My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 135: Light burst

   Chapter 135

   "Yes, Feng Shui takes turns, this time it's our turn to recover some loss." Wu Xi said excitedly with her arms akimbo.

  However, anyone with a discerning eye can see the formation outside the flag insertion point. As long as you walk in, the formation is open, and whether you can get close to the flag insertion point, it’s hard to say.

  Bai Qingfeng blinked at me, Shu Yue, and urged: "You go, you go?"

  Wang Shuyue looked at the classmates who had attended the formation class with him, one or two frowned.

  Teacher    most often teaches the formation of formations, but they are not as good as Wang Shuyue, who likes to break formations.

  Wang Shuyue remembered that Okeqin was also learning to break the formation, and turned to ask him: "You try first?"

  Okqin saw through Wang Shuyue's careful thoughts at a glance, frowned and asked: "You want me to try it out for you?"

  Wang Shuyue nodded honestly when he saw that he was straightforward, "Go and open the formation, so I can know what formation it is."

  Bai Qingfeng also looked over, his eyes were impatient, and he motioned to him that a big man was numb, don’t fix these chirping things!

  Okqin felt the impatient gaze. He only felt that his throat was blocked and his heart was stuffy. It was so uncomfortable that he wanted to blow Wang Shuyue's dog's head.

  Wang Shuyue narrowed her eyes, “It’s almost dark if you don’t go, can you hurry up, squad leader?”

  Okqin took a deep breath, turned around and pulled out the spear knife, and rushed directly into the formation.

  In the blink of an eye, his figure disappeared.

   "Where is the monitor?" Zhang Yang asked nervously.

  Bai Qingfeng raised his hand to signal him to stop making noise, and looked at Wang Shuyue to signal her to stop hiding.

  Wang Shuyue explained: "This is a phantom array. I have to take some time. Let's sit there and wait for me."

   After that, he followed Okeqin's footsteps, stepped into the formation, and disappeared in front of everyone.

  No one knows that Wang Shuyue has a magical ability to improve eyesight in addition to running fast. After these days of continuous training, Wang Shuyue has already seen part of the role of eyesight.

  A general type of sleepy formation can hardly affect her.

  Okqin rushed in front to provide him with distinguishing information. Soon, Wang Shuyue found the vitality of the formation, and appeared in front of the container with a dazzling eye.

   "Wow, so fast!" Zhang Yang exclaimed.

   Bai Qingfeng saw that the formation was unbreakable, but he walked out, and he immediately shook his heart.

Sure enough, as soon as I looked up, I saw Wang Shuyue took off the black flag and replaced it with a small green flag.

  There are eight flag-arranging points occupied by the third shift.

   "Wang Shuyue!" Bai Qingfeng called her coldly.

  Wang Shuyue turned her head and said with a sincere smile: “The next one is your class, let’s not say we’re going to have one person.”

  The first team members heard the words, and suddenly became unhappy.

   Ten thousand times, there is still a formation in front of the flag, or she walks over by herself, and the formation is not broken?

  Whether the flag is red or green is she in charge?

   Bai Qingfeng looked at the expressions of these players and knew what they were thinking.

  Although she was very upset when facing Wang Shuyue's provocative behavior, she knew what kind of person this woman was.

   Turned around and warned the first team members in a cold voice: "Take away your careful thoughts. We are now a team. There is no trust in this. It is better to disband in place."


  The idiot was disbanded, and there was Wang Shuyue's existence like a BUG that broke the formation, who was separated from her who was silly.

  While speaking, Wang Huyue pulled the unhappy Ou Keqin out of the formation.

  "This formation doesn't need to be broken. Let's find the next flag-planting spot to rest at night."

  Wang Shuyue finished saying this, turned around and the same group of team members who were responsible for holding the storage bag asked for a formation, then turned back and changed the formation a little.

  She promised that the people in black would be trapped in the formation when they came back, unable to move their flags.

  Waiting for Wang Shuyue to get it right, the group set off again and found a brand new container in the swamp nearby.

