived in front of the three!

At this moment, the ominous premonition in Wang Shuyue's heart reached its peak. She couldn't even remember what she was doing at this moment. She only knew that when she reacted, the two companions beside her had arrived. Inside her golden light cover.

And she herself, trembling violently, only felt that the sea of ​​consciousness was crushed repeatedly by a big stone, every nerve was clamoring, it hurts!

The golden mask flickered, "pop", like a balloon, it broke.

Looking ahead, the giant bird suddenly rose into the air, and with its sharp claws, it was about to scratch the chests of her two companions.

Wang Shuyue immediately bent down to pick up the spear knife that fell on the ground, and squeezed the trigger against the red eyes.

"Bang bang bang" three shots, the trigger could no longer be pulled down, after the bullet was hit, the sharp claws of the giant bird also withdrew from the two companions.

The scarlet narrow eyes stared at Wang Shuyue, as if angered to the extreme, one wing fanned the gun in her hand, and the sharp feathers were like a knife, instantly splitting the combat uniform on Wang Shuyue's arm, with two claws and one gripping. She flew out of the jungle.

The communicator that had been tied to her arm loosened and fell. Wang Shuyue was about to use the winding technique to fish. She didn't expect that when she started this idea, Shihai shook violently, causing her eyes to split, and she almost fainted.

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