  There is a powerful big lizard entrenched by the swamp, but fortunately, Wang Shuyue and others are crowded. You can shoot a bullet with one spell, and the big lizard is sudden.

  The new flag-planting point, whoever grabs it, solved the threat of the big lizard, and the members of the two classes immediately rushed to the flag-planting point.

  Ou Keqin and Bai Qingfeng, the two squad leaders, stopped on the shore wittily and did not make a move.

  But Wang Shuyue didn't have a gun to set the flag. She was afraid that the third class would win another one, and the first class would be resentful, so she turned her head and plunged into the container. Before everyone had reacted, she took away most of the supplies inside.

  All she took were light things, but these things happened to be the most important medicines and elixirs.

When the group of people recovered from the joy of grabbing the flag-planting spot, Wang Shuyue had already stuffed all the materials he grabbed into Liu Long's storage bag, and sat contentedly by the fire to eat canned food.

  A team member: Wang Shuyue, you are a real dog!

  Wang Shuyue didn’t worry about these whispers at all, smiled and took a spoonful of mashed meat to Bai Qingfeng, “This tastes super good, let me give you a taste.”

  Bai Qingfeng looked at the food grabbed by the spoon Wang Shuyue in front of him, raised his eyes and glanced at her. Seeing that she didn't mean to show off on purpose, the corners of her mouth hooked extremely shallowly and swallowed.

  O Keqin, who was about to hand over the rare canned meat, froze in the air.

  Okqin: "."

  He hates it! !

  At night, there are a lot of people, so you don’t have to worry too much about safety issues. A few people in a shift take turns to watch out, and everyone sets up tents to rest in the camp.

  Although the women of Team Little are tough and tough, the men will leave more comfortable containers to the women every time.

  Class 1 and Class 2, there are a total of eight girls in the container.

  In a rare and relaxing moment, Wu Xi and other girls chatted with the men outside.

  Before the chat, I glanced at Bai Qingfeng and looked at Okeqin who was sitting outside the tent to watch the night. Everyone smiled ambiguously.

   "Wu Xi, do you think your monitor has a unique taste?"

  Hearing this, Wang Shuyue, who closed her eyes and adjusted her breath, rolled her eyes, gently opened half of her eyes, and rolled her eyes to her side.

  The woman with a cold face was unmoved, she was already in concentration.

  Wang Shuyue saw this, and remembered the fear of being chased by Bai Qingfeng. She lowered her mind and concentrated on running the exercises.

  However, the conversation of the girls insisted on digging into her ears.

  Wu Xi whispered: "I think it's normal, but it's Mu Qiang."

  A class of girls: "Isn't it a woman who wants to be strong?"

  Wu Xi retorted: "Who said that men are not allowed? This is the 21st century. Why are you still the pedantic thinking of men and women? Equality between men and women can be strong."

  A class of girls: "Yes, you are right! By the way, can you say that you can fall in love in the base?"

  As soon as this topic was picked up, a few girls at UU reading suddenly became excited.

  Wang Shuyue is not interested in this topic, the noise in her ears no longer penetrates her ears.

  However, just as she was about to enter the time, a panic suddenly sounded next to her: "Ah! It's gone!"

  There was also a commotion outside the container. Wang Shuyue only felt that the communicator on her arm buzzed and vibrated, and she was instantly awake.

  Looking at the communicator, the flag-planting points occupied by the various teams of the special forces went off one after another, and more than twenty successively, at an astonishing speed.

  Also, other teams’ abstention and elimination notifications also sounded one after another at this time.

  Even if they were not there, Wang Shuyue and others could imagine the tragedy of our special team.

   "It's the people in black!" Bai Qingfeng said affirmatively, and his eyes were full of cold colors.

  Okqin rushed in, "This must be revenge. Once the flag-planting points are occupied by them, the game is over!"

  Wang Shuyue whispered in shock: "Who are they?"

  (End of this chapter)

